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Everything posted by nicolekaplan

  1. nordicware rules the creator of the company and bundt pan passed away about a year ago and there was alot written on the subject, including recipes for the original tunnel of fudge cake. (i think there was a great article in the ny times)
  2. fnac just informed me pf10 and choc larousse won't be out until atleast july, so i just ordered both from kitchen arts and letters. it costs more but it will be here tom.
  3. why not do a fake cake for display and make a sheet cake of this rootbeer delight. the name of the game is really customer service, who cares if the cake sucks, find a way to make the money and make them happy. charge them up the wazzoo for your time and energy (not to mention mental anguish)
  4. i justorderedit from fnac with my ph10 will keep you posted
  5. gingerale, doublemint gum, crackers it will pass, you'll eat for a while and then the massive indigestion will set in good luck, it's all worth it
  6. i just ordered it from fnac, we'll see what happens amazon.fr is out of stock on it as of today
  7. now that's zen, just right for the pastry kitchen
  8. to add: 1. never give your molds to the dishwasher, the soap is abrasive. if you must wash them, by hand, you can use a little dawn if you need. spritz the cleaned molds with a little distilled water and let air dry. 2. never use paper towels or dish towels or any towels, the best is those pure cotton makeup pads, not the balls and not the fake ones either 3. chef rubber color is beta 6, that is the best, the rest of the products out there are who knows what, so don't mix them, just dump the rest, you'll save yourself some frustration
  9. why not try a recipe from one of the puree companies. they are all carefully balanced
  10. any frozen coconut puree will work, although i think boiron is the best. it is pure coconut puree with the standard 10 percent sugar added so you could use a very fine quality of coconut milk but make sure that you mix it very well before you measure it as coco milk seperates and be sure to take in the sugar content of the product you use, it might be more or it might be less
  11. thanks for all the suggestions. it is passed desserts to go with a tapas style cocktail party menu.
  12. any one have any suggestions
  13. or you can mostly substitute corn syrup
  14. for the square mac, i have seen templates used and freehand piping of the square shape. with the italian meringue you will find that the batter is a little bit on the stiff side and it is easy to pipe into shapes. we have made the macarangle as well as the mactagon. just always keep in mind there is a bit of spreading and flattening out before baking. as for the sweetness of the syrup, that is up to you and what you use. for example for the chocolate macs we use a simple syrup infused with cocoa nibs so it adds a chocolatey flavor and not much extra sweetness. if you used a rose syrup you would probably not make it a 1:1 ratio. as for fillings the sky is the limit, any kind of ganache, jam, caramel, buttercream, ice cream for macaron glace............
  15. the sugar/water thing is only enough to wet and keep it from crystallizing, like a caramel. the cocoa powder, we add extra, by eye it doesn't take much. as for the temp, 275 in a convection and they cook about 7-9 minutes usually. i guess if you are making really large macs you might take it up as high as 325. the dryness really comes from letting them bake until the insides are really set instead of removing them when they still have a bit of wiggle. and of course brushing them with some syrup not only flavors but moistureizes them. and as for the hairy hands they were robs. it's good to hear from you, everyone is well and surviving the holiday season.
  16. the yield will depend on the size macaron you make, but if they are for petit four it makes quite a few. you can easily reduce it with no problem, just make sure you are not whipping too few whites for your mixer
  17. The Recipe 2 kilo teint per teint (1/2 and 1/2 almond flour ground with 10x) 1K sugar (for syrup) 750 g whites you can substitute partial other nut flours, add some cocoa by eye, food coloring etc
  18. This is the method of macarons making that i learned at Herme a few years back. It is the ultimate no fail method to making beautiful macs every time. First you start with your dry ingrdients. Make sure to sift atleast once. Next start an italian meringue, bring your sugar syrup to soft ball, and slowly add to your soft peak whites. Whip until lukewarm. Then slowly fold the dry ingredients into your meringue in about 3 batches. You do not need to be super careful in fact you want to keep mixing until the batter takes on a kind of shine. Next with a large round tip pipe your macarons on to a silpat and let air dry for 10-20 minutes until a crust forms on top of them Then bake at 275 degrees until they puff up and when you grab the tops and giggle them a bit they are almost set but still offer a little movement. Let cool and then flip them over and brush the undersides with the syrup of your choice. Fill, stick together and enjoy.
  19. mace is the secret ingredient to nog
  20. stir until it comes to a boil, then turn down to low heat, stir on occasion to make sure it doesn't stick and do not cook to softball. cook it a bit under, we eyeball it, then shock it and let it cool. when you go to seed it add a bit of softened fondant with the butter and vanilla(make sure the butter is also soft), this will improve the texture. then only stir it a bit before you pour it out. don't wait for it to be thick or it will be grainy.
  21. back in my youth when i travelled for work i used to get demel in tokyo all the time and it was good, so maybe i will give it one more shot and order something from them. maybe it will be a good excuse to give my husband something to get me for christmas. but i'm glad to know i'm not the only one to be so dissapointed
  22. so after mulling it over for the last 3 years, i finally took the plunge and ordered a sacher torte from the hotel sacher. it arrived in 3 days and everything was looking rosy. with great anticipation i opened it up and sliced it and to my surprise it was not so good. it was on the dry side, but what can you expect from something coming from austria. however the glaze, well what can i say about the glaze. it just was awful. in fact the only way i could even choke the cake down was to neatly cut away the glaze and promptly throw it in the garbage. i was disappointed to say the least. i also purchased an imperial torte from the hotel imperial through dean and deluca. this is an almond paste cake layered with chocolate. it was much tastier than the sacher. but i am stunned that both taste like they have been made with the lowest quality chocolate possible. oh well, sometimes immitation is really the sincerest form of flattery.
  23. tomric plastics, in buffalo, ny
  24. the revere group www.rgroup.com or 866 747 6871
  25. how is the wybauw book?
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