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Posts posted by bos

  1. On 1/10/2019 at 9:43 AM, blue_dolphin said:

    Breakfast from Shaya


    Lamb kebabs tucked into whole wheat pita (both of which were reheated in the CSO) with tahini sauce, Israeli salad with preserved lemon vinaigrette and a little hummus that I didn't end up eating. 

    That look so good

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  2. Any In and Out Burger like in NYC, I visited LA and I really like In and Out, was eating there almost every day (total 3 days), I was wondering if there's something similar to In and Out in NYC ?

    Thank You

  3. 22 minutes ago, Chris Hennes said:

    Ancient Grain Bread: Teff, Einkorn and Millet (KM p. 103)


    This week's "ancient grain" entry uses predominantly einkorn (25%) with a little teff (5%) and a little millet flour (10%). The inclusion is chia seeds, and the topping is millet (which I went lighter on this time). Overall I didn't get much oven spring, so while the flavor was fine, the texture was a bit on the chewy side. Not a bad bread, but I probably won't rush out to make it again.





    Look good

  4. On 8/14/2016 at 3:37 PM, mgaretz said:

    The other night I made a combo batch of potato and sweet potato fries.  They came out good, but I used too little oil (1/4 tsp for one medium russet and one medium sweet potato) so they weren't quite as crisp as I would have liked.  


    Today, for fun, I made potato chips.  1 medium sized russet, sliced thin (2mm) with a mandoline and 1 tsp oil.  Cooked for 20 minutes at 330F, shaking several times.  Then lightly salted with sea salt.  Yummy.




    On my way to the store to buy chips 😋

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