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Everything posted by woodburner

  1. Actually, it sounds pretty tasty: http://www.virtualcities.com/ons/ky/x/kyx89011.htm The traditional one is open faced,but theres no reason why you couldn't do it as a sandwich. It is very good, Jason. You can make them either open faced or closed. Don't listen to those bad guys in the background. woodburner
  2. Just happened to find this on the first page of a google search: Guess Where? They are very regional, but delicious. woodburner
  3. Very slick new tool. I just ordered two bags. Should work great for a couple Kentucky Hot Brown's, the day after Thanksgiving. Cubano's woodburner
  4. One's interpretation of the word "grilling", can run the gambit amongst a group of woodburning coal aficionado's. The Weber Smoky Mountain can be easily turned into a great grilling machine, by removing the water pan. This allows you to cook meats at three different levels. Directly, at a distance of about 3" inches from the fire, on the middle grate, which is about 15" from the hot coals or the top grate, at about 20". This past Sunday I gingerly, smoke-roasted four chicken halves on the top grate of my WSM, in about 2 1/2 hours, sans the water pan. woodburner
  5. Vanish, comes in spray. yawsir... not goin there. woodburner
  6. With all due respect to our host Mr. Cutlets, I would disagree that State Fair's would be representative of the States foods. Think of going to Syracuse to our NYS fair, and preclude you have just eaten in Manhattan. If your looking for fairly good bbq in the city, I think that upon the opening of the Dinosaur Restaurant this coming January, you'll be close to NY's best commercial offering at the present time. woodburner
  7. Wonder if tommy sprayed some on his nipple? woodburner
  8. woodburner


    are you from upstate new york originally by any chance? and what about warm german potato salad, with yummy bits of pork in it, among other things? Still in NY, but that German Potato salad while sounding worthy, I have never tasted. Anything with pork is good. woodburner
  9. woodburner


    Another favorite; Basque Potatoes. Grande paprika, and hot.. woodburner
  10. As a matter of personal preferance, I add a bit of pork to the beef mix for burgers. But.. after much adu, it will be burgers this friday nite, your way. Thanks for the inspiration. woodburner
  11. woodburner


    Salt Potatoes woodburner
  12. Chef Folke: I have never even thought about why I weigh down food after I have cured/smoked it. Thank You Chef. Now that I have re-read all of your posts I am going to give your procedure an all-systems go, and proof it. If you could just be a little more precise on the weighting down. What did you use to put your pastrami under pressure? Since beef plate is almost impossible for me to find, I will be using whole brisket, for my go ahead. woodburner
  13. Whew, that remark just woke me up. I very seldom if ever, visit a burger fast food place, maybe once or twice a year would be my guess. As I read your remarks about demographics, a visual went through my mind, decpicting many fast food places in some large cities, located in lower income area's. I also have refused to enter into this frey, so far, because of my limited knowledge concerning Rick Bayless in general. But I am finding and reading as much information that I can find, so as to form an opinion. Thanks to all posters for passing along book titles and web links to help me learn. A special thanks to the Fatguy, for taking a stand, and trying to educate me with his writings, in this thread. woodburner
  14. If your dining out, possibly you could take a few detailed mental notes, and pass them along. I certainly would appreciate any effort you make. woodburner
  15. That is pretty much how I fix them. My belief is that much of the mystiqe is in the bread itself. I've read the oven is the key, and authentic is a brick type oven, whcih cooks very hot to achieve the crusty exterior. woodburner
  16. dear katie replies: sangweech... muhhaaaa. pass the girl a sigar, cuban at that. woodburner
  17. Two good replies, thanks. But let's back up a bit. Which cut of pork would be the more traditional? Pork roast, or a Boston Butt, roasted to the sliceable stage? Ham.. hmmm, any preference? I'm thinking big time here. Maybe we could roast a pork butt wrapped in Banana Leaves for a true earthy flavor. I'm droolin. woodburner
  18. I would like to see some discussion regarding the Cubano. My personal favorite is a nice hard crusty bread, a recipe from James Beard. The pork is marinaded in Goya Mojo Criollo, then roasted to perfection, sliced thinly and put betwixt the sliced crunchy bread slices. Topped out with swiss cheese and pickles and then toasted in a fry pan, weighing the sandwich down with a small Lodge cast iron skillet. Let's put our thoughts together and jazz my method up to a more traditional style. woodburner
  19. woodburner


    Throw a ring of bologna on the smoker for about an hour, good stuff. I do brats on the grill, and keep a small disposable pan filled with beer and onyons right on the fire. Vascilate between the grill and steaming beer. Pull off, prior to splitting the casings. Never and I mean never buy pre-cooked brats, obtain the fresh ones. woodburner
  20. It's not very common for individuals who know how to cook regional foods, to find an outlet for teaching. My wife and I are exploring the possibilites of hosting an Adult Education course regarding grilling and bbq, at our local High School, for the Spring/Autumn of 2004. Our goal is to contribute to the graduating class, some extra monies, after our expenses are paid. Just something we would like to give back to our community, and at the same time try to instill, cooking basics to our neighbors. woodburner
  21. Dog for a walk, and not two potatoes in the house? Shame on you. Why do you feel violated? With convenience comes a price, and expect to pay it. Twenty pounds of white potatoes, over the weekend at a local farm stand, eight dollars. Man walking his dog through the streets of NYC, expecting the same bargain, priceless. woodburner Edited for weight
  22. Chef Fowke, Incredible tutorial. If you could please explain the importance, and procedure for "weighting down" the pastrami after smoking. As a second note, my senses tell me, that after steaming, some if not most of the smoke flavor would be negated. Do you find this to be true? woodburner
  23. "Ask not, What you can do for your bacon, But what your bacon, can do for you" Thanks Jack, them were great words. woodburner
  24. Holy Shit!!! Thank you for posting that picture!!! This is amazing, really. I Have gone to sleep for months, having nightmares, with vivid images of my restored Porsche going up in smoke, in front of my eyes. Finally, I now have seen something that top's one of the most horrific visuals of my life. Is that a sandwich?? HA HA HA woodburner ps. looks like some hard used 10W-40 on the top of the bun. Maybe Citgo, at that.
  25. woodburner

    Brussels Sprouts

    I've found high heat roasting, drizzled with grapeseed oil and just touched with some kosher salt, very satisfiying. By far the best I ever cooked where fresh sprouts just picked from my garden, after a hard frost had hit them the night before, and then roasted. Nirvana. woodburner
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