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Pham Tat Thanh

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    Việt Nam

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  1. Thank you Slick. Do you like Pho or beef noudle soup? It's quite popular in my country. You can search it on the internet, it's quite easy for you to cook at home
  2. Yep, you are so great when can remember so much our Vietnamese dish name .
  3. It's so great when you can write so detail about my country's food. Maybe, you ate more Vietnamese food than me :-P. Just joking but, I'm really happy when can see familiar Vietnamese foods on a Foreign website. I have nothing to can criticize in your post, but maybe there is a little missing in a Vietnamese food name this is Bò Sốt Vang not Bo Kho :D, It's always difficult for any foreign want to learn Vietnamese language but I can see you wrote Vietnamese food name very exactly, you asked Vietnamese people in there or learn it from internet? Thoughout the article, I can see you seems very like Pho Tai Nam and rau muong. It's very popular dishes in here, I often get them in my breakfast, lunch or dinner :). I have a new dish for you, It's also a Vietnamese dish. And It's Vietnamese name is Bún xào mê, or Fried Noddle. Nice day for you! Sorry Because of my english is restricted so I can't explain how to cook it. If you feel interested, you can go and see it in here. But you must translate it into English if want to can understand, sorry about that.
  4. Thank you very much because of read my comment, In my country we not distinguish between broccoli and cauliflower clearly, so we just call it in commonly is cauliflower ^^. But really useful with me when I can know this word
  5. It's rices, boiled cauliflower, fried eggs and pork, sour and sugarly fried rib
  6. My simple lunch made by me when I was a student
  7. Hello all of you, guys. I'm from Việt Nam, a small and peaceful country on the South East of Asean. Like as almost member in here, I love "Cuisine", I like reading and watching about it on the internet, even I don't know about how to make it or I can't make it. I also own a personal blog about cuisine and It include all of my favourite food and the method to cook it, you can visit it at here :). I incidentally see our forum via google, although my English is not really good, but I kindly want to discuss with everybody about delicious food and drink from all over the world. Please feel free to help me if I have any question. Thank and nice to meet all of you!
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