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  1. Stone

    Brooklyn Brewery

    Anyone ever go out there and take a tour? I thought about stopping by.
  2. This year's Tours were a lot of fun, with great weather, utterly pleasant tour-goers (from as far away as Kansas, Pittsburgh, upstate NY, Delaware and Maryland), and terrific food and hospitality, covered briefly in today's Philadelphia InquirerFood Section. Between myself and perennial Tour-goer Mike Gates and his nephew, Dave Cook, here are some pics to give you some idea: Debarking from the vans at our initial stop for lunch at Ludwig's Garten. Yes, we even had someone on crutches (!) who felt the overwhelming need to drink beer. She received the Big Brass Ones Award that day. Bellying up and tasting those first beers before lunch Charlie "Mummer" Mayer displaying his obvious passion for the day Some of the 25 taps at Ludwig's Garten The rathskeller bar at Ludwig's, which smelled funky last Saturday, so we high-tailed it to their airier second bar Beer writer Lew Bryson speaking at lunch I'd love to show you our next stop, McGillin's Old Ale House, but on March 13, it was overrun with early St Paddy's Day revelers, and looked and smelled like a college-age mosh pit. I hope to have pics of our March 20 visit to McGillin's soon. Some brave folks wandered in for a bit, but most stayed back at Ludwig's for an additional glass of German joy. We arrive at Mcmenamin's Tavern in Mt. Airy More of the crowd The tap lineup at McMenamin's, which also included that day, 2002 Samichlaus! (from l. to r.) Tavern owner PJ McMenamin, and Lew Bryson's big old butt.
  3. This doesn't suprise me too much. I think I may have posted this either here or at Webtender, but one of Cleveland's most popular Warehouse District watering holes started a buzz during their very lawerly/ad agency/accountant happy hour following. Mondays were the day for "in the biz." Specific promotions for food and drink and it quickly became *the* night to hang with fellow bar and restaurant troops. Then came the problem of the draging, dead business on Tuesdays. The solution? PBR and Jim Beam teamed up with this local hot spot. For a specific price (I forgot) one purchased a can, yes a can, of PBR and a shot of Beam. Table tents were everywhere for this and many a yup could be seen standing around with a can of beer in their hands. It worked and became nearly as busy at the cash register as the booze guzzling fellow servers, barbacks and bartenders on Mondays! If I'm not mistaken, this was also a big Classic Rock music night as well. Made me scream with laughter to see these new college grads (this bar attracts the young and beautiful), all of about 23 years old, suited up in their Brooks Brothers best suits, albeit wrinkley from a long hard day at work, jamming to Stairway to Heaven and swilling down a can of beer. Article here. Cheers! edit: grammar
  4. Darwin's in Chicago has some cool ideas with selling those microbrews. Highlight "blurb" here. I've seen those champagne stems in the stores during the holidays and thought they'd be rather inconvenient for guests. (They cannot put them down anywhere....) But quite clever for their restaurant! And that Beer Float sounds fantastic!!! Cheers!
  5. I've been advised by more than one English person that Guinness mixed half-and-half with Champagne is called a Black & Tan. However, there are some people, of various origins including English, who insist that the half-and-half Guinness/Champagne drinkie is a Black Velvet. Both are nice enough names. But which is correct? I don't want to be calling my drink by the wrong name tonight right in front of the beef braised in Guinness and the salad with Irish cream dressing and the brown soda bread, do I.
  6. In the UK's annual Budget today, a tax exemption on small breweries was extended. This will help small breweries (which generally make interesting beer) against larger ones (which often don't). I think this is the kind of tax cut we can all agree on. Here's is the response from the Campaign for Real Ale.
  7. beans

    Smithwick's Ale

    Press release here. Yum. Cheers!
  8. Well I figured I would make my first post a useful one...rather than the normal first post dribble I am sure everyone is used to. Anyways, I managed to get my hands on a 6 pack of Sierra Nevada BIGFOOT ALE and wanted to share my opinion and maybe get feedback from other who have tried it or would like to. I have had some Barley wine style beer in a local brew house (Dr. Dremo)here in Virginia but was not to impressed....the Dr. Dremos eally tasted strictly like a mix of Barley and straight alcohol...hopefully this is not their intended taste..but it is none the less. So when I saw that Sierra Nevada was making a Barley wine style beer I was hesitant to try it in fear of discrediting one of my favorite brewers. I was pleasantly wrong....The Bigfoot ale was excellent. It provided a refreshing fruity flavor while still incorporating the deep malty/nutty taste you would expect from such a heavy malt..but enough bitter/sweetness to create a wonderful blend of flavors and richness without leaning to much to one flavor. very balanced for such a potent brew. So thats my first post...hopefully one of many for my beloved suds.
  9. bx23$qa

    Buffalo Iron

    This being more or less the season of bock beer festivals, does anybody know where to find a beer poker, like that one used here: http://www.globaltony.com/loggerhead/asb.shtml. I once saw Julia Child using a buffalo iron to keep pasta water hot, and it looked like it might be very useful to poke beer, but I've been unsuccessful in finding one. Regarding the poker at the Schell's fest, people I've called at the brewery have no clue how it was obtained. As it is, I've been using big fat iron screws from the Home Despot, but it doesn't keep the heat like the pokers! Any suggestions?
  10. On my way home from work, I stopped by to see if the Old Dominion spring seasonal was on tap, an imperial pilsener this here. It was, and I experienced beer nirvana today. I have already had my favorite new beer of 2004. Imagine Tupper's Hop Pocket Pils on steroids. I found nothing wrong with this beer. Perfect body, perfect hoppiness (and they wanted to make it hoppier), and not overly alcoholic, though it weighs in at 8.5% ABV. They will be bottling it next week. Malarkey, if you read this, the offer is still open to send you some.
  11. Amy Viny

    Spainish Cider

    Does anyone know anything about the hard ciders of Spain? I understand there is quite a tradition of cider pubs and cider drinking in the Basque Country. I will be in the area in late march and would love to visit a few pubs and cider makers. Any leads would be appreciated.
  12. Here's an interesting article about the revival of growing and using NY hops. I always like the idea of reviving old ideas or traditions of the past. After all, Great Lakes Brewing Company opened its doors in what was once the heart of Cleveland's brewery industry and with the city's still-original-with-the-building and oldest mahogany bar.
  13. Last night I bought a 4-pack of Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout at a NJ liquor store... this stuff is as black as tar and is unbeleivably smooth and satisfying. Strong coffee and raisiny flavors, went really well with a Usinger's knockwurst on a roll with mustard. Serious hoppiness going on here. http://www.ratebeer.com/Ratings/Beer/ShowBeer.asp?BeerID=85 http://www.alcoholreviews.com/BEERS/samsmith2.html http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/rate_results/113/782/ http://www.merchantduvin.com/pages/5_breweries/samsmith.html Probably one of the best stouts I've ever had. WAY better than Guinness Extra Stout.
  14. malarkey

    Hops on Equinox

    clique ici March 19-20, Seattle Center
  15. I thought this was a mini-chain, but apparently not. For some reason, I thought we found a place called this in Fort Lauderdale. Anyway, we stopped here for a beer last Saturday morning on the way to Jambalaya Jam, and it was pretty good. By the way, Jambalaya Jam had Red Hook Blonde Ale on tap, so at least we didn't have to drink Bud Light, or the like, all day. I asked the girl what their hoppiest beer was and she said a pilsner! So I got Patrick Pilsner, and it was very drinkable, especially since we had a whole day of eating and drinking ahead of us. Not bad for Florida.
  16. First off, my fav beer mostly comes from Belgiam in the form of dubbels and tripples. That said, my favorite cheap american beer is/was the Coors product "Keystone". It had a clean crisp taste with a hint of maltiness in the middle. Now the problem. They changed the can graphics again (about the 4th time) except this time, it seems they changed the contents also. Not only does the new can look like Coca Cola, (this should endear the product to children) but now it smells and tastes like they removed the malt and put in RICE EXTRACT!!! Yes, it now tastes like a bad can of Budwiser. I also noticed the can no longer says "premium". The folks at Coors assured me on the phone that they didnt change the product, but my wife and I dissagree. Have any of you with discerning palates here tried this beer and noticed a difference? Also, can anyone reccomend a CHEAP good tasting beer?
  17. gbredben

    Guiness Rebate

    Saw this posted on one of the daily deal websites. Guiness is giving rebates for St. Patrick's Day for Guiness Draught in a bottle. $2 for any 6-pack or $4 for any 12-pack. Offer not valid in AL, AR, IN, KY, ME, MO, NC, OH, OR, TX, UT, WV and expires March 31. Here's the url to print the coupon: http://www.guinness1759society.com/offer/B...22qp~FNLddaSFBD
  18. I noticed that the subways are now plastered with ads for Anheuser World Select lager. Anyone?
  19. I *love* that I found this article, through a electonic beverage webzine, and it is from The Anchorage Press. While I never refuse a chance to assert Alaskan Brewing Company is be best in the world and as much as I love my hometown state, I do not miss being there in January or February!! Seattle's Capitol Hill's Elysian Brewery and Public House review: Article Here Cheers!
  20. Rustmeister

    Howdy folks!

    Hi everybody!. For those who don't know me (or haven't seen me in a few years), my name is Rusty and I'm a beer guy. I used to hang out in Prodigy Classic way, way back in the day. I left at the "urging" of my (now ex) wife, but as you can see, my priorities are set straight again. I've retired from the Army now, and no longer live in El Paso. Memphis is now my home. Lew used to refer to "beer hell Texas"....guess what, Tennessee's not a whole lot better. Lucky I have a few other states close by. Looking forward to talking with you all. Rusty, in El Paso, now simply known as Rust.
  21. Several of my beer drinking buddies/brewers got together to sample a variety of beers last night. None of us quite prepared for what one member of our group brought to share. Sam Adams Utopias! He works at a liquor store and got a deal on the stores last remaining bottle, so he figured he’d share with us! We all anted up $10 each for about a 2.5 oz sample. Sam Adams Utopias 2003, with an alleged alcohol content of 48 proof or about 25% alcohol by volume, claims to be the strongest beer in the world. Only 8000 bottles were produced. It is a brew with a unique and complex flavor. It retails for about $120 a bottle! Utopias is packaged in a special collectible brew kettle-shaped bottle reminiscent of larger copper kettles used by brew masters for hundreds of years. If you have had experience with Triple Bock, you know that the bottles tended to leak. The very first thing that was apparent was that Sam Adams did a much better job of sealing this beer than they did with the Triple Bocks. The copper cap that once accented the copper finished brew kettle decanter of the Utopias easily twisted off revealing an additional tightly sealed pop-off cap, indicating that this beer was intended to be stored and aged for decades. There was no loose cork to be found. This flavorful, slightly fruity brew has a sweet, malty flavor that smacks more of the Cognac, Scotch and Port barrels it has been resting in than any beer you've ever drunk. The maple syrup is immediately evident on the nose along with a wallop of alcohol. The maple follows through to the tongue, where it is joined by an entwining of Port and sherry with the slightest hint of hops. Bourbon-like flavors of vanilla and oak meld into caramel and dark fruit flavors reminiscent of the Triple Bock, but not as syrupy and cloying. The alcohol is also evident, but it is warming and not as harsh as the nose might indicate. The finish is all walnut. This is the ultimate sipping beer! At 25% alcohol by volume, this deceptively strong beer is better compared to a premium Brandy or exquisite Sherry as opposed to any beer that I have every known. Everything about the Utopias equated to balance and perfect harmony. I was intrigued by all the hype that surrounded this beer, especially regarding the price! After tasting Utopias, I join the ranks of the beer aficionados who rightly call this a very remarkable beer. At $120a pop, this will be a tasting experience that will not be soon repeated! But I am glad that I had this opportunity.
  22. Every year for the past 7 years, I've hosted a Beer Tour of Philadelphia, as part of the city's annual Kitchen -Aid The Book and The Cook festival (see here for details), and have engaged 2 friends to help drive the 15-passenger vans we use to transport everyone. This year, one of my drivers is unable to drive, and I am in need of a driver. It is a thankless job, especially if you like beer, because we 3 drivers abstain from imbibing, for obvious reasons, during the 9-hour Tours, but we do get to enjoy the fabulous food prepared at every stop, as well as the company of truly delightful beer lovers from all across the country. If interested or willing, please let me know via IM, and I will discuss details. Thanks in advance!
  23. This was a topic back in the day of the beloved Prodigy Beer Board which I would like to revisit. I have always been partial to stout floats, especially Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate, but tonight I had one using Otter Creek Stovepipe Porter (with Breyers Natural Vanilla)... yum! What do you prefer, or what is your current favorite, and what kind of ice cream? Mmmm...? I wonder how it would be with DFH Chicory Stout and coffee ice cream.
  24. There's been some issues with opening the Friday night beer chat session on StarChat, the No Bull Inn. StarChat limits "unregistered" rooms to five participants. Right now, it appears I'm the only one who knows how to register rooms, and if I get there too late, only five people get in. So here's how to register the room. Do what I do every week, and go to StarChat's Help page and read it. StarChat Help page You'll have to have a registered nickname: if you don't, there's instruction there on how to do that, too. It's not easy, but it's not too difficult, either. You have to open the room first, and then go back to the initial screen and register it. StarChat is a clunky system, but it does what we want it to, so... Hope this helps!
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