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Posts posted by cbarre02

  1. Is any one attending the SOS event at tribute? Anything new in happening in the area?

    It hard to keep updated when i'm so far away, so come on guys fill me in.

    New restaurants? How is logan doing in ann arbor, and how about the one that took the place of the cajun joint on main st? Been to eve lateley? Anything new in downtown detriot?

    i have to say that i miss something things there... just not the snow factor.

  2. trying to think of some out side of the box ideas for red beans... always ice cream, mochi, pancake, and cake.

    Yesterday we made red bean & fig sorbet, scented with a bit of orange zest. I was happy with the results very creamy, nice earthy flavor, but maybe i went a bit over board on the orange... next time only 1/2 zest.

    any ideas, uses, or things you've tried

  3. I have to say that it bothers me to hear about tribute like this... i think that Don is talented chef, and has many great ideas. For the desserts... I know that tribute has yet agian changed pastry chefs, and this could explain for the not so splectaular pastries. I would give the new pastry chef a bit to settle in before making any sharp judgments.

    I know that i wish nothing for the best for tribute, and look forward to seeing what happens for it in the future.

  4. So one of the easiest summer desserts are fruit soups, they can also be some of the most pourly done. Any one have any intereting things going on this summer.

    We have a white sesame panna cotta on the menu right now that is served with cucumber-melon water. And i am thinking about a sweet peach and corn bisque, but haven't finalized anything on it yet.

    What are you doing?

  5. so what if i am giving advice from an office at wynn in las vegas... from an old aborite, give pacific rim on liberty and main a chance. The owners are Vietnamese and Korean. So i suppose you will get the best of both worlds... i know they are open for both lunch and dinner. I know from working there the place never recieved the kudos it deserved. I believe that Duc and YB do as good of a job with this place as any where in ann arbor, and the warmth from them and the staff makes it all the better.

  6. From some one who has made some 10,000 rugelachs: dont' over mix dough, don't over roll dough, 50% ap 50% pastry, powdered sugar, and always work with this dough cold. IF you have rolled it once and you have scraps don't reuse.

    This is one of my favorite doughs in the world, tender and light. Not to much rise so shapes are easly kept, and its easy to make. when rooling roll in granulated sugar not flour... flour will make this tough and gritty. Don't look for a cream cheese flavor, but instead a buttery one.

  7. And now we return to "As The Yuzu Turns"... Recently Chef Suan McClain dined with us at tribute and he was served what i think is my more refined version of this dish.

    Crispy Yuzu Custard (now the custard is creamier and double breaded)

    Miso-Orange Ice Cream (Salty miso, bitter orange... Thanks M)

    Coconut Sorbet

    Toasted Sesame Tuile

    I lost the avacado, but will return to a yuzu near you. I appreciate you for politely telling me to get to the point. It's warm, fragrent, sweet, sour, salty, and a bit bitter all in that descending order. This has been one element that i have been happily working on my whole stay at tribute, and as of now i am more happy with it then ever.

  8. Last evening we were fortunate enought to entertain 6 guests at our chef's table at Tribute. One of the courses i prepared for them is one that i have had on our a la carte menu for some time now, but paired with differnt garnishes.

    Crispy Yuzu Custard

    Citrus Sunomono

    Salted Avacado

    Coconut-Anise Sorbet

    Toasted Sesame


    A short description about the custard; essentially it is a pastry cream flavored with yuzu, frozen in a terrine mold and fried a la minute. A dessert being derived from, spain's infoumus "heavens bacon". Crispy exterior, moulton yuzu interior. Thought the pairing's worked rather well with the custard flovor wise, it was lacking some where... I was wondering if any one would take a peak, and give suggestions for the general composition of the dish.

    Citrus sunomono (at least in my book) is derived from japanese cuisine meaning "Vinegared Things". Here we have actually added more acid to citrus segments in the form of ponzu and rice wine vinegar, and added a touch of salt and sugar to help steer the concoction just left of overkill.

  9. I'm thinking good atempt with the gellan, but there are no verying texture there. Ice cream is not one thing through out, more soft on the outside than on the in. There has to be a differnt way to go about this.

  10. Custard anything, mulled cider, loud spices with soft voices, warm "breakfast" type desserts, oatmeal, dried fruits, Indian desserts, Thick Beers, smoked goods, marshmallows, hard herbs, puddings, cheeses, strong aromas, rum, rum, rum,...

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