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Everything posted by lala

  1. As a Seattleite, I'm reading this thread with interest, as I often go the the Olympic Peninsula, then straight home for dinner in Seattle. I'd love to find some good places to eat before I hit the ferry! One place that I enjoy on Bainbridge is the Harbour House Pub. The food is good (above average pub, but not spectacular or anything), but I don't go there for the food. The house and deck are lovely...there's nothing like a late afternoon on the deck with a microbrew!
  2. I think that eGulleters have a different viewpoint than the average person...many of us do not need the 'basic' shows (How to Boil water, etc...). As well, many of the more informative shows are on during the day, when we're not watching TV. Personally, I'm only watching TV in the evening, and I think that's the programming that most of us have a problem with. At that time of day, it's more about personalities and fluff shows (Food unwrapped, Top Five). I don't need to see candies being extruded repeatedly, as I don't consider that either edifying or entertaining.
  3. Oh! Those scary sleeping-bag sized bags of pre-popped stale popcorn! The worst! One of the multiplexes here in Seattle used to sell that stuff. So odd, you'd walk into the theater, NOT get that good popcorn-butter smell, yet have the visual of popcorn in the (apparently non-operational) machines! Guest it didn't work for them though...they now pop their own.
  4. I think that most of you are right...newly converted Anythings are more outspoken in the fervor of their beliefs. I have found that many Vegetarians (to use an example) mellow out as they get further down the road, and don't lecture others quite so much (with exceptions, of course). I classify myself as an Omnivore, not ruling out any food, but if I were to follow the verbage in that article, I'd be a 'Vegetarian' who sometimes eats meat, too. It's simply healthier to eat a predominantly veggie/grain diet, but I sure do love a good steak, or piece of fish, or whatever, several times a week. On the other hand, I regularly eat Morningstar soy sausages for breakfast. After eating those, I find meat sausages too fatty. It's also a matter of money. I can't afford to eat meat on a daily basis, especially since the Atkins rage has driven the price of all proteins through the roof. This from a midwestern born girl, who was raised to believe that meat three times a day was a God given right.
  5. Thanks, I'll check it out! I'm surprised that they say that salads don't sell...at Grapes, they were one of the main attractions. But then, they used liberal dabs of Bleu D'auvergne (sp?) or the stunning Brie de Mieux, caramelized walnuts, dried cranberries and a lovely vinaigrette on theirs, making them something really special.
  6. I think I heard of this a while back, then forgot about it...thanks for the reminder! What kind of food do they have?
  7. Ahhh...ok...didn't know it was a repeated thing... well, until he learns a new way to express this joy... I love it when anyone on here says they're getting the kids involved in cooking... Those are some of my happiest memories as a kidlet, being in the kitchen with Mom, making real food (she never dumbed it down for me).
  8. I am really missing Grapes, the wine bar that used to be in Ballard...closed in December...It was a fine spot for wine, cheese (oh, the brie...) and salads... *sigh*
  9. Mayhaw Man, I reiterate my jealousy of your handed down kitchen equipment. While I, too have certain recipes and techniques imbedded in my brain/soul/body from my Mom, I don't have any of those wonderful pans and things used with love by previous generations. When my parents moved and tossed the old cookie jar, I almost disowned them...
  10. So is that wild vs. cultivated tarantulas? so funny! I'll try just about anything once. Having tried it, I will be happy to never eat okra again.
  11. Nasty! they're oddly hard, yet squish with retained water when you bite down. If I see that on the menu, I usually try to get a salad substitute instead.
  12. God, No! Don't stifle his joy...there are so few things in life that cause so much happiness... and that's a lovely, honest reaction!
  13. Gruyere, dotted over a heap of sauteed mushrooms done up in butter and thyme...mmmm... I'll be happy to see others' home fries recipes...mine suck... educate me, you good people!
  14. Birks, birks, birks... I finally found these after years in the kitchen, and they saved my life. When you stand in them for the first time, all the bones in your body, and your hips gently fall into correct position. Various pairs got me through kitchens, and running (literally!) 12 hour events on concrete floors. Can't do clogs, though... I seem to walk right out of them! Really embarassing... Sorry, I don't know... you say your'e barefoot, so I assume you're at home? I wear birk sandals (keeps that barefoot feeling) at home. You may also want to try investing in thick, commercial rubber mats for the areas where you stand. Those, and Birks work magic together. The other thing is...why don't you sit down? There were many times in a commercial kitchen when we sat during prep work (peeling, doing detail work, etc.). Nothing like taking the weight off to give your legs and back a break. I have a stool in my kitchen now, and for those mindless tasks I have a perch and roll and stretch my feet while I relax. Sometimes, I take the bowl of beans, or whatever out to the porch and set a spell while I work.
  15. I hear ya!!! I cook because I'm compelled to. It's a large part of what defines me, and I'm most fully ME when I'm cooking. It's taking care of me, whether I need comfort or am feeling virtous with a mess of veggies, and taking care of others, sitting them down to a good meal 'I know what you like, and here's a great version of it!'. I love everything about it...the quick 'what's in the fridge that I can whup up?', to a morning at the farmer's market strolling around, the menu changing in my head as I see what the next vendor has to offer. Unpacking all the goodies, laying them out on the counter, then clearing the decks, putting on the music, kicking my shoes off, and getting down to it. It's life, it's love, it's Zen, and I'd die if I couldn't do it.
  16. aren't you sweet... maybe a donut would actually *settle* my tummy...yeah, that's it...it'd be Good for me...
  17. Oh, hush! I'm getting over a nasty stomach virus, cautiously slurping chicken broth at my desk. Now I want a Top Pot doughnut! Serves me right for opening this thread...
  18. I'm not fond of chains, not fond of Johnny Rockets, but I say 'Kudos' to any business starting up in that notorious drug block on Pike. Maybe their singing will scare the dealers away!
  19. Does he drink coffee? Often, a cup of strong coffee works like magic!
  20. This would be in my funky beach house. Lots of counter space appropriate for my height, professional level appliances, 3 ovens, griddle, grill, etc. Gas, of course. At least two fridges and a big freezer. Double sink, not too deep. Lots of storage, custom made for how I cook (saw an article on, I think it was Flo Braker's kitchen. There was a shallow indentation in her counter for eggs, so they wouldn't roll around...brilliant!). Pastry area with marble counter. All light and airy, beach glass tiles for the backsplash, excellent ventilation (she says as she currently has to open every window and door just to sear a steak). Mainly wood, floors and cabinets, with sea green and blue accents. Roll out shelving for easy access to pans, etc. Long appliance 'garage' for electrical toys. Lots of outlets for said toys (don't want to have to stand in the corner to use the mixer, because that's where the plugs are). Indentations in the (plank wood) floor for rubber mats in the main work areas. This kitchen is at the end of the living room, which has huge windows for the sea view. Of course, there is a small greenhouse for herbs and a few select veggies and fruits (hard to get good produce at the coast!). Oh, and a great sound system! Basically, an Intelligently designed kitchen, to work in comfort, and minimize steps, everything in easy reach from where I'm working. Large enough to fit many friends while we cook and party.
  21. I agree with those who reccommended Chinooks. Not a culinary adventure, and I'll never eat brunch there again, but it's full of natives (mostly Ballardites), with good basic food. As mentioned, their pan fried oysters are REALLY good (sometimes, I just gotta have a plate of fried oysters). The salads are very good - fresh and bountiful. And the chocolate cake is so classically midwestern...sometimes I just gotta have that, too. Swimming in hot fudge, topped with a raft of vanilla ice cream. The view is almost like being on vacation in a seaside fishing village, and we like it best when it's a gloomy rainy day. Just like being at the coast on vacation!
  22. lala


    but if they used this to showcase the food at El Bulli, we'd all applaud and call it brilliant. Not necessarily... we're not all under the thrall of the Foam King...
  23. lala


    What are you supposed to do, snort the cottage pie and brush your teeth with the strawberry desert? Ha ha ha!!! "Well, Doctor, I seem to have this pea stuck in my nose..."
  24. I peer at food, too. I always take my glasses off when I eat, but if I sense/smell a good dish going by, I put them on and peer at that dish. I try not to do it if it's already landed in front of someone, as I imagine that a bespeckled dame suddenly staring into their dinner might unnerve them (Who knows what she's looking for? Did she see it move?). I have, however, stopped the server and ask what the dish was, so I know it for next time!
  25. lala


    From one of the reveiws on the site: "His Juniper restaurant in Altrincham serves cottage pie in a thin line on a mirror, a strawberry dessert served on a toothbrush and you can enjoy lamb garlanded with Weetabix." He's doing all this crap near Manchester, England...not a culinary hot spot. Wonder how he'd fare in London? Sounds like the Emperer's New Clothes to me.
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