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Posts posted by merstar

  1. The questions/comments:

    "I wish I had been invited" 

    I tend to make things because of a reason...so come to the mountains of southern New Mexico and give me a reason :)

    I would love to visit New Mexico - I've never been there - I may just take you up on it. I'll make the dessert!

  2. Here are a few ideas, including a soup and salad recipe:

    Vanilla Melon Soup


    Warm Spinach Salad with Sweet Vanilla Bean Vinaigrette




    Asian Spiced Chicken in Wonton Cups with Vanilla Apricot Sauce


  3. I'm staying in central Vermont at a friend's guest house, and I decide to make us all some curry.  Back in Philly, I get fresh, store-made curry powder at the Spice Corner in the Italian Market, and I know I'm gonna have to go w/supermarket bottled powder.  No big deal, I thought.  At the store, I reach for the venerable Spice Islands curry powder, check out the ingredients, and find the following: "Red Pepper, Turmeric (for coloring)".  I check out the lesser brands and find the same contents.  Screw it: I'm not paying $6 for a bottle of colored pepper, and I decide to make do with any ancient spices back at the house.

    Upon my return to the house, I locate the spices and -- voila -- there's an age-old bottle of Spice Islands Curry Powder.  I check the ingredients: "Cumin, Coriander, Fenugreek, Ginger, Turmeric, Dill Seed, Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Mace, Cardamom, Cloves".

    So, when did Spice Islands dumb down their curry powder?  And why?  Is a mix of the old formula that much more expensive?  Is it ethical, fair, whatever to market colored pepper as "curry"?  At a minimum, Spice Islands has lost me as a customer forever, since I apparently can no longer trust any of their spices to be authentic.  Thoughts?

    I posted a response at:


  4. Hi,

    I never realized they had changed the labeling. I just checked the ingredients on my current Spice Islands curry powder, and it says, "SPICES, Turmeric, and Red Pepper." Apparently, they don't want to reveal which spices are included, as they did in the past. However, I've been buying this curry powder for years, and have not noticed a significant difference in taste. Regardless, I think the consumer should know exactly which spices are in there, but I do see this sometimes on various labelings, and wonder why? Maybe they don't want another company "stealing" their formula? But that's ridiculous, because only the ingredients are listed, not the ratios.

  5. I was recently looking for cocoa powder advice from the chocoholic geniuses at seventypercent.com.

    One tip I got was that the higher-fat cocoa powders are delicous but quite perishable; you can't keep them around as long or they lose a lot of flavor.

    Another point was that high fat cocoas can diminish volume in desserts where the cocoa is folded into whipped egg whites.

    There seems to be some consensus that the Cluizel cocoa kicks ass, but that it may not be available in anything more reasonable than 3kg bags. If anyone knows how to get a reasonable volume of this, I'd love to hear it.

    Or we could chip in and split a bunch. 8oz would be good for me (it's high fat/low shelf life). A $77 3kg bag would make 13  8oz+ portions for $6 each.

    I'd also like to try the Pernigotti. Anyone know if that's available locally in NYC?

    I love seventypercent.com. Interesting info on high fat cocoas.

    You can find Pernigotti at Williams-Sonoma.

  6. Ninth try was the charm!

    I finally got my brownies to come out with both the right flavor and texture. Posted here, with some background, for anyone interested.

    These will appeal to you if you're crazy for dark chocolate.

    Congratulations! They sound great!

  7. I've been dieting for a couple of months, and have pretty much completely deprived myself of desserts. This week I reached my target weight, and decided to celebrate with some doughnuts. These were filled with strawberry jam. Recipe here.


    Oh man - you're killing us here! My husband and I are drooling - send some over!

  8. In an effort to appear natural and home made, Haagen Dazs uses molecularly altered milk proteins for stabilization (so they don't have to list anything besides cream, milk, sugar, etc. on the ingredients ...)

    Interesting - I didn't know that. I'm glad I make my own ice cream, with one occasional exception: Julie's Organic Blackberry.

    By the way, how are your brownie testings/tastings coming along?

  9. I read thru the very long brownie post as much as I could take, but then got tired and decided to ask my own selfish question...

    Has anybody ever perfected a technique for the perfect caramel brownie? What I'm looking for is a brownie that is marbled with distinct areas of caramel. I've tried several times and failed. Usually, the caramel just sinks to the bottom. I've resorted to putting the caramel and nuts on top after baking, but then you lose that wonderful top crunchy brownie goodness. Ideas?

    Check these out:

    Caramel Ripple Brownies


    If you need to convert from Metric to US, here's a converter:


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