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  1. Thanks pastry girl, Ive never made them before so here's hoping!!
  2. Is the tuile, mix good to use if it has been frozen?? thanks
  3. Thanks everyone for your input, initially i did only intend on making the components for a lemon curd tart, not lemon meringue pie. So far for this dish Im having the following. Lemon curd, shortbread crumble with a hint of fresh thyme, chantilly, raspberries, edible flowers perhaps a granita, and for some height was thinking of doing a tuile. Arrange it somehow over the plate to look naturally inviting. Thanks again
  4. Great thanks lisa, I was intending on using the cream as a quenelle garnish sorry rather than in the meringue itself. Yes the crust i was intending on using shortbread I just didn't word it properly. Just thinking of structuring different garnishes on the plate now, rather than just serving a sliced piece of tart. Thanks again.
  5. Hi everyone, I am working on a deconstructed lemon tart, but Im struggling at add components that would go with this dish. what would you suggest apart from the lemon curd, crumble, cream quenelle, edible flowers,...?? thank you.
  6. Looking forward to being a part of this forum.
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