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Everything posted by Alex

  1. None from my actual life comes to mind, but I immediately thought of James Lileks's Gallery of Regrettable Food. Here's a good Jello example.
  2. Just curious, thanks; no big thing. I was in Brooklyn in May and I'll be in Queens (my home town) in December, but buying RG isn't on my agenda.
  3. But...but...it's 100 percent natural, with no artificial preservatives! And gluten-free! And sort of nutritious!
  4. "Hit piece" implies some nefarious purpose to the article. I don't see that. And saying that the EWG is "against everything" is hyperbole. Last I checked, they were "against" products and situations that were harmful to consumers. And in any event, the piece was produced by the Guardian in conjunction with Food and Water Watch; EWG was referenced exactly once.
  5. Tete D'Aristocrate en Geleé
  6. Great timing! Just a few hours ago I bookmarked this restaurant for an upcoming trip to Boston. This was the featured picture on their menu:
  7. Last year I discovered Melissa Clark's Sauteed Salmon With Brown Butter Cucumbers.
  8. Alex

    Food recalls

    Mmm, plastic (Don Lee Green Chili Shredded Chicken & Rice Cauliflower Bowls, at Costco) And these recalls were issued by Costco last week: Clio Snacks Greek Yogurt items Organic Dark Chocolate Blueberries Tin Star Foods Ghee Organic Black Beans Vitafusion Fiber Well and Sleepwell Gummies
  9. Thanks. 'Twas. The mint (foraged from a neighbor's yard) was the key ingredient. Well, the very fresh asparagus, too.
  10. Sorry, no pics, but a couple of days ago I made this first course: blanched and chilled, light coating of olive oil, sprinkled with toasted Turkish pine nuts, chopped mint, and Maldon sea salt, dotted with a bit of 10-year balsamic.
  11. Alex

    Food Funnies

    I think the whole GMO thing has gone too far.
  12. Alex

    Food Funnies

    John Hodgman is one of my favorite humorists. He currently writes a brief, weekly, off-kilter advice column for the NY Times. This was last week's column, about fear of Bundt cakes.
  13. Thank you! I copied a few recipes from the book (library) and this was one of them.
  14. Alex

    Jiffy love

    Made in Michigan! -- and still a family-owned and -operated company. It's in Chelsea, near Ann Arbor, which also is home for actor Jeff Daniels. He's done a lot to support the city, including founding the Purple Rose Theatre Company.
  15. That's OK. It wasn't difficult at all to insert and twist each filter. However, as you noted, past a certain age—which I probably am—getting one's body in the appropriate position is the more difficult part (but not all that difficult, depending on where the filter is installed, of course).
  16. I've changed them once. Easy peasy. Just follow the simple directions.
  17. I was quickly browsing through the topic titles, and at first (very quick) glance I thought this one was "Ethernet Mouse." "Hmm," I said to myself, "I didn't know there was such a thing—and what is it doing here instead of the Off-Topic Forum?" <slaps head>
  18. We have this one. It's been only a year, so I can't speak to long-term reliability, but it's been fine so far. For some reason it's currently about $30 cheaper on Amazon. These are the replacement filters.
  19. Alex

    Food Funnies

    Cooking hacks from celebrity chefs, per The Onion (slide show)
  20. Alex

    About roux

    Click the "Nutritional Information & Ingredients" link on the web page.
  21. Alex

    About roux

    Bob's Red Mill 1:1 Baking Flour
  22. Alex

    About roux

    I use Bob's Red Mill 1:1 flour. It's not exactly the same roux as with wheat flour, but close enough.
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