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Last night


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Had a little session last night

Pol Roger NV Brut

Chablis Grand Cru Vaudasir 2000, Billaud Simon

2001 Argiano Rosso

1998 Argiano Brunello

2000 Argiano Suolo

2001 Noemia de Patagonia

2000 Solengo

1990 Pichon Comtesse

1970 Rebello Valente

1996 Tokaji Eszencia (10cl bottle)

as there were only 4½ drinkers I am this morning incapable of give any tasting notes and don't even want to think about wine. Suffice to say that the best 2 were the 2001 Noemia and 2000 Solengo. Can't really compare the Eszencia as this is extraordinary.

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. . . as there were only 4½ drinkers I am this morning incapable of give any tasting notes and don't even want to think about wine. Suffice to say that the best 2 were the 2001 Noemia and 2000 Solengo. Can't really compare the Eszencia as this is extraordinary.

Upon your recovery, could you attempt a comment on the Chablis Grand Cru Vaudasir 2000, Billaud Simon; one of my favorite vineyards?

Best, Jim


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Right, it is now 5pm and I am feeling a little better although I am finding it tough.

10cl bottles is because production of Eszencia is measured in litres and I think retails for ove £60 here in the UK. I think that this one had 1% alcohol but to be honest i found the writing on the bottle too small to read! {EDIT: didn't read your message properly but now that I have my brain has closed down and don't quite get what you are asking :wacko: }

The Chablis GC Vaud 2000 - this was a little strange and very different from my tasting note of a month ago. Both occasions had a wonderful nose - cream and honey with a touch of peach/apricots. However in Nov the acidity was fantastic and woutwatering but last night it seemed to be lacking this edge. There was an MW present who is a great fan of B-S and his comment was that it was not a young wine anymore which is very different to the earlier version. Having said that both "versions" were buttery, spicy and a little toasty with some tropicla fruit accompanied by a really good length. I would discount last nights one as the tasting in November had Mr Billaud-Simon present and overall I would rate it very highly

Edited by ctgm (log)
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10cl bottles is because production of Eszencia is measured in litres and I think retails for ove £60 here in the UK. I think that this one had 1% alcohol but to be honest i found the writing on the bottle too small to read! {EDIT: didn't read your message properly but now that I have my brain has closed down and don't quite get what you are asking :wacko: }

This is on the edge of what wine is. Apparently some eisweins don't ferment at all in some years -- that for me means it just isn't wine -- it's fruit juice.

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Two things I think really need to be addressed:

What was the Escenzia like?

What was the BILL like? :shock:

I always think that Escenzia tastes quite like honeyed rhubarb (accompanied with a bag of sugar). I love the really thick texture.

I suppose balex is right saying that it is on the border of fruit juice/wine but there has been a small amount of fermentation. I know that some producers of Essencia (or however they want to spell it) had problems of refermentation due to the corks not being 100% sterile.

Fortunately there wasn't a bill.

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