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Everything posted by chromedome

  1. No, for those you'd still need a press. With a bag I've just used a star tip to make the traditional ring shapes, S shapes and the like. You can make a passable Christmas tree or wreath by piping joined rosettes through a star tip, but I rapidly ran out of patience and also my tendons were telling me "If you want to do anything else with these hands for the next couple of weeks, it's probably time to stop..."
  2. It's not that you can't do it - I have - but the dough is fairly stiff and it takes a LOT of hand/wrist strength to do it (at least, with any spritz cookie dough I've used). I'm old enough now to respect my susceptibility to tendinitis, and use the cookie press instead. ETA: You'll also need an old-school canvas piping bag. Disposables or a Wilton "feather light" will just burst under the pressure.
  3. (shrug) Personally I'd argue that "craveable" is the more grating of the two.
  4. I'd forgotten for a moment which thread I was reading, and thought "Hmmm...interesting salad!"
  5. Update to an earlier recall (which apparently I'd missed) specific to Ontario and Quebec: eggs from Les Oeufs Richard, for salmonella: https://www.inspection.gc.ca/food-recall-warnings-and-allergy-alerts/2020-11-24/eng/1606254873300/1606254873675?utm_source=r_listserv
  7. Sadly, that one goes well beyond the food world. I see it on pretty much every LinkedIn profile, resume, blog...(sigh). Don't tell me what you're passionate about. I can figure it out on my own after I've been around you for a while, and it's probably not what you'd like to think it is.
  8. There's an update to the Miss Vickie's recall: https://www.inspection.gc.ca/food-recall-warnings-and-allergy-alerts/2020-11-23/eng/1606188309617/1606188310070?utm_source=r_listserv
  9. My GF and I are planning a Thin Man marathon at some point over the holidays.
  10. Stores here sporadically sell 'em with an external wire frame, for just that reason (it's otherwise a fairly standard deep foil 1/2 pan size). Since they're not always available, I eventually had an epiphany and kept a couple of the frames. Now I can just buy a disposable foil half-pan when I want, and don't have to worry about it (I also have permanent roasters, and sometimes use one...depends on my mood).
  11. Yeah, that. As I explained somewhere upthread a year or more ago, I'm not bothering to post the ones that are allergen-specific or lack wide applicability (a recall by one small producer, confined to a specific region of Nova Scotia - to pick a random example - wouldn't apply to most here).
  12. This isn't quite a peeve of the same order, but I'll add it just because it's explicitly a "venting" thread. Although I seldom watch it, my GF likes to have the Food Network running as the background to her day, so - as she puts it - "I don't watch it all the time, but when I *do* look up I see something tasty." Often, this involves a whole day of those road-food shows, which seem to revolve primarily around examples of artery-clogging excess. Truthfully, if I ever again hear a grinning host use the phrase "...this over-the-top burger..." it will be too soon.
  13. ...and pretty meaningless, especially in the role of adjective (ie, "gourmet" processed cheese product.. (I know it once actually *had* a specific meaning, but that has long since been shed)
  14. Some batches of Sobeys' "Compliments" brand smoked beef pastrami are being recalled for possible listeria. Currently listed as NS, Ontario and "possibly national." https://www.inspection.gc.ca/food-recall-warnings-and-allergy-alerts/2020-11-22/eng/1606105850558/1606105856067?utm_source=r_listserv
  15. That would be a bad, bad, day.
  16. I got the full set of roller attachments, which IIRC retails for around $300 here in Canada, for $100. They'd been on clearance at one of my local stores for about 18 months without moving, so I made the manager an offer. I use 'em pretty regularly, as long as my GF isn't keto-ing at the time. Most recently a couple of weeks ago for ricotta-filled ravioli, at her request.
  17. Hmmm. I've been pretty good about culling unused stuff of late, but little of that has actually been appliances. I don't use my ice cream maker but once or twice a year, though that's mostly because the GF is always dieting and it's just not right to make it harder for her. It's in my storage locker, and I know where to find it when I need it. I'll use my slow cooker a lot over the next few months, then very little during the not-cold months, but that's a normal cycle. My GF's little "mini-chopper" (petite food processor) is something I seldom use, partly because it's harder to clean than my full-sized Cuise and partly because I hate the sound it makes. She also owns a chocolate fountain that we've used exactly once in the 6 years we've been together (at her daughter's wedding). I suppose we really "don't need" that, but it's hers and she likes knowing she's got it if she feels the urge. (shrug) What's one cubic foot of our storage locker, if it makes her happy? We also have a small Keurig machine down in storage, which one of her daughters left behind when moving away. It's the emergency backup, should her main Keurig ever kick the bucket. It's also handy on moving day, so as to have coffee available at each location. Not that I plan to move again anytime soon, but my plans sometimes don't figure into it...
  18. chromedome

    Breakfast 2020!

    We were supposed to have brunch with one of my stepdaughters today, in belated celebration of her birthday (it occurred while I was in NS for my mom's birthday), but we're back into "orange" level restrictions now - in NB, that means keeping to one's own household - so instead it'll be "curbside drop-off." Made up a batch of yeasted Belgian waffles, crisped a sheet pan of bacon in the oven, caramelized some pineapple, and will send along some whipped cream and maple syrup as well. She's also getting crème brûlée, which has become our little tradition.
  19. Hyup. I'm currently buying "C" grade Honeycrisp apples from a local grower's storefront at $1.20/lb, which is 35-50% of the regular retail at stores. What makes 'em "C" grade? Random sizes, irregular shapes, and the odd cosmetic blemish. (shrug) Works for me...
  20. I *have* a little extra fridge, and am thinking very seriously of a little extra upright freezer to match. Again, there are just the two of us.
  21. Costco used to sell those (at least here in Canada) but had switched over to French's last I checked. I thought they were fine.
  22. I almost always butter and grill my burger buns, and buy the "New England-style" (split top) hot dog buns so I can do the same with those. ...And bread for sandwiches is always buttered, even if it subsequently gets another spread/condiment on it, because that's what keeps the bread from getting soggy.
  23. chromedome

    Dinner 2020

    LOL True...and few nightmares worse for a culinary student than having instructors with sharply opposed and vigorously held opinions, during the same semester...
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