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Posts posted by lemoncoke

  1. iThis morning I had some loos pu-er that I had picked up from Teance. Brewed it kungfu style. It was a little smoky, and ..... a hint of sour?? it was an ok tea.

    In the afternoon, I had some ancient chinese iron goddess (TKY). It was floral and really light.

    I need to find some drinkable pu-er this weekend.

  2. I was reading about the rice crisis in China, Phillipines, and other asian countries.

    Then I go to my Asian grocery store and all the rice are sold out! All the 50 lbs bags are gone and the price went all the way up to $50 a bag! Almost double the price from when we bought it in the beginning of the year. We are in Northern CA.

    A lot of the people that I know are starting to hoard the rice. They are going out of the city and buying 20 to 30 bags of rice, because they are afraid of the price of rice going out, and worst, not enough rice to go around.

    Is this happening anywhere else?

  3. I love yu-shiang eggplant when I go out for chinese food. It seems pretty simple, but I have no idea how to make the sauce, and specifics.

    Does anyone have a good recipe for that?

    If hzrt8w could do one of his great pictorials, that would be fabulous!! :biggrin:

  4. First course:

    Yu Sheng Salad. I am hoping to use Renee Kho's recipe, which can be found on Web archives since her site www.shiokadelicious.com is now gone...very sad. I've never had this before since my parents are from Hong Kong, but I think it will be fantastic with some sushi-grade Alaskan salmon.

    Wonderbread, can you post the recipe for the Yu Sheng Salad? It looks great and I tried going back to the website you mentioned, but it's down. Thanks!

  5. guppymo - I love your pictures and your recipes! They look so good and it seems sosimple to prepare. I am going to try the papaya soup and maybe the pork rib (only because the directions were not included....and i am not a good cook)

    For the papaya soup - Do I put the whole chunk of pork in or do I have to slice it? I'm not sure? :huh:

    thanks for all your post and hope to see more! :biggrin:

  6. 8. Soontofu or Soondoobu. A volcanic stew. You can make add vegetables, seafood or meat.

    can you give a recipe for soontofu?

    I love eating this and I have always wanted to know how to make it at home!

    Thanks! :biggrin:

  7. Thank you everybody for the recipes and tips.

    I think this year I am definately going to go out and get a digital mean thermometer.

    Everytime I roast a turkey, it starts out well, and it looks GOOD. But it's just never cooked right.

    Either the breast is cooked but the thigh isn't , or I just OVER COOK period! :huh:

    One quick question, is it important to keep basting every 30 mins??

    thanks for your help! :biggrin:

  8. I am trying to cook a turkey at home for 10 people AGAIN.

    2 years ago, the turkey thigh was not cooked enough.... :angry:

    Last year the turkey was OVERcooked.... :rolleyes:

    This year....... i need help. Does anyone have a no fail, guaranteed to work recipe for roasting a turkey??

    thanks! :biggrin:

  9. hi everybody,

    I'm new here. Just wanted to say that i had a great chinese new year dinner at home. My mom made shark's fin soup with real crabmeat, lobster, poached chicken, fish, vegetables, and lor hon chai (buddha's vegetarian dish).

    it was a great meal, especially because the whole family was there!

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