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Chuck Avalon

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  1. I started using plastic sleeves but they were so clunky and looked poorly wrapped. I recently started using foil and a printed overwrap. I'm unfamiliar with Alufoil. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  2. Hello everyone. Obviously I'm new here. I found my way here by searching for equipment for my small confectionary shop in the New England area. I've been playing with candy and chocolate for just over a year and enjoy it immensely. I don't have an online shop, so no worries about me trying to use the forum to promote sales. As for home, I have an on-again/off-again relationship with vegetarianism. Right now I'm in the off position. I don't know what else to say. Have a great weekend. Peace, Chuck PS. To my parents regret, I rather dislike my birth name. So keep in mind that while I have a traditionally masculine name, I'm actually a girl/woman/female.
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