We really don't eat much processed foods. Mostly meats, seafood and fresh vegetables, starchy or otherwise. Rice you bet. I'm going to continue as I have been, let the chips fall where they may
Never been a fan of restrictive diets. Genetics plays a big part in longevity. My maternal grandmother lived to 92 and was sharp as a tack and was heavy most of her all her life. Then cut back and ate less losing a lot of weight . My mom is going on 93 not heavy and has been in in a state of advanced dementia for near a decade. I have no desire for that demise. I think most food science related to health and longevity is BS when it comes to longevity and other aspects of health. My goal is to eat and drink well, enjoying every bite and sip. Pseudoscience be damned. I don't won't to live forever but sure as hell want to enjoy the ride