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Everything posted by robert40

  1. robert40

    Per Se

    I am going to go out on a limb here and make a assumption based on my interpretation of how the server explained it to us. There may not be a set price written in stone on this extra menu,meaning the chef is offering what he has on any given night to the people who wish to try as many items as possible. It also may not be offered every night as our server said she had to ask the chef if it was available that evening.
  2. robert40

    Per Se

    I was also told that it would be a additional $100.000, making it $250.00 per person. Was also told the meal may be close to six hour's with extra items.
  3. robert40

    Per Se

    The number is. 877.825.9335 And you must confirm two day's before. Have a great time. I sure did.
  4. robert40


    Dave, Dam, was you able to walk after eating all that? Robert
  5. I truly believe Chez Sophie set's the bar in this area. I will even go has far to say that it's a waste of your money to dine anywhere else in the area other then Chez Sophie. But that's a opinion. RR
  6. Priceless! Just as long as my 11 year old daughter won't come home from school today and check out egullet like she does daily.
  7. pnapoli, Well I have good new's and bad. First the good,I was born and raised in Paterson which I don't often admit just in case I may still have a few open inditements on me. Youth what can I say. Libby's had very good Texas wieners with meat sauce. I must of lived on them a few days out of the week. There was also another place just down the road called Falls View. Which I believe was even better. Now for the bad news. I have not been to Libby's in more than 25 years. So I would be hesitate to give a recommendation to a place that I have not been to since the 70's. And at the time they had no que. Just burgers and hotdogs. If you give it a try report back, as it may help me recapture my youth. P.S.- Unfortunatley I can't even remember the street it was on, but I do know it was a stone throw from the Paterson Falls.
  8. robert40

    Per Se

    docsconz, Take it easy on a old sickly man will ya. I'm going Thursday and after looking at those photo's my heart may not be able to take the strain. Really great photo's !! You made my day.
  9. robert40

    Per Se

    It is two day's.
  10. I disagree here. These students were there testing to get a job at his restaurant. His question wasn't about ego, it was a test to see if the students had bothered to do any homework about the guy they were interviewing with. Famous story about an engineer who didn't get a job with IBM because the interviewer asked what IBM stood for and the applicant didn't know. I cant believe for a moment that Roccos question had any other purpose other then baste his ego. If its a indication of what our future chefs and restaurants will be like if a student at the C.I.A had no idea that Rocco owned U.P. then we all better throw our hands in the air and have a Big Mac for lunch. Not only should a student know what restaurants he owned but also that he was the chef at Dava,and when he was a chef de partie at Lespinasse Gray Kunz offered him a sou chef position but Rocco turned it down stating he wanted more experience first. And before that he worked in Boston and before going to the C.I.A he made pizza. Needless to say I could go on and on but the point being if a student at one of the top school's in the country did not have that answer before he even walked in the room then he better consider another trade.
  11. robert40


    I'll never forget a conversation I had with a chef I worked with in the mid 90's. One night as we were cleaning up after service and passing the time with sap rap the conversation turned to restaurants he worked at. Bouley was one where he did a stage which sparked my intrigue and as I paused mopping for a moment to ask him what he thought of it he looked around as if he was about to commit some sin he whispered, It's Dirty!
  12. Rocco at the C.I.A asking the student,what is the name of my two restaurants? I thought I would GAG. His response should have been.Down Hill and Going Down Hill.
  13. robert40

    Per Se

    I guess each to there own. But I would spend four hours on roof with the pigeon's at 2.00am.
  14. Ok, Fat Guy I can see you reading this and shaking your head. Great name dont you think?
  15. No not Fat Guy. Per Se. My wife told me I have issues,while my mother use to call me a half wit. Oh Well,same thing just another generation.
  16. On a lighter note, I got the family a puppy the other day. Can anyone guess what I named him? RR
  17. In a few casual restaurant's I managed I was dead set against the front of the house asking a customer if they needed change. I would condone a statement like, I will be right back with your change. In which case your leaving the door open for the customer to let you know if they wish for you to keep it.
  18. It is their job to return your change and I believe it's in poor taste to ask if you need change. In the case of the waitress at Friday's I would have likely responded, ARE YOU MAD? DO YOU THINK THIS IS THE FRENCH LAUNDRY!!
  19. Just got my reschedule call from Per Se for May 27th.
  20. When was your original reservation? docsconz, Are you feeling alright today or are you just as excited as I am?
  21. YES YES YES!!! Thats the best news sense Viagra. PS. Dam. Just remembered,I cant take Viagra.
  22. robert40

    BLT Steak

    http://www.bltsteak.com/ Link to website above. BLT is short for- Bistro Laurent Tourondel.
  23. The French Laundry web site now state's the following. They are reopening in May and check back for exact date. They are accepting reservation's April 15th and they will no longer accept walk in reservations!! 1 Will this mean Thomas will be at Per Se for a week or maybe two? 2 No more walk in's,Phone line's more busy then ever but we all have a equal shot? RR
  24. I would love too if I'm well enough as I live less then 20 mile's away. RR
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