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Everything posted by robert40

  1. By all indications it appears Chef Humm runs a old school tight ship (Kitchen). I would listen carefully, talk little and focus intently.
  2. The new Chef de Cuisine's name is Gavin Kaysen. And I heard his new menu was introduced this month. He was also on the Today Show this morning making short ribs that looked delicious.
  3. Having suffered a major heart attack and being diagnosed with MS within a couple year period pretty much ended my career. Not only the loss of mobility effected my kitchen skills but the MS effected my ability to multi-task. A much needed skill in a professional kitchen. Yet each individual and case is different. My advise would be not to quit and give it your best shot. That's all anybody can ask of you. And you of yourself.
  4. There are no stupid questions.
  5. I am sure the restaurant as dealt with those who don't call and even worse don't show. You have no reason to feel bummed out over this, believe me.
  6. ajgnet, I noticed something that I found surprising. You mentioned the smoked salmon was cooked sous vide. I would have never guessed Chef Pacaud and sous vide would be mentioned side by side. Nothing against the technique but just found it surprising. Again thanks for the terrific thread.
  7. What is/are the current price(s) of Komi's dinner menu(s)? ← Here you go my friend. I noticed they update the menu about once a month on the site, so it may be different at this time. http://www.komirestaurant.com/
  8. Komi is starting to reach that price point where opinions vary on value for your buck. We seen it across the board in many restaurants at one time or another, French Laundry, L'Arpege in Paris, Gilt when it was open. etc. etc. For me it has not reached that grey zone yet where I begin to have doubts. I found Komi to be every bit as enjoyable as meals at Per Se and Jean George and others. Different yes... But just as enjoyable. Also must add. 'Skipped out' may suggest the chef left to hang out with the boys and have a few cold ones. But naturally that is just speculation because as far as we know his house could have been burning.
  9. With those facts in hand it is more then appropriate to ask management for a raise. You also may want to consider a percentage for parties if your not getting it already.
  10. I don't think there is a general answer without you providing more details. Type of restaurant and your experience etc etc. Unfortunately don't forget that in the restaurant industry many owners can care less if you improved quality. They are only concerned with profit margin.
  11. This video may be of some help. http://www.gourmet.com/diaryofafoodie/vide...ltpepper_fullep
  12. http://www.morningadvertiser.co.uk/news_de...articleid=56032 The Sportsman is on my wish list since finding this thread and reading other articles. The whole idea of serving quality food with such passion in a casual setting is something I wish we seen more of. At least in the states it seems seriously lacking.
  13. Wonder if there is a northern ACF chapter?
  14. To think I started this thread in May of 06. Guess it turns out the jokes on me as it appears the KFC Bowls are successful. Or at the least I underestimated the KFC product researchers.
  15. robert40


    I keep telling myself it's only a chicken. But yet my eyes say it is much more. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3373...&oid=2368713622
  16. Most professional cooks cook the same dish day in and day out, and are very familiar with it. I can't imagine they would need a customer to point out if it was mediocre. They would well be aware of what faults the dish had before it hit the pass. We all appreciate feed back from customers, but if we did not put 100% into our work we would know it in our heart. No?
  17. Robyn, I have not been to L'Ambroisie but if I had to pick one, it would be it. See L'Ambroisie thread here on egullet and more info below. http://www.gastroville.com/
  18. Hate to be the barer of bad news. But your best and 'safest' option would be to say goodbye.
  19. What can I possibly say! John's contribution to Egullet cannot be measured.
  20. And I thought Manhattan tourist were recognized because they were the only people constantly looking up.
  21. robert40


    Doc, How can we thank you enough for your contributions? Again another fabulous report and photos. Hopefully the media will not focus on the question of whether or not Fiamma is Italian. Which I can only foresee that accomplishing nothing but distract from the amazing talent of Chef Trabocchi. And needless to say I personally thank you for the momentary escape I got while reading your report.
  22. As far as a supermarket brand turkey's go Honeysuckle is fine. Actually I find it to be a better brand then Butterball. You did fine and I'm sure you will enjoy it.
  23. robert40


    Anyone been recently? Alan Richman chimes in below. Questions Italian but over all positive review. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...mspo&refer=home
  24. He should know better than to post potentially inflammatory remarks about harvesting Keller's vegetables without further explanation. I don't think I thanked tupac for the review: Thanks! I'm heading over to look at the pictures now. ← At least for a moment he got the country's attention away from Lindsay Lohan.
  25. Are they selling TFL lighting fixtures now, too? ← Hey you bully, leave the poor guy alone. He had at least a few hundred people today thinking he was ripping off Thomas Keller's tomatoes. tupac17616, Thanks for the clarification. More then a few times today I thought to myself if I was a tomato thief I could not have picked a better victim.
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