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  1. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Chicken Milanese with arugula salad on top, and a garlicky ricotta topped bruschetta
  2. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Miso roasted radishes and salmon, gingery cucumbers and rice
  3. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Sunday was pasta night. I made a zucchini, garlic scape, and spinach pesto for myself, my niece and my sister My nephew cooked a spicy sausage pasta for himself and my husband. Yesterday was a very yellow dinner. Crunchy haddock with mango salsa, curried rice with raisins and carrots, and zucchini/summer squash
  4. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Nephew cooked again last night since I am battling a summer cold. He made bunny chow in two versions, one with beef and the other with roasted cauliflower. This is the roasted cauliflower one. He also made chapatis and South African yellow rice. He hasn't offered to cook tonight yet, so I think I am back in the kitchen starting today...
  5. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Thursday I made a clean out the fridge salad with spicy chicken, bacon, mangoes, mini avocado, tomato, various lettuces and feta Yesterday my nephew offered to do some cooking. He made orange chicken, and I contributed the rice and broccoli.
  6. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Monday, mutter paneer with rice and naan Tuesday, sole with roasted peppers and olives topped with a parsley vinaigrette, rice pilaf, and arugula salad
  7. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Wednesday, big salad with spicy chicken Thursday we had veggie burgers (no picture). Last night was seared scallops with burst tomato sauce on spaghetti
  8. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Fusilli with peas, pine nuts, and the first local asparagus of the year.
  9. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Rice noodle salad bowl from Andrea Nguyen's Vietnamese Food Any Day. The protein on top is chicken thigh.
  10. I am having the same issue with my ooni. The top of the pizza is perfect. The bottom crust needs to be crisper for my liking. I will try waiting longer to rotate it next time. I do have the ooni peel, and have no issue launching the pizzas from it, or using it to rotate them once they are in the oven.
  11. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Sunday night niece and nephew chose the menu. Nephew grilled chicken kebabs with peppers and onions (and a porterhouse steak, not pictured), niece made macaroni and cheese, and I tossed some broccoli in Monday was pasta night. Husband, sister and I had eggplant involtini with arugula salad Niece had beet gnocchi with roasted beet sauce, spinach, toasted pine nuts and browned butter. The gnocchi and beet sauce were already made and pulled from the freezer to quickly pan saute, so that was easy enough Nephew had a baked ravioli and chicken casserole, and I also baked a loaf of focaccia, but I did not get pictures of those.
  12. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Ricotta and basil tart, arugula salad, and marinated grape tomatoes
  13. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Grilled lemon chicken with tzatziki sauce, a salad, and a recipe from a local bakery for puffy pita breads. They look more like rolls to me, but everyone liked them.
  14. liamsaunt

    Dinner 2024

    Catching up after a weekend away. Monday was swordfish fra diavolo. It needed something green but I had not gotten a grocery delivery yet. Tuesday (post grocery delivery) we had sesame tuna and veggie fried rice. I shredded the last lingering cabbage I had remaining from the winter CSA, roasted it, and mixed it in with the rice about 50/50. No complaints from the table so I will take it as a win. Last night, continuing my quest to clear out the winter storage root vegetables, we had a Madras curry with roasted Macomber turnip as the main component. My nephew was out for dinner last night or he would have objected to this meal, but everyone that was home enjoyed it. Only three more turnips (about 5 pounds worth) to go!
  15. I would say that the non fried squid was more tender. We all liked it a lot. I have a hard time sourcing good calamari near me, but would like to try and replicate it at home some time. I was hoping to get some at the fish market we stopped at on the way off the Cape yesterday, but they didn't have any. Here's another photo that explains why stuff tends to wash up in front of the house. This is at rising tide. The water washes in and creates a river of sorts in front of the house. The water runs in to the marshlands located on the right of the house. Depending on the time of year, the water can be quite deep. We've been here during a king tide, which only happens a few times a year. At that time, the water comes all the way up to the top of the barrier wall and poles you can see in the photo. Sunday we decided to try and go to the Beachcomber. We figured since it was not high season yet, we might be able to get parking. It is almost impossible to get a spot in the summer. Sure enough, we lucked out. Menus Niece wanted mozzarella sticks Nephew could not have any of the appetizers today. Sometimes he can, depending on what's on the specials menu and how many people they have working. Not today. He was able to have the french fries though, since they cook them in a dedicated fryer to accommodate gluten allergies. So, he was happy about that. He also got an oven baked quesadilla. They basically told him it was that or a salad. Luckily, he's used to it. We were going to get raw oysters but skipped them once they told nephew he could not eat them due to potential contamination from peel and eat shrimp on the same station. Instead, we picked stuff he does not like. Steamer clams Garlic steamed littlenecks Niece had a steak sandwich Husband got oyster tacos Sister and husband's brother both got an oyster po boy and I had a fried cod sandwich Husband's brother went home Sunday after dinner, and my sister, niece and nephew went straight home yesterday morning. My husband and I took a more leisurely route, stopping in Chatham on the way home for lunch. Lighthouse beach Mac's Chatham Fish and Lobster Husband got a lobster roll and I had a shrimp caesar salad That's it for this visit. We'll be back soon enough, when it will be a lot more crowded!
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