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Posts posted by handmc

  1. I was in Han Dynasty the other super wet rainy day to pick up a few staples,spicy beef soup, spicy dumpling and dan, dan min when the owner told me that they will be running some special dishes around the Chinese New Year. He said that the Chinese New Year is February 14th.

    Just a head's up for all the fans.

    I unfortunately will be stuck in Knoxville Tn, no Han Dynasty for me on the 14th. :sad:

    edited becuase I cannot spell. dyslexics Untie!

  2. I truly enjoyed this program. Usual snarkyness but what I really liked was his cooking segment.

    Get Tony to PBS! I bet he would do a kick ass show, funny, great tips, good looking food. If his travel show ever dries up he has something he can fall back on. It was like watching his cook book come to life.

  3. Another T Day.

    I was given a Williams-Sonoma brine and was expected to use it. I did, I shouldn't have. The turkey came out fine but flavor - Feh. I won't make that mistake again.

    When I asked my M-I-L to make her sweet potatos that somehow turned into her telling my B-I-L that I thought his sweet potato cassarole sucked. The famous Yazmen Bleath recipe, no I am not kidding, and yes it does suck.

    So passive agressive dishes behind us, dinner otherwise went per usual the same drill over and over again.

    Some find that comforting, I find it tedious. I use to try to mix up the apps and soup but after a while I gave up on that.

    My bold strokes this year, some decent cheese and salumi from Dean and Deluca and I made Pecan pie because I cannot eat another piece of pumpkin can again. I tried but was not permitted to work in a pasta course, sigh.

    I puchased a wild boar leg and a fresh pork belly for dinner the next day, just to keep things new, but no Leftovers it was and my treats will clearly be for a differnt crowd.

    I found a couple of decent new wines and a bottle of single barrel 126 proof Booker's Bourbon - the day was not a total loss.

    I get the whole tradition thing, but come on already. My mom used to switch up the pies or the stuffing or the veg courses just to keep it interesting. It is a shame she and my pop are dead, it was always a good meal but the little changes every year were a nice surprise that made us look forward not only to the traditional but also that little surprise that kept things interesting. 15 years of the same drill, yawn.

  4. As for the writing, it was interesting, there was just not a whole lot of it.

    The pictures were beautiful.

    I don't regret buying it. I might take a harder look at future books to determine whether the content was worth the price. It does provide some additional content so when you catch a show on rerun some parts make a lot more sense, like the sicily episode.

  5. Enough Already,

    M.R. gave it to you straight. Suck it up! Mike S. is crazy but a seriously fun Chef and the good thing is he will be will be the next ICA. Truly, does it matter all that much. He brings a new way to cook to ICA and he does more for Greek cooking than Ms. the spin pans and drink Ouzo.

    M.B. is a fine chef. I have had his food and no shame in is his departure, He rocks!

    I am a bit pissed how Mirimoto was treated. He has language issues, always has, but it is not any reason to treat him like an idiot? No.

    Mike will be fun to watch, that laugh demonic, in a angelic sort of way, will be fresh and fun.

    No cranberries is his future, he makes life watching FN a good thing.

    Just curious what does Tony B have to say about this?

    Having eaten at Besh's flagship, I would Love to see what Mike could do. Besh had simply the best dinner I have ever have had. If Mike S. was better I would love to try it.

  6. Help me with this one. There is a specific discussion about how altitude and cabin pressure effects your ability to taste resulting in you having to season the dishes differently, more intensely. Why bother mentioning it and then have everyone dine on the ground in the airplane hanger.

    How exactly is an accurately is the consideration of how the dish is seasoned and whether it will be enjoyed on the FLIGHT if you eat it on the ground?

    While I might like Besh and have enjoyed his food, you get the impression the food was were not heavily seasoned. At 10,000 feet would his dishes been flavorless and Constentios or Sanchez' better?

  7. I don't know I don't think you can count Symon out. He's got chops and a bilt in cheering section.

    I had a tasting dinner at Besh's August a few months ago. It was THE best meal I have ever had in a restaurant. Ever. I have been around a bit cleb chef places, etc., but this was amazing.

    If he wins it is because he can cook. Then again I cannot detract from anyone elses skills. I just want to try thier places as well.

    One thing I love about this show is the chef seem to just be enjoying cooking with thier peers/friends. Yes it is a competition, but they seem to enjoy themselves as well.

    I would love to be a judge. You know the worst dish is still probably something you never though would taste so good.

  8. Hi, my name is Warren,

    And I ( sniff, sniff, hangs head and scuffs the floor) use packets of bechemal mix as a base for my chipped beef gravy. Not all the time but....

    I know work the program....

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