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Everything posted by curlywurlyfi

  1. I was in Dartmouth at the weekend and the locals are genuinely excited about having him take over the Carved Angel (which he will have to rename, sorry if this is an obvious point - he hasn't bought the name, it's still their brand. Plus the Carved Angel Cafe is still extant in Dartmouth, and was heaving at Saturday lunchtime.) They (locals) see it as a chance for them finally to have a really top-notch restaurant in the area - there are lots of good pubs + decent places to eat (and of course pasties, mmmmm) but nowhere high-end - until now. And if a TV programme is the price to pay for that, well, so be it. Hey, it worked for Jamie Oliver...
  2. curlywurlyfi

    Dinner! 2004

    - whisked up a dressing of cumin, honey, dried red chilli flakes, lemon juice, salt + evoo in a bowl - tore in masses of Little Gem lettuce, added some chopped spring onions - poached strips of chicken breast, some asparagus and green beans in a little chicken stock; drained, and whilst still warm - tossed the whole lot together and topped with toasted almond flakes and a handful of raisins - lovely South African Honey Tree merlot to drink Nice, but needed something herby in the salad, sprigs of curly parsley or chervil, maybe.
  3. my brother's girlfriend introduced me to this trick - make a chocolate roulade sponge (the fatless sponge, can't remember technical term, Genoise?), smear lavishly with Nutella, stud with fresh strawberries, roll up. Snarl at anyone who comes near as you trough the lot. With cream. Fi
  4. ummm - I too will come out of the closet - have read about 13 of the series and am waiting to get my books out of storage to remind myself exactly WHERE I've got to so I can buy the next...
  5. no but am keen to hear since a friend is holding her ahemth birthday there in a couple of weeks. anywhere that combines cocktails AND char siu cheong fun can't be that bad (tea-house? pah)
  6. curlywurlyfi

    Ethnic Pop

    Interesting! I've always had it on good authority (ie hearsay) that the two countries are: 1. Malta - biggest seller is the disgusting Kinnie (also comes in diet version - I mean why do they even bother) 2. Scotland - where we go for Irn Bru. which doesn't taste like liquid bubble gum at all, oh no. Fi
  7. curlywurlyfi

    Ethnic Pop

    Kinnie. It's like root beer but worse. Interestingly , there are only two countries where Coca-Cola is not the number one best selling soft drink. For an extra point, please name them.* Fi * is this what's known as a pop quiz??
  8. another way with beets is roast the mini ones, slip off the skin, then serve with tzatziki (thick yoghurt into which you have stirred chopped mint, chopped spring onions, s + p) or roast them just enough to slip off the skins, then cut them into wedges and toss them in olive oil, garlic and cumin, and roast hard and high till they get a little caramelized. Best to line the roasting tin with tinfoil or bake-o-glide for this one.
  9. what did you think? I go every time I am in the Algarve (and will be there again next week)! for me the best part of the meal is always the cold prawns + garlic mayonnaise served before what you have ordered! would like to hear more about Clube da Pesca - am taking my parents, however, and though they like prawns/lobsters they are not wild about the more arcane types of seafood - they are more 'plain grilled fish' types. would this be a good place for them? thank you! And Miguel, I too have perused your Algarve recommendations - we will also be trying Sudoeste. Fi
  10. Lucy, your blog is amazing. It is capturing the rhythm of French home cuisine so beautifully - thank you! Ideas for your ginger - what about a pear tart (just fruit, no creme patissiere) with walnut pastry, with chopped ginger sprinkled over the pears? Or ginger icecream (very good with poached plums)? Or traditional gingerbread (the sticky English kind with treacle)? Or, something my father is very fond of, dip small bits of ginger in very dark chocolate + cool on a wire rack, delicious with coffee. look forward to hearing about today! hope the weather is as nice with you as it is here in London. Fi
  11. Balmagowry, I've tried them in London (various postcodes); Glasgow; Edinburgh; and (most recent attempt) Herefordshire (perilously close to Wales). And yes, I know that nowhere in the UK are you more from 60 miles from the coastline but... I think it's just me. Egg whites despise me as a weakling. They can smell the fear. Fi
  12. I know, I know - Stereo Girl here! Thanks for this, sequim - watch out your credit tomorrow on the "Dinner!" thread! Fi
  13. Type C: hold Pocket Coffee vertically (small flat end uppermost), bite off small flat end, tilt head back to drink the coffee, eat chocolate. Not to be recommended whilst driving.
  14. oooh, sequim, recipe or vague proportions? this sounds great! Fi PS tried the meringue thing again over Easter weekend (had literally 20 egg whites left over after marathon slow-roast tomato tart with creme fraiche + basil epic). Nope - still weepy. This time they had something even I hadn't managed before - a layer of clear toffee on their bases. Actually it was very pretty, if not in the strictly classical meringue style.
  15. or you could just look here (you have to scroll down a little) Pocket Coffee
  16. hmmm - if you wanted to go on a bit of a drive you're not that far from Ludlow... Fi
  17. me! me me me me me! aren't they wonderful? Brought a packet home from Le Marche at New Year, currently sitting in my kitchen cupboard waiting for the appropriate moment (so if you need identifying photos, I can provide). They are absolutely delicious. Imagine a small rectangular chocolate case with a shot of thick sweet espresso inside. Should carry a health warning though. My friend Liz discovered (by accident, ahem) that if you eat one whilst drinking a strong home-sized gin + tonic, you get the most insane head rush. Cue hysterical giggling as all of us tried it and wobbled round the kitchen. Fi
  18. meringues. summer is approaching (YES, EVEN IN LONDON) and with it the weeping meringue disaster looms. It should all be so perfect! made mayonnaise to go with the cold poached salmon? use the egg whites for meringues - cream + fresh strawberries - perfect English summer meal on the green lawn, girls in cotton print dresses, the soft clip of tennis balls from the bottom of the garden... until I get my hands on the egg whites and turn them into nothing more appetizing than sticky flaccid balloons leaking clear sugar. bah. but I can do piecrust?
  19. I mailed my dad your article on deep-frying the turkey - thank you for making us both cry with laughter. and the blog is sensational - all those crawfish did not die in vain! thank you.
  20. Jars of baby food are readily available. The brand is 'Plasmon', made in Italy. Nestle 'Cerelac' powdered food is also readily available. 'Gerber' and 'Heinz' not showing up so far.
  21. make up a big platter with steamed (or roasted) asparagus, prosciutto and rocket, with a mound of onions in the middle, and parmesan shavings over all. Lots of ciabatta and evoo on the side. I have seen people come to blows... currently, though, the onions are going into the steak + kidney pie my housemate requested I make him instead of a birthday cake.
  22. hmmm - a friend of mine was there last week and his most memorable dinner was the mediaeval-themed one... and not for the food, either.
  23. curlywurlyfi

    Dinner! 2004

    - delicious porky pork chop from Doves Butchers on the Northcote Road, seared then roasted plain for 15 minutes in a hot oven - small cubes of apple, fennel and onion fried in butter with a few fennel seeds - butternut squash roasted with olive oil + red chilli flakes - steamed green beans tossed with olive oil, parsley + garlic celebrating having the oven back!
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