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Please suggest simple meal near Fanueil Hall - for Feb 13th and 14th


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Hi..We are coming to Boston from this Sunday midday until Tues morning and staying at Marriott's Custom House so we can go to the Beanpot on Mon night. We plan to eat a late lunch on Monday at Kingfish Hall but we wonder if anyone has suggestions within walking distance for a great, healthy sandwich place for Sunday...or any other healthy suggestions...Thanks in advance... :smile: :smile:

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When I'm in Boston, I always make time to go to the Union Oyster House. It's historic (Daniel Webster ate here often, they claim). You can get a good lobster roll and a few dozen oysters and craft beer. It's a very short walk from the Marriott.

Who cares how time advances? I am drinking ale today. -- Edgar Allan Poe

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I second the recommendation for the Union Oyster House, which claims to be one of the oldest, continously-operated restaurants in the country. President JFK had a preferred booth, where (as the story goes) he would spend Sundays dining and reading numerous major newspapers. I have sat in "his" booth several times and it was quite an exciting experience for a history buff. At this time, I believe that you have to call ahead to reserve the "JFK" booth.

BTW, if memory serves, the staff at Union Oyster House regularly wins regional oyster-shucking competitions. So if the JFK booth is not available, see if you can sit at the main (and original) oyster bar so you can watch the servers shucking fresh oysters to order!

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That's a good suggestion. Truth is, you're in a lousy area for Sunday dining, especially for something simple and healthy--most places in that neighborhood cater to the Mon-Fri financial and govt employees who work nearby and so close on weekends.

You could walk a couple of blocks down State Street to the waterfront and check out Sel de la Terre or Legal Seafoods at Long Wharf, or walk a few more minutes to the North End for Italian restos galore or Neptune Oyster Bar if you're feeling flush.

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Thank you to all who wrote...Kingfish Hall's food is so much better than Union Oyster House (despite their history) or Legal Seafood...but I will look into the other suggestions...yes, sadly, there are a few sandwich places..but they are closed on Sunday. Well, if anyone can think of someplace we are missing, we will be delighted to hear...and thanks again.... :smile: :smile:

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Thank you to all who wrote...Kingfish Hall's food is so much better than Union Oyster House (despite their history) or Legal Seafood...

Agreed. Just remembered...besides Kingfish Hall, the other place I actually like near Fanueil Hall that is open on Sunday is Hillstone (used to Houston's). It's part of a chain, but the food is good. Small selection of well-made sandwiches, salads, and soups--and always several excellent vegetable side dishes, and they'll let you sub the veg side for the french fries (but the fries are good). http://www.hillstone.com/hillstone/

Also remembered, Sel de la Terre has an adjacent boulangerie where they sell their breads but also sandwiches, etc. Not sure if there is seating, it might just be take-out. In the summer you can sit outside but not in February.

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You could take a quick walk over to the North End to Il Panino Express (cash only I believe), or to Nick Varano's Famous Deli (it's really only famous in Nick's head, but they have okay, if slightly expensive sandwiches and are open on Sunday), or even just walk through Faneuil Hall and everyone can follow their bliss.

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Hi...Thanks...Problem solved..think it will either be Kingfish Hall (they have lunch and dinner or Sel de la Terre...thanks a lot...Sadly, Durgin Park has disappointed us ...we went to college in Boston many, many years ago and now come up every Feb for the Beanpot. We usually come up on Monday, have a late lunch and go to both hockey games... This year we decided to arrive on Sunday and make a mini vacation...thus, the quandry of where to eat. So thank you everyone who responded.. :smile: :smile:

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