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Anti foie gras bill coming your way

Really Nice!

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would be amazing if they could get anything done in albany

�As I ate the oysters with their strong taste of the sea and their faint metallic taste that the cold white wine washed away, leaving only the sea taste and the succulent texture, and as I drank their cold liquid from each shell and washed it down with the crisp taste of the wine, I lost the empty feeling and began to be happy, and to make plans.� - Ernest Hemingway, in �A Moveable Feast�

Brooklyn, NY, USA

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Someone(s) has been leaving anti-foie gras brochures in the entrance to the museum where I work. No doubt in protest of the exhibition that my department mounted (and I prepared) centered around animal stuff - furs, skins, feathers, etc.

I love animals. I eat animals (and looooove foie gras). I make mounts to display fashionable clothing made from their skin. I'm not a hypocrite, nor am I untouched by the issues of animal cruelty. I'm just a girl at the "top" of the food chain who lives in the 21st century.

Just my 2 pence.

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I have a feeling it won't pass.

Cooler heads will prevail this time around.

I can hope so, but I'd have to disagree about its likelihood of passing.

On the other hand, HVFG is about nine times the size of Sonoma Foie Gras so they might have more resources to fight legislation (I can't imagine La Belle has much in the way of resources to fight foie gras bills, but since they do so much other poultry, perhaps they do).

I'd wager that the success of the bill here in California will strengthen the New York bill.

Frankly I think foie gras production is in its sunset years overall, and certainly on the verge of extinction in the U.S. I'm not talking about tomorrow or even seven years from now when the CA ban kicks in. But a couple of decades? I'd be surprised if there are still American foie gras producers.

Cynically yours.

Derrick Schneider

My blog: http://www.obsessionwithfood.com

You have to eat. You might as well enjoy it!

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The reason why I think it won't pass is because as has been stated so eloquently by others, the New York legislature is a different species of legislature unlike its California counterpart.

I would imagine that the restaurant industry will have had enough time to mount a significant defense here in New York using all of their available resources (i.e., lobbyists and public relations). Foie gras is synonymous with fine dining and such restaurants form a significant base of the economy of New York City and elsewhere within the metropolitan area.

No, I think foie gras will have its day in more ways than one.


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I was at a function last week and the Owners of Hudson Valley Foie Gras were telling us of their worries. They feel that they do need the help and support of any one who disagrees with the anti-foie movement.

So if you want to make a call or send a letter they feel it would be of great help. It seemed to me that they are quite concerned about this matter.

If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. How could you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat!??

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