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Everything posted by saturnbar

  1. Check that out. Talk about a link. I didn't even do anything special.
  2. He is on youtube:
  3. Phillip Lopez (Root) is probably the hottest thing going right now. Probably too hot for your needs. Dominique Macquet is a close second, (Dominique's on Magazine & Tamarind), when the former opens he will proabbly move up a notch. Quan Tran is his chef de cusine at Tamarind, and might fit the bill. In the lesser known but hungry there is Mat Farmer (Apolline). Also Matt Murphy (Irish House), he just won a chopped episode. Personally, I really like Michael Costantini's food. he was behind Saitsuma's dinner servcie, and is now running their Maple Street location. Of the various new locales in the bywater his food was head and shoulders ahead of the rest. Fianlly, I should mention that Frank Brightsen teaches a class once a week on Bayou Rd., so no reason to think he wouldn't be interested. Another old timer would be Kevin Vizard, he is great with people. Finally, Nathanial Zimet, might be a good choice. He is a nice guy. Hope that helps.
  4. To my knowledge, creole mustard and whole grain mustard are the same thing.
  5. Good thought. Thanks
  6. I have been working on lowering my blood sugar, and eyed a bag of par boiled brown rice at the market. Cooked it up last night, and I have to say, I was very happy with it, which leads me to question whether the par boiling process did something to the rice that made it more like white rice. If anyone knows, I would love to hear from you. I just don't want to eat a 5 lb bag of this stuff and have my A1C go through the roof.
  7. There you have it. The definitive guide. Nice work Todd.
  8. Yes, Sylvain, in the Quarter. I think Capedeville could probably be described as such also. Makes sense, some overlap in ownership.
  9. I believe McMillan was at the Bar at the Ritz Carlton, which is where he filmed the video on the Ramos Ginn Fizz, and now requires some sort of membership, if I am not mistaken. As you can see, not a lot to be certain about. If your friend is looking for more than just cocktails, speak up. We even have a gastro-pub now.
  10. Bar Tonique mixes good drinks, sometimes the crowd can be a little young though. The Carousel Bar in the Monteleone. French 75, part of Arnauds. Twelve Mile Limit in MidCity is new, high end cocktails in a dive bar kinda setting. Swizzle Stick has good drinks. Lots of Bars in the Marigny to hit for local flavor/music. Check the Times Picayune drinks section, whose chief correspondent is our own TA Price, who probably go the job because he has a hollow leg. For food and drink, try the Roosevelt Hotel Bar, next to but not affiliated with the Roosevelt Hotel. Miss Charming is serving em up at the Bombay Club.
  11. In yesterday's paper I noticed they had a brief item on the chef at Meson 923 moving on, and it got me thinking about this thread. The reason being, I didn't recall ever seeing anything in the Picayune about Meson 923, at least nothing detailed. And then I just started flipping backwards in the Dining section, and I went back to maybe June, and not a single article that focused on a single restaurant and profiled the cuisine or the experience. Its like the Picayune is simply a blog at this point, posting tidbits here and there about goings on, really doesn't offer much of anything in the way of content. Meanwhile, the blogs, and I am including Peyton's Haute Plates, are bursting with content. Let the writers write I say.
  12. Definitely not much in the way of critical reviews since the Storm. Even though Anderson made a thing about not reviewing and then reviewing, seems like the return to critical reviews never really happened. I am ok with that though. Seems like nobody really cares what the TP has to say anyway, they certainly aren't waiting. They just go. If they need an opinion they just go Ch---nd. Used to be they came here for insight. I think the critical aspect is more of a yearly thing which shows up in the form of Anderson's top ten. Definitely nothing like New York.
  13. The same holds true for smoked sausage even though it's fattier, you can still overcook it. And I think the smoked takes too browning a bit more than andouille. But you still don't need to brown all of it. Give us shout when you are getting close to coming down. We just got a Feast (also of Houston) which people are digging.
  14. Thanks for sharing. My biggest fear when doing such large portions is how much spice to add. Even salt gives me a hard time, the quantities are so large that its easy to really overdo or underdo, and I have a hard time trusting myself. Next time try getting some smoked sausage from Jacob's or Poche's, it really adds a ton of smoky flavor and I find the andouille a bit dry, so it helps balance things out on that front. What was your final consistency like? Was it yaya dark? I like the idea of whole chickens, for some reason I tend to go with just thighs and then deglaze the roasting pan after they have cooked to come up with some stock. Will try it your way next time I go industrial. When are you coming down again? We have a few new spots, and still a few you haven't tried.
  15. BadRabbit makes a good point and raises the obvious question, does a good bbq town really need more than one pit. I say no. I still don't understand the point of a map such as the one proposed. You drive to an identified town, and then you get out and ask around? I don't think the OP is following this thread anyway.
  16. And it can't be in the City? There is Restaurant Des Familles in Marrero. Hardly a shack, but it oozes Louisiana bayou, if that helps. For good background, our own TA Price did a nice article about them for the paper. The other place that came to mind is Le Citron Bistro on Religious Street. Its in a really old building, and has pretty rustic vibe going on. It is somewhat out of the way. I know the chef pretty well if you are interested.
  17. Chester's looks really cool. I need to go there. Not sure what type of look you are after, but if it isn't Chester's maybe the Crab Trap in Frenier would do, quite a different setup. Seems to be more deck than shack, reminds me a little of the of FloriBama. More of a boiled seafood and bbq place than gumbo and jambalaya also. Hard to beat Chester's though.
  18. From the look of things you have done your homework. Just a few things I would add. Make sure you save time for a stroll through the Garden District, you could mix that in with either Commanders or the Cemetery tour. City Park is gorgeous, and is incredibly bicycle friendly, or just drive through, but poke around, its a very cool place. That would tail in nicely with your visit to Parkway Bakery. Just follow Bayou St. John. Other places of interest would be the Ursuline Convent in the Quarter and the Presbytere. I find the Bywater area very interesting as well. Its kinda like seeing the Quarter back when it had rougher edges. As far as food goes, not sure I would recommend Acme for anything other than a few dozen oysters, and I am not sure that's even happening right now. If that's all you had planned than that's fine. Not sure what else you have going that night, but the Green Goddess is eclectic and interesting, and its open Sunday. Mr. B's is also nice, Gumbo, Bbq shrimp, and the bread is outstanding. GW Fins is also open Sunday if I am not mistaken. As far as what's not on the list, I really like Patois, the pheasant might be the best dish in the City right now. I just love the space, the food, and the vibe. Its what every neighborhood restaurant should be. The James Beard people were impressed as well. Another heavy hitter for me is the Bon Ton, it's so old school, it's just waiting to be rediscovered by the food media. Its hugely popular amongst the locals for good reason. I hadn't been in some time and went with some friends from out of town and I was just blown away. They were dying to order Jambalaya and I couldn't talk them out it, glad I didn't, fantastic. My friend got the double order of soft shells with extra crabmeat. Unreal. And the Redfish Bonton (made with blackdrum) was sublime. On the casual fine dining front, take a look at Lillette, its very near to the Chimes. Also Cuvee in the CBD would be nice for lunch or dinner. Neither will disappoint. I should also mention for breakfast, Coulis, which you can walk to from the Chimes. Also, for local flavor, Brightsens is usually spot on. Obviously, you can't go everywhere in a week though. And I don't see Hansen's on the list, that you can squeeze in. Saturday looks a little ambitious, Brennan's, Bayonna, and Stella all in one day is a tall order, maybe swap Stanley in for breakfast, easy, good, remarkably similar food and possibly better. Your wallet will thank you as well. Anyone of the three would max me out. You're not from Philadelphia are you? Also, I think if you missed the Insectarium it wouldn't be a horrible thing, but it doesn't take long to see. You should be able to get a ticket that covers it and the Aquarium, actually look into that at the Zoo, they are all run by the same organization. Also, scratching my head a little with how you plan to get Galatoire's and Laura plantation to play nice together. Not to mention August looming. Curious why Lola? Its a nice neighborhood place, but there are better options. If its open Sunday, you could go. Drive out Esplanade Ave. from the quarter. There's a whole history lesson on the way. If you need any ideas for after hours, just say the word. Although I am sure you know, your boyfriend is going to need or at least want to wear a jacket to a lot of these places. ch
  19. Louisiana is not really known for regional bbq. New Orleans has a few spots, not worth a going out of your way for. So where is the map going to be posted?
  20. Wow, count me in next time your catering a camping trip. ch
  21. Thanks for the ideas, also, it occurred to me that Old Town Alexandria and Bethesda would be good places to send them for a night out with the family. Good Idea? Any place in particular to eat, or just see what looks good? They aren't real foodies, I think they would love Clyde's in Georgetown for instance. ch
  22. A co-worker will be in DC for about a week seeing the sights, mostly around the mall and is staying in Roslyn and I was asked for recomendations. I grew in DC but am hopelessly out of touch with the latest on good eats. My co-worker is looking for family friendly recommendations that are easily accessed by the Metro or are in Roslyn where they are staying. I mentioned that McComb & Wisc. had a few alternatives but seeing as that is neither near the metro or in Roslyn I am not sure how much help I have been. But anything in the vein of 2Amy's, Cafe Deluxe, or Cactus Cantina would be appreciated. Thanks for any help. ch
  23. Vegetarian foil dinner, assuming there will be a decent campfire. Bring the ingredients and let everyone make there own, I would err towards mexican flavors, canned beans, cheese, canned corn, salsa, seasonings, and make a pot of minute rice for everyone to use. Anything to avoid some kind of cooking to order situation. Of course there is always just plain rice and beans. The coleman two burner stoves are reasoanably priced and a huge upgrade over camp stoves if you are so inclined, so much more stable. Tread lightly. ch
  24. We went to Patois last night, and the pheasant blew my mind. The other hit for me was the gnochi. I really that place. ch
  25. I am sorry, but what's the point of a list of cities without the associated pit being identified, and the Southeast you see is rather large. ch
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