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The Quest


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Lately (the past 2 months), I've been on a quest to find the perfect chocolate chip cookie.

I have gone through pounds of butter, hours of my time, and countless iterations of my recipe.

And by golly, I think I've got it! Soft without being too chewy, lightly crispy on the outside, perfectly golden-brown and pretty, filled with chocolatey goodness, and good tasting cookie part.

I thought I'd share my formula (sorry, I don't measure precisely) here if anyone's interested and ask you all to share yours, if you can.

1 c butter

scant 1 c brown sugar

generous 1/2 c white sugar

freshly grated nutmeg


generous 1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp baking powder

generous 1 1/2 tsp cocoa

2 eggs


chocolate chips

375 for 12-14 minutes

I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?

The Guide is definitive. Reality is often inaccurate.

Government Created Killer Nano Robot Infection Epidemic 06.

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Thanks enurmi...

but i do want to add, we have recipeGullet , which is specifically for putting recipes up for everyone to be able to find them. with a topic title "the quest", if anyone is searching for your chocolate chip recipe, they might have a hard time finding it with key words.

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At least for me, it took a while to get the hang of posting recipes via RecipeGullet, especially using the Ingredient Wizard.

For instance, you don't enter "1" and "pinch" of something. Instead, you leave the quantity and unit of measure blank and enter "one pinch of ....." written out.

Once you start to write your recipes with the Ingredient Wizard's format in mind it becomes second nature. And, if you have any problems, read the threads or contact snowangel.

And, when the instructions refer to the "How To" link, it means the "Help" link. :wink:

SB (liked the nutmeg in the chocolate chip cookie recipe :smile: )

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Thanks guys! I did know about RecipeGullet, but I figured that my "recipe"/formula wouldn't be of much use as anything other than a discussion piece. It takes some feel for the dough to know amounts, and since I didn't measure anything, I just thought it would be interesting to compare/contrast with the different ratios of sugar etc.

And SRHCB: :biggrin: Chocolate chip cookies without nutmeg? Heresy!

I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?

The Guide is definitive. Reality is often inaccurate.

Government Created Killer Nano Robot Infection Epidemic 06.

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