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Bob McKeown

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Everything posted by Bob McKeown

  1. The OP was meant for all parties involved. And why why are you inferring in your posts that I have no sympathy for the accusers and that I’m part of the problem? You don’t know me, we’ve never met or spoken to each other, yet you take one sentence and infer that I condone such actions. Rather arrogant and obtrusive on you part.
  2. Well, didn’t get the job, I guess they’re happy with serving frozen burger patties and crap out of a can.
  3. I know I'm still a newbie, just hoping for a little support. After one year of my bar & grill closing I've applied for a job as the manager of the all ranks club on Arnold Air Force Base. There's a ton of work to be done out there, a beautiful facility overlooking a lake, the place has been mismanaged so much that it now is basically a burger/pizza joint with white tablecloths. Wish me luck!! ~Bob McKeown (To the mods, if I'm posting in the wrong section, please let me know)
  4. Sad, I do hope there's no truth to it.
  5. Welcome!! ~Bob McKeown
  6. Some real nice dishes coming out here!
  7. Congrats!!!
  8. Sad to say, it was stress and overworked, twice with heart attacks and once with double pneumonia. Thanks for making me feel welcome!
  9. The fries were baked with just a touch of sea salt added, no dipping sauces and no sugar. Best part of the meal was the price, $14.95. And would have loved to have seen you there! Plenty of good craft beers on tap.
  10. Thanks Chris!, I do have a Vac sealer and will try both ways. I'll keep you updated (when I find time to squeeze it in!).
  11. The item I was most proud of (aside from my homemade breads) was our Burger, 5oz hand patted Wagyu beef cooked med, topped with arugula, roma tomato, homemade bread and butter pickles and bacon jam all on a homemade Kaiser roll. Served with sweet potato fries.
  12. Many thanks for having me here! I've loved food and cooking since I was in my 20's. Why so late in life, a valid question, suffice it to say my Mom wasn't the greatest cook and she was all I had to judge by growing up. My first restaurant job was as a line cook (semi fast food, really an assembler), but I started falling in love with it. Since I didn't have much experience cooking and had to support a growing family I took a job with the local Coca-Cola plant (in manufacturing). I continued cooking at home with varied results for the first few years, as time went on I became quite the amateur chef and decided to try my hand at baking--------wow was that an experience, it took almost 15 years for me to make a proper baguette iaw "pain de tradition française". I was a proud puppy that day! In my mid 40's I opened my Bar and Grill, what a ride that was----put me in the hospital several times. Now since my Bar and Grill closed, I've taken a few years off to ponder what I would like to do, and my mind keeps coming back to cooking.
  13. Judy, I'm new to the forum and you might have answered this previously, if so I apologize. I just received my copy of MC and am interested in making this mustard, sounds delicious, and noticed the recipe calls for vac seal for at least 7 days and has an indefinite shelf life. The question I have is, could processing the mustard (mason jars for storage) hurt the product? And should the vac seal remain as step if able to process? Many thanks! Bob
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