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Everything posted by g.johnson

  1. Yes, of course. I was guessing that smoked cod (which I've never heard of either) would be like smoked haddock and therefore a reasonable substitute.
  2. g.johnson


    A loop of string works pretty well for this.
  3. Though it's hard to imagine French food benefitting from the addition of the more pungent spices like cumin, I could imagine a good French chef doing something interesting with cardamoms.
  4. What about saffron?
  5. Well we know how the unconventionally Indian Majumdar thinks.
  6. For the life of me I can't see where you got that from. I couldn't see any other reason why you would want to distort the meaning of what I posted.
  7. Yes. Don't. And ditto with the smoked cod. Very nice in kedgeree or poached in milk with an egg for breakfast. But deep fried?
  8. That I don't know what I'm talking about, I assume.
  9. G.: This description, from Plotnicki, hardly sounds like food that is "conventionally Indian." Ditto the "little casserole of lotus root and what might have been baby bok choi." I have no objection to those dishes; they may be great; but I don't see them as conventional. I’m surprised at you deliberately quoting my post out of context to make a point. You’re normally so pedantic about these matters. I said that the "Bread Bar serves food that is more conventionally Indian than the main restaurant" (emphasis added) and I stand by that. There may be unusual dishes but the breads, the chutneys, various tandoori dishes, etc., are typically Indian, at least in my US/English experience of Indian cooking. Edit: Added final qualification.
  10. The Bread Bar serves food that is more conventionally Indian than the main restaurant and I think it is fair to compare it to Diwan. I find both to be inconsistent based on several meals at the Bread Bar and two at Diwan. When they’re good they’re very good but they can both be pretty ordinary.
  11. g.johnson


    You really don't mean one of them, I hope. They're OK with a helical bit, but the screw bit really fucks corks up.
  12. I rarely use my 8" after buying a 10".
  13. g.johnson


    I'm having trouble imagining how one can open a bottle of wine with a fish. Unless it's a narwhal and that's not a fish.
  14. It's a very common story Google teflon space program for more Looking for more information on the claim in that article that CAT scanners were a product of space technology I found this claim on a NASA site. Having been a member of one of the groups that developed the first MRI scanners I can say with absolute certainty, that this is a complete lie.
  15. g.johnson


    We have a rabbit which I'm very happy with.
  16. g.johnson

    Open Bottle of Red

    You want one of these boys.
  17. you're british, and the foreign version looks different. and it's probably not snipped either. but i think the pink and non-pink version are the same at the end of the day. I haven't done a side by side comparison between US and foreign versions. But your other points are spot on.
  18. my thompson thai book is in the condition of a book that's been around for 237 years. does that count? [at least it's not pink] Not pink? Mines pink.
  19. Very interesting. So that story that we all owe non-stick pans to the space program is rubbish. But, the pedant in me has to say that fluorine is highly reactive. It's a consequence of this reactivity that the carbon-fluorine bonds in PTFE are so strong and, hence, that the substance is so stable. g.johnson (Chemistry A level, A1 and bar).
  20. Erm. Pasta is made with eggs.
  21. enameled cast iron like the le creuset? if so, no way. le creuset is effortless to keep clean. not that cast iron isn't, but i don't think there's a disparity. And you can put in the dishwasher.
  22. Are you saying this is not common? No idea. A commonplace rip-off is still a rip-off.
  23. The case mogsob quoted was a 620% markup over retail. Presumably this will push 1000% over wholesale.
  24. It's just arrived and, beneath the slip cover, it is very pink. So, where in NYC do I buy lime leaves, etc.?
  25. We have one and I can't recommend it. Two things wrong with it. Grease seems to adsorb [sic] to the surface which always feels sticky as a consequence. Second, it warped.
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