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Everything posted by chromedome

  1. chromedome

    Lunch 2021

    I had to Google "old friend" noodles, because the name caught my eye. Sounds like a pleasant warmer-upper on a cool winter's day.
  2. chromedome

    Dinner 2021

    LOL My late wife, in her second marriage (ie, the one before me) found herself fostering a pair of teen boys who grew to monstrous size - the "runt" was 6'8" and his big brother was 7'3" - and ate accordingly. The parents' combined income was fairly comfortable, but even so the groceries required some budgeting.
  3. chromedome

    Breakfast 2021

    My dog proved to have a remarkable gift for coaxing the pill from any sort of wrapper, and spitting it out on the floor. I grind them up for her now, which eliminates the problem at its source. Sometimes I mush a bit of sardine into the pill, sometimes it's a splash of plain yogurt. She likes them both, so I just switch 'em up occasionally to keep her from getting bored.
  4. chromedome

    Breakfast 2021

    A friend of mine once succinctly described the tinned ones as "cat food shaped like a dog turd," and he's not entirely wrong. I used to like them as a kid, for whatever reason. I bought a can in my early 40s out of morbid curiosity mingled with nostalgia, but one mouthful was enough.
  5. chromedome

    Salad 2016 –

    They are, but mostly as a greenhouse product so availability can be spotty on a regional basis. We have a couple of significant greenhouse growers in nearby Nova Scotia, so I can generally get 'em year-round.
  6. Yeah, because then they can claim that it's "nitrate-free" and the earnest seekers of more "natural" foods will buy it. I believe this to be a purely North American aberration, but I could be wrong.
  7. The marketing people need to get on that. We already have Meatless Mondays and Taco Tuesdays, and camel would be the ideal suggestion for Wednesdays.
  8. You gave all the details except the most crucial one...how are they? (taste, texture, etc) Sounds like it might almost be a cousin to halwa/halvah.
  9. That's often the case, but I *have* seen it also in non-domed pans. I expect they'd have screened for that and/or used a brand-new, presumably undomed pan for their experiment, but it's not explicitly addressed in the underlying paper. The pan and cooking surface are identified, but they don't specifically state that it was bought new for the purpose.
  10. Same here, unless you're explicitly invited to leave them on when you're greeted at the door. At this juncture you have a split second to decide whether the offer has been made for form's sake and isn't really sincere... It was a big cultural thing between me and my late (California-bred) second wife, for whom the removal of shoes was obnoxious and intrusive ("Nobody wants to smell your feet!"). I attribute it to her upbringing in relatively arid SoCal, where tracking mud, snow or (worst of all) salty slush indoors is less of an issue.
  11. From the "scientists get interested in the strangest/most mundane things" files: https://arstechnica.com/science/2021/02/the-physics-of-why-food-sometimes-sticks-to-the-center-of-a-nonstick-frying-pan/ As a side note, Teflon's first practical use in the field was in the A-bomb. Who knew?
  12. I have my grandmother's copy of that cookbook, dating from a couple of years earlier (with the extra wartime section of rationing-conscious recipes). The first cookbook I ever cooked from was my mom's edition, which dated from the 50s. Those color illustrations must have been pretty spectacular back in the day, and I remember being fascinated by their odd, exaggerated unreality as a kid.
  13. IIRC, last year's Mardi Gras played a large role in facilitating the introduction of fan to feces.
  14. Some typos are more amusing than others. I know you'd intended to write "gamey," but given the size of the legs on a 'roo, "gammy" is pretty apt.
  15. After growing up on a diet of Looney Tunes I've always intended to make hasenpfeffer one day, but never have. I wonder if Sobeys or Superstore has rabbit...
  16. Yeah...had I realized exactly how deep the rabbit hole ran, I probably wouldn't have posted it.
  17. Despite being raised in the Acadian heartland, and living most of my life here, I've only just learned that there's a latke-esque Acadian potato pancake. I don't know why I'm surprised at this, spuds are a longtime staple here and they're central to other Acadian dishes like rappie pie. Here's a sample recipe, from a carefully-curated Acadian cookbook: https://atlanticbookstoday.ca/thibault-feeds-the-palate-and-heart/ ETA: Forgot to mention it's called a "fring frang."
  18. All of the photos I have access to are on the imgur link. Consensus on the earlier posts is that the brand name is Pavian, which is baboon in German but apparently also a surname.
  19. A bit of clicking-through turned up other threads on other sites, and some better photos: https://imgur.com/gallery/d2tAiA8 Apparently this one has been circulating through forums and discussion groups for a decade or so, and has spawned numerous threads on Reddit (one of them extending to over 1000 comments) and there is as yet no really persuasive explanation (nor, indeed, is it 100% certain to be a kitchen gizmo though that's still the leading hypothesis). At least a couple of families that have one use it for gripping the tail of a fish for skinning/scaling purposes, but - again - there's no consensus that this is actually its intended use.
  20. No context, you know what I know. Most of the guesses on that thread parallel the ones here, but none of them are especially persuasive. I think it's one of those "you know it or you don't" kind of deals.
  21. I have several of the same kind of spice jars hanging on the backsplash near my stove. A couple are similarly sticky, and I've been racking my brains for some kind of lubricant for the lip of the tin (or inside of the lid, but I'm leaning toward the tin) that I'd be comfortable having in close proximity to my spices. Many of the obvious options are suspect: vegetable oil gets gummy; I don't want mineral oil or WD-40 in my spices; and graphite is seriously messy. So far my best idea is to rub the lip with paraffin (ie, a tea light candle) the next time I wash one of the sticky ones. Where it's a solid it should stay in place (barring trace amounts, which I'll live with) and hopefully will help keep them sliding smoothly. I'll try to remember to report back (and I'm open to better suggestions, if anybody has one).
  22. LOL Now there's an advertising slogan for ya: "Vegan veal...for guilt without the guilt."
  23. We haven't had a post in this thread for a while, so I thought I'd revive it. Saw this on Twitter this morning, OP has no clue (nor does her 95-yo German mom).
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