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Kim WB

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Everything posted by Kim WB

  1. oy, such inconsistancy. Went just after the 4th of July., and had a serviceable salad,and a good tuna special ...nothing earth shattering, seared tuan w/snow peas) service was much imporved. Husband's meal was jsut ok..lamb chops and I think perhaps a soup,,don't recall. Went again last nite. The Good news is, the service is still improved. but, inedible foie gras...overcooked, miniscule portion, w/ blueberry glomp and undercooked grilled peaches, undressedbaby greens..really, really bad. Followed by overcooked scallops, with three scallops with sauce, three with none...dried out chanterelles, over creamed corn. My husband had a tuna starter...followed by anan embarrassingly small, moderate quality NZ sirloin. Coconut flan was v. good, Bent spoon mango IC ( whcih I think was sorbet) was also a winner..but there is no value here..2apps, 2entrees, 1 dessert, two coffees..cute but not elegant surroundings, competent but not polished service....$160 It's too inconsistant, and has been a yo yo like this since it opens..It was a 4, went to an 8, but its batting under 500 for me, I'm taking it off my list.
  2. This week, at HoneyBrook Organic CSA in Hopewell, NJ: I didn't do the pick your own, time constraints, but picked up this @ the farm stand: basil, lots ( individual share was three bunches) watermelon eggplants leeks squash tomatoes, tomatoes tomatoes. Heirlooms were gorgeous, chose the yellow ones b/c I have some home grown Rutgers big Boys..salad tonite both looked and tasted great heirloom peppers potatoes onions pick your own was sunflowers, stem floweres, internat'l eggplants, c herry and plum tomatoes, and the usual extensive herbs. I my farm.
  3. While this might not be an issue for some, another complaint I have about granite is that, in the area I live, its EVERYWHERE...like plaintation shutters, market umbrellas..in every model home for every new condo development...Hovnanian, Toll and Pulte homes ( builders in NJ) have them STANDARD in many of their kitchen packages...ubiquitous. Predictable.
  4. Yes, this is my point...and I understand Steven's point, although I don't agree with it. Does anyone think that this policy will make some people think twice about ordering a more expensive bottle? there are many diners who are well aware of the retail cost of a wine, and understand that markups are part of the drill..but I know that when the markup is out of control, my husband will rebel. He always says he know's he's getting f*cked, but some markups are so insulting, he feels like he's pulled down his pants an bent over to make it easier for them. Ans I should clarify that the 10% is for wines over a certain price point..a passable $40 red at our local Italian restaurant gets computed as the same percentage as the food.
  5. I'm suprised by the lack of specific attention paid to the wine issue...especially because people most likely buy more wines over the $150 price point at Per Se than in many other restaurants, since many consider a visit to Per Se a special occassion. If I purchase 2 - $200 bottle of wine, I would usually only tip 10% on that amount, plus 20% on the food. In fact, at Per Se, , I think we did just that. If we had chosen a $60 bottle of wine, and had two, the service charge would have been $24. ( using 20%) By choosing a more expensive bottle, w/t he same amount of effort and energy ( opening, possible decanting, pouring) the service charge escalates to $80. My husband would have freaked. It's a control issue , and a courtesy issue Plus the issue of their wine mark up, and the profiit from that...is it an identical markup at every price point?
  6. It's so easy to remove a stain from corain. I have their qurartz white, the very brightest, whitest. My heavily used breakfast island is the same...once a week, a little soft scrub and its pristine. The seamless sinks are great. As far as its strurdiness, I would suggest that either the installation or the cabinets that the corain was installed on are not as sturdy, rather than the product itself. other benefits...holes can be drilled, and outlets indside cabinets keep cords out of the way. I have two indentations in my countertop, one nearest the double ovens, and one near the island cooktop, with standard size butcher block boards inserted. Great work seurfaces, along with solving the hot from the oven negative. Under one of the the cutting boards, I have some of that spongy shelf paper to keep it steady when cutting...the other one fits more snugly so its not an issue. ( my dad sanded a larger board to fit inside the indentation..drilled a hole with a pull string in it, so its easy to lift up. genious, he is, I tell ya.)
  7. #9 is the best choice for lambertville. Manon is hit or miss, specials are never as good as the menu standards, which are very bisto like. Deanna's at its new location is great. I think Hamilton Grill room hit a peak a few years ago, was resting a bit, and then this past year has really improved and brought it up a notch. A plus at Hamiilton Grill Room is that you can have a pre or post dinner drink at the next door boathouse. Stockton Inn is down the road, also serving a great menu this season.
  8. I'm one of those less than inspired cooks who need a recipe...can anyone recocomend a cookbook for ic's and sorbets prepared in a home electronic maker...beyond the instruction booklet from cuisinart?
  9. Thank you all for the inspiration..I bought a cheap $50 cuisinart IC maker at Linens and Things on Friday, got a basket of overripe white peaches at the farmers market on Sat, and today, Sun, mada a simple , wonderful white peach sorbet ( using martha stewarts recipe). A new toy...thanks!!
  10. I'm from NJ, I have a sense of humor, I don't find Bourdain offensive ( well, I find him quite offensive always, actually, but no more or less regarding NJ) BUT...did I miss the part where either of these men were convicted onf anything? Unlike Treffinger. Janasewki?McKenna? Thanks.
  11. At my house in Avalon this month. It's a good restaurant on first visit, potential to be more. Packed, and loud..lots of meat, not sure how anyone can know the food is not frozen...they had soft shell this week...out of season.
  12. No I'm saying that perhaps he's a passionate chef that understands that his staff will give a better experience if they deal with 8 people every 15mins rather than 16 every 30 mins for example. ← right...so isn't this a way of making sure they come at the appointed time, not 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after, creating the rushed seating at one of the times? What am I missing here?
  13. So, passionate, I am assuming that you agree that the query was a veiled attempt to make sure the diners arrived on time, preventing the total collapse of profits as outlined in your post above?
  14. In a convuluted way, it almost works as a reminder to be on time...weird, but possibly effective?
  15. Always a good meal to be had at the Sea Grill, in Avalon..and the Arbor in Stone Harbor.
  16. never mind. carry on.
  17. Does anyone have an updated email, or is it better to call? Thanks.
  18. thank youall for your comments and links. I used them in a stir fry w/ baby bok choy, but I'm all prepared, hopefully they will be an offerring this week at the farm. thanks again for your help.
  19. With respect ot Daniel's opinion, on my 6 plus visits over the last three years, I cannot agree that the food is even marginally ok. It's just awful. The only positive thing I can say is that they have Bass Ale. I would not suggest putting yourself through the meal unless you have a child who will be enthralled( and rightly so, its a great show) with the theatrical part of the evening.
  20. One of the offerrings at my CSA today, http://www.watershedfarm.com/ , was garlic scapes, or tips/tops. Suggestions? xtra points if its a preperation that is more exciting than adding to a salad, but not demanding extended time over a hot stove.
  21. We are doing a lot of contruction and I was hesitant to plant in the ground (you never know where that backhoe will end up). What kind of containers do you use, how large are they? What kind of soil do you use (do you just fill with dirt or some kind of potting soil)? ← I use the large white plastic containers..18 inches across. Miracle Gro container mix, w/ the moisture pellet things. I use Miracle Gro tomato plant food, too, at the start, then cut back once they start to flower and grow. Water early in the morning, never in bright sun. I keep them in 90% sun, just some late afternoon shade. I've done both ground and container tomatoes, and haven't noticed a differnnce in taste betweent he two. I've had years they sucked, both in and out of containers..tomatoes are all about sun, sun, sun.
  22. Dead Guy, by Rogue. luv luv luv it.
  23. beefstaeks, Rutgers, and big Boys, at this time I'd suggest plants...I had a deer problem this year, so I had to do container plants, thriving, have doubled in size in two weeks..indeed, yesterday I had to stake them.
  24. As you listed Hoboken, you might also want to list lambertville..almost all have a patio. garden or sidewalk seating.
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