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Tough choice

Bill Poster

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Had to get a birthday present for a 77 yr old yesterday so i went to Gerry's in Soho.

Between Pyrat, Goslings family reserve, ElDorado 15 and Santa Theresa 1796 i chose the 1796.

Hope I made the right choice!

I've had one of the Pyrats, nothing higher than Goslings Black Seal, the Eldorado 15 and the 1796. The El Dorado 15 and the 1796 are MUCH better. Of those, the 1796 stands out ahead of the El Dorado.

If it was for *me*, you made the right choice. For your 77 yr old, who knows? :)

My tastes run sweet over bitter and my scotch avoids peat like the plague.

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Had to get a birthday present for a 77 yr old yesterday so i went to Gerry's in Soho.

Between Pyrat, Goslings family reserve, ElDorado 15 and Santa Theresa 1796 i chose the 1796.

Hope I made the right choice!

I've never had (or heard of) the other two, but I have a bottle of the Gosling's Family Reserve, and while I enjoy it (and very much like regular Black Seal), I don't think it's worth the $60 I paid.

I'd say you made the right choice by not getting the Gosling's.



DarkSide Member #005-03-07-06

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