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Everything posted by alikat

  1. The Twig n' Berries.
  2. fun with anagrams: ANTHONY BOURDAIN=A HORNY BANDITO,NU?
  3. On the top shelf of the pantry is the wok, and inside the wok is the special candy that's just for mommies (at the moment, it's Seattle Chocolate mocha truffles.)
  4. Who can forget this showstopper from The Sound of Breakfast: Raindrops on bacon And bacon on kittens Bright crispy bacon And warm bacon mittens Brown bacon packages tied up with strings Bacon is one of my favorite things Girls in white dresses with pink bacon sashes Bacon grease smeared On my nose and eyelashes Silvery bacon that melts in the pan I must eat bacon whenever I can When the dog eats All my bacon And I'm feeling sad I simply remember There's more in the fridge And then I don't feeeeel Soooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaad!
  5. I loved the Anal Retentive Chef. Also from SNL, Alec Baldwin and "Schwetty Balls."
  6. Flourtown, PA, named for the mills that used to run here. The main street is Bethlehem Pike, which according to your translation, is another flour-related name.
  7. The second photo in the article, what is that a picture of (forgive me for asking but I have a crummy little monitor)? And thanks for an interesting article.
  8. Mmm, paste. Mmmm, Play-Doh. I remember a kid in third grade who got sent home from school after eating a whole tube of Chapstick.
  9. Dear Chocolate OhmyGod I just found out you think I actually LIKE those hard little candy hearts with the messages printed on them. Eeeewwww!!! Grossss!!! The only reason I ate one is because my Mom gave me a whole box and and then stood there looking at me all sappy like we were having some major bonding moment so I popped one in my mouth so she wouldn't feel too pathetic but then I swear to God I went right into the bathroom and stuck my finger down my throat and barfed it up and flushed it down. It said "Luv Ya." Yeah, right. And I know you heard that I was walking around with a Tootsie Roll Pop hanging out of my mouth last night. Well, okay, I was but I have a reeeaaally good reason why. I was babysitting for these kids and their Mom is all into nutty-crunchy-healthy snax so I thought I was gonna starve but then when I was putting the brats to bed I found one of their pumpkin buckets from Halloween ond OhmyGod there was an orange TRP just laying there so I quick stuffed it in the pocket of my jeans and then later when they fell asleep I sat on the couch and unwrapped it and even though it was kind of white and crusty looking I licked it and it wasn't bad so I kinda ate the whole thing but what else was I supposed to eat?? A granola bar?? I swear that TRP is SOOO yesterday!!! You are totally my favorite candy ever. OhmyGod you look so hot in that silver wrapper. Come over after school today and we can hang out and listen to Eminem and maybe I'll do that thing where I put you in my mouth until you get all warm and melty. That is so cool. Just don't let my Mom find out cuz she'd kill me. Luv ya. A.
  10. Does he use any fill flash or reflectors or is it all done with natural light?
  11. Diner. Was it Paul Rieser who kept saying "Are you gonna finish that?" I also have to mention the episode of Bugs Bunny with the two little French chefs who fight over who gets to make rabbit stew out of Bugs. A true classic.
  12. There's a fun cookbook called Roald Dahl's Revolting Recipes, in case you ever want to actually eat Snozzcumbers, Frobscottle, Lickable Wallpaper, or Mr. Twit's Beard Food. My son and I made Bunce's Doughnut's (from Fantastic Mr. Fox) and they were very good. Another great children's food book is Bread and Jam for Francis by Russell and Lillian Hoban. A recent book in a similar vein is Yoko, by Rosemary Wells. Both books contain great ideas for bag lunches if your kids are stuck in the PBJ sandwich rut, and I know of more than one kid who's tried sushi because of Yoko.
  13. Which Laura Ingalls Wilder book featured a kid getting burned by an exploding baked potato? I was actually potato-phobic for a while as a kid because of that. And do you remember Pa bringing them horehound candy from town? I still don't know what that is but I remember wanting it as a kid because her description of it was so great.
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