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Posts posted by sherribabee

  1. I hate the mouth noises too...and probably am way over the line of oversensitive about it.  It doesn't even have to be a noisy eater, but if everything is quiet and that's what I'm hearing,  I'm sitting there going crosseyed trying to not get up and leave.  If the person is noisy in the sense they're making "mm mm" noises, even worse!  I have to have some sort of background noise on - music, tv, a fan, something, anything.

    Hub: "what, like you don't make noises?" me: "yeah, but, they're...mine."

    I think during my years waitressing, I must have been subliminally hearing all those mouths chewing, slurping, and grinding away at their food under the restaurant noise and music.  It must have worn me down. 

    It's the same way with the animals, too... for some reason horses don't bother me, but the dog, my god, she's like a pig at a trough. SHLURP! crunch crunch crunch...SHRLUP SHLURP! SHLURP!  I have to walk out of the room when I feed her.  :wacko:

    Oh, I am the SAME way. :angry:

    Over the summer, we had an intern who sat 2 cubicles away from me. She got into the habit of eating chips at her desk every afternoon. And she was no quiet chewer. It all started with a few instant messages to nearby coworkers: "Can you hear that?" "Yes! So annoying." and so forth.

    I finally got to the point where I became so preoccupied with the annoying noise, that I couldn't concentrate on my work. I was literally sitting there fuming at my desk and cursing her and her loud mastication. I finally decided I couldn't take it anymmore and walked over and told her that our company frowns upon eating at the desk (not true) and that she would have to go into the kitchen to eat her chips from now on.

    All was well after that for about a day...then she started wearing a charm bracelet with tiny jingle bells on it. All day...tinkletinlketinkletinkletinkle...and i won't even talk about the time she clipped her nails at the desk... :blink:

  2. I agree with Rachel. When we have guests from Europe, we try to serve them American things. I'd suggest English muffins, bagels, corn muffins, blueberry muffins, etc. The bagels perhaps with cream cheese and smoked salmon. The rest with some good jams. If you can find some local ones, all the better. I have had croissants in NY that were better than many in France, but on the whole, we don't have the same flour or butter and the best ones are better in France.

    I agree too.

    My friends from France love -- I mean LOVE -- muffins. The bagels (I'm in NYC) didn't go over nearly as well as the muffins though, surprisingly. I think serving French folks croissants in the US would be akin to going to France and being served sub-par burgers.

    I think your idea of BBQ is fantastic! I'd suggest eating the croissants yourself and then either baking or hitting up the local bakery for some fresh muffins the morning your guests arrive. Blueberry, banana, and orange-carrot were the faves among my pals.

  3. I work pretty close to K-town in Manhattan. I've never tried Korean food and probably never will and here's why:

    There are 2 Korean restaurants I pass while walking between the subway and my office. Every morning, there are heaps of garbage out front and trails of rotting garbage between the front door of the restaurant and the bags. The odor is noxious. There's nothing worse than a rotting fish smell to ruin your opinion of a place (and you're morning). And that's (so far) the one and only association I have with Korean restaurants.

    I know it's horrible and completely unfair of me to apply this association to Korean restaurants in general, but I can't help it. I hear someone mention a Korean restaurant and all I can think of is what I see on the sidewalk every morning. Completely puts me off. It might be different if I has some sort of history with the cuisine, but I don't.

    I'm a pretty adventurous eater (there's not much I won't at least try), but doubt I'm going to be able to get past my little mental block when it comes to Korean food.


  4. I keep a baking stone at the bottom of my oven at all times. I've never put a Pyrex diretly on top of it, so I have no idea how that might turn out. But using a Pyrex on a rack about 6 inches above it, seems to yield perfect results.

    Even when I'm baking cookies on another baking stone, I still keep the other one in the oven. It's black by now. :smile:

  5. Not burger drinks either.

    lemme think about this.

    take a burger, dump into a blender, make a burger smoothie.

    squeeze a burger until you get all the good stuff out, make some burger juice.

    wait, wait, wait for it....


    that's like soooo gross, dude.




    My idea of a burger drink: layer of vanilla milkshake, layer of Bailey's, another layer of milkshake. Like a burger sitting between two buns.

  6. Oh--my guess is that we could probably arrange a Burger Club meeting to coincide with your visit.  Elyse?  Sherri?  Am I right, or am I right?


    Of course! We'll always be willing to accomodate our out-of-town eGulls. :smile:

  7. My goodness, it's brutal out there. Reminds me why I choose dining venues that preclude public mastication, irrelevant commentary and copious menu choices. Having said that, it annoys the hell out of me when the guy in front of me in the drive-through orders a Big Mac with no cheese.

    As I read that post, I totally misread "mastication". :huh:

    I remember in school when we had masticate as a vocabulary word. We had a great deal of fun walking around saying things like "I masticated during lunch" and "my mom caught me masticating last night".

  8. In this case, it's just best to narrow down the gipes to the biggest one, and that is the critique.  Her mother worked in food service, and therefore is somehow the fucking guru of all that is food.  I don't mind suggestions, I do mind being told how to do/not do something.  her: "well my mother does it this way" me: "that's not the way I'm doing it"  her: "well my mother worked for X years in food service, I should think she'd know."  In the back of my head, my internal bitch offers to drop kick her the 600 miles back to her mother's house,where she'll probably be just on time for dinner.

    To those individuals I'd simply say, "then why don't you go ask so-and-so to fix your meal?" or "If you don't like the way I cook, why the hell do you keep coming over?"

    How dare someone repeatedly critique YOUR way of cooking in YOUR home. :angry:

  9. Oh man, Sherri.

    Why DO you dine out with her?  Good friends perhaps?


    She's part of a group of friends.

    I never dine with her alone though. I'm too young to be put away for homicide, no matter how justifiable it may be.

    They need to come out with a reality show where they videotape people in social situations then show the videos back to them and tell them to observe other people's reactions to their behavior.

  10. I think it's an excellent concept for a special thread full of pictures recreating famous paintings with a food theme. How bout a last supper?

    So, who's gonna volunteer for the picture which is the current focus of the literary smackdown? Not me!

  11. I have a friend who is a huge drama queen and LOVES attention, even if it's negative attention. I absolutely dread dining out with her, but it's not entirely avoidable.

    She's the one who will play 20 Questions with the server, asking how everything is prepared, even for foods she has no intention of ordering. When she does finally order, she comes up with a list of about 12 things that she wants changed to her specification. She ALWAYS, ALWAYS has to send her food back for some reason or another. She's simply obnoxious. I'm sure the servers spit in her food, I just hope they don't take it out on the rest of us. And she's a horribly picky eater, so if there's something on her plate that she doesn't like (and there always is) she thinks it is a bad restaurant and refuses to go there again.

    And for all that she puts the servers through, she is a horrible tipper -- she thinks 15% is being extremely generous.

  12. rasputin and hitler?

    Hitler was a vegetarian. He couldn't be that pleasant a dining companion.

    Rasputin could drink though.

    yeah, well notice that i mentioned carl rove too! maybe not too pleasant but from the looks of the boy i'd say that he's been raiding the gally on air force one with great regularity. i just thought that i'd throw out some names of historical icons- pleasant or unpleasant. didn't know hitler was a vegetarian- i'd be interested to hear about real or fictional dining habits of historical figures. bet i'd be transfixed as rasputin chewedwith his mouth open! (an annoying, unpleasant eating habit!)

    Heh. I'd like to get Jesus and Neitzsche together and see if they get into a food fight. Throw in John Stuart Mill, Homer Simpson, Ellen DeGeneres and Bono for some fun and interesting conversation and Pierce Brosnan :wub: for some eye candy, and I'd be one happy little camper.

  13. Okay.  Next meeting will be at Wendy's in Staten Island.  Tuesday the 28th, which is tomorrow, 1:00.

    (Psst!  Don't tell hillbill we're not going there.  I'm trying to get him off my back).

    Which bus goes there? I'm NOT taking the ferry...


  14. Pizza Club is next on my list.

    Pizza Club! I'm in!

    Fry Club! I'm in!

    Chocolate Club! Count me out, not a real chocophile.

    Steak Club?

    Bagel Club?

    Bacon Club?

    Do we need a whole separate forum for clubs now?

  15. I was thinking about going out for a salad for lunch today, but after seeing those pictures I'm going to have to find a burger!  Maybe All-State Cafe (my favorite on the UWS) or Fairway (never tried it, but will report back here if I do). 

    Do y'all mind if I join the Burger Club, or has this elite squad already closed ranks?

    When/where is the next meeting?

    We'd be happy to have you join out shifty...er, shifting group. The more, the merrier!

    We haven't decided on our next meeting yet, but I know we're waiting on a suggestion from one of London Burger Club members who will be in town in a few weeks. We'd like to plan a meeting when she can join us. I think the last tentaive suggestion was for Tuesday Nov. 25.

    But maybe we'll meet again before then? Elyse? Anyone?

  16. Speaking of which, what's on Ms. American Gothic's fork?  I was assuming it's a pickle slice, but now everything's in doubt.

    I wanted to see pics of the attending shifty, er shifting members.  I find the explanation of why there are no other nefarious bc member pics rather shifty.  Something clandestine must have going down and I bet that the crayons were somehow involved.

    She's holding a thermometer.

    Who you callin' shifty?

  17. I'm in.

    Personally, I'd love it to be Super Bowl Sunday, so I'll have something fun to do (and good to eat) while the rest of the world consumes mass quantities of beer and Cheez Doodles while their eyes glaze over watching foo'ball on their supersize TVs.

    Me too. I used to like Super Bowl Sunday at least for the fun commercials, but even those suck these days. If we have it on SB Sunday, I think Frito Pie would be in order.

    Any day in January works for me though.

  18. Burger Club pictures from Sherribabee  - should work this time.  Enjoy!   :biggrin: 

    • The burger on the designer scale wrapped in plastic is pretty funny. It looks like it belongs in a chic art gallery. (Is that a postal scale? It's too small to be a people scale, unless that's a really big burger.)
    • What is the ominous black thingy being inserted into the burger in the next picture?
    • Hamburger Gothic is a classsic (of course!)
    • I don't see E=bc² on the wall
    • The crayons do not look like they're artisanal
    • I wanna see pics of the rest of the nefarious burger gang
    • What are the three rules of the burger club again?
    • May I have extra salt on my fries?

    That ominous black thingie was one of the 27 thermometers Suzanne F brought with her. :raz: That was also her designer scale (which you can see ForkandPen holding in Burger Gothic.

    The fries were delicious. I'll be making a special trip back just for those! "I'd like and order of fries with some fries on the side, please. And some fries for dessert." And then a trip across the street for that spicey hot chocolate.

    I made brownies last night (the standard Baker's Chocolate recipe) and threw in a little cinnamon and cayenne to see if they'd mimic the flavor of that hot chocolate. Pretty close!

    I wanted to get a few pics of people shoving the burgers into their mouths, with globs of ketchup on their chins, etc. but I was too engaged in the lively conversation to remember to snap pics. I'll remember next time. Although, everyone seemed to want to 'approve' the pics beforehand, so I doubt any really good ones will ever get posted here. Unless, as VP of Monkeywrenching, I decide to give myself veto power over the approval process.

  19. I, I got 68 pie.

    I, I got 68 pie.



    a 68 pie!

    As I said to elyse, I think you ought to invite the creators of weebl and bob to the pie potluck.  They just might get some good material...and egullet would again be in the media spotlight.

    Oh yes!!!!

    I think we should all be required to wobble, weebl-style at some point while consuming the pies. :laugh:

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