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Everything posted by dccd

  1. Thanks for taking the time to take pictures... I wish my experiences at OTTO were exciting enough to photograph... dc
  2. In speaking with my roommate, he just described another one ... When getting a really fresh baguette, they make the long slices on top to aerate it, and allow for expansion... When done correctly, there is a strip produced from the slicing, separated from loaf, just hanging on. After it is baked, this piece not only has the wonderful crunch of good crust and sweet and nutty flavor to boot, but it is also a reassurance - of carefully crafted cooking. I love it...
  3. I'd agree that Best Bits don't exist in a vacuum, but does their specialness reside in contrast -- with, it's to be assumed, less stratospherically delicious stuff -- or in their specialness, in their conferring on the eater a sense of having gotten something the other eaters are missing out on? I agree with you ... the best bits are the usually missed bits, as you write, "their specialness ... like: the rice at the bottom of the paella pan (I know it has a name, it is escaping me now) ... when you are caught eating this - well y'all know!! on a roasted bird, of course the oyster, but also the sweet meat found beneath the wishbone ... every carver misses it, I love to sneak in after dinner is done and savor that hidden jewel ... and of course, the salty crust of an expertly cooked roast, especially prime rib - that fat/salt texture/flavor is hard to beat... Delish dc
  4. mark my roommate and I down for another 150 or so... (by the by, if you were to include periodicals...it would be outrageous, I imagine)
  5. Just read this article... This quote from the article is completely indicative of why the people in the restaurant business think poorly of RocD: " Is there something wrong with selling out?” asks DiSpirito. “Every chef is looking to cash in on his brand and notoriety. I don’t have a brand like Martha, but negative press certainly affects it. Sure, we got letters saying ‘You were so mean on the show.’ It bothers me. I want to be loved just like everybody else, but people should judge my products on their merits and not figure out what is right for me. Put me next to any chef, any time, and I’LL BE BETTER THAN THEM. I can cook." This is the arrogance that has lost him the respect in our community.
  6. As a person who works in the food industry, it really bothers me to read the sometimes total disregard that is prevalent among these forums...especially the 11 pages of this one I know first-hand that these people at Per Se are first-rate and are absolutely itching to get back to the restaurant, open, and work hard for people like all of you...I know that as far as leaving messages, were they to leave you a message, you would be totally unable to speak to a person upon yourreturn call...They have been constantly on the phone...so they have been making repeated attempts to reach people first hand, rather than leaving messages... Please understand that you are the diners, this is a restaurant, and they want to impress you...I am certain that they want to impress you above and beyond your expectations...These chefs, cooks, dishwashers, servers and such are PEOPLE who have been inspired by something, the owners, the atmosphere, whatever ... to exceed your previous experiences... Give them a break, there are approximately 20,000 restaurants in New York City. Enjoy those in the mean time and when your reservation is fulfilled, and I am certain that it will, then have your experience, and then write in and make your observations... P.S. Imagine life before caller I.D. Thank you...
  7. dccd

    Spice Market

    Is he somehow involved in Spice Market? ha ha har hardy har har. yes, he is involved...as a matter of fact, I met him when I ate there...apparently, he is very close friends with Jean-Georges and has collaborated, in some part, on many of Jean-Georges projects... Dccd
  8. dccd

    Eating in Dallas

    You should definitely check out Abacus...Very romantic, a little trendy chic, but then again so are Babbo and Craft...My fiance and I have been a few times and the food was excellent...I love the lobster shooters...(taste better than they sound, I think they are one of his signatures, kind of like Kellers salmon coronets.) Enjoy dccd
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