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Margaret Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Margaret Pilgrim

  1. i believe that current thought is that commercial mayonnaise actually prevents food from spoiling due to acid and preservatives. Everything within limits of course.
  3. I have them in stainless, not silver, and husband uses them all the time. Iced tea, horchata, Campari and soda.
  4. Don't. Never had one. An even simpler egg presentation is a basket of hard boiled quail eggs, alongside a little bowl of Maldon salt. These are pretty reasonable at Asian markets. You can go so far as pickling them.
  5. Another vote for deviled eggs. I recently offered a variation at two separate cocktail hours . I set out several heads of Belgian endive leaves alongside a bowl of curried egg salad. Wolfed by both sexes.
  6. Shades of the '70s = cocktail meatballs with chili-grape jelly sauce.
  7. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    Chicken with purslane, A lovely marriage with green tomatillo sauce.
  8. Grand-daughter requested a white chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and caramel drizzle for her birthday.
  9. I remember my father’s thumbing through it, tossing it down and exclaiming, “Do you realize they are promoting VEGETARIANISM!!!
  10. "Con queso rice" from Diet for a small Planet is always a winner, Meatless but not vegan, a casserole of brown rice, jack cheese, cheddar, ricotta, garlic, onion, black beans. Addictive. Edited because I forgot the prima dona of this dish, green chilis.
  11. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    Tart? They are in a kind of vinaigrette, but not as tart as plain canned artichokes. They are shelf stable, not refrigerated. I didn't add cheese between the layers, just on top, although you certainly could. NOTE: this product is called "bruschetta"; it is seasoned with garlic, herbs and olive oil and is finely chopped. You could easily sub finely chopped marinated artichokes.
  12. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    heidi, this was much easier than using frozen hearts. I used jarred "bruschetta" Literally 10 minutes from inspiration to oven. I made maybe a pint of bechemel, added about half a cup of this jarred chopped and seasoned artichoke product. Put down a layer of sauce in baking dish, a layer of no-boil lasagne noodles, repeat and repeat for 5 layers, shower with pecarino and threw it in the oven. DONE. And it was quite excellent. Husband had thirds. I will do this again and also use it as a template for variations.
  13. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    Artichoke lasagne (artichoke bruschetta incorporated into bechemel) + (no boil lasagne noodles) = 10 minute prep before baking. I made this previously with homemade lasagne noodles and artichoke bruschetta made from several pounds of fresh baby artichokes. It was divine. But this was its equal with 10% of the effort.
  14. The MO of Cliff's Burgers, my hometown, mid-Century. 11¢ each. But then so was movie entry for under 12 at that time.
  15. Indeed! Moosh your prawns in salt, pepper and olive, lay on side in a hot CI skillet, turn to other side, turn onto "shoulder". Remove. Perfectly cooked and succulent. You can hold in a covered vessel for an hour.
  16. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    You quote my father. 'salami never entered out home.
  17. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    My great-grandfather was from Baden Baden. I am a quarter German.
  18. Margaret Pilgrim

    Dinner 2022

    Okay, I'll admit that you've sent me down the rabbit hole on this one. I enjoy beef, veal and lamb tartare, but am somewhat boggled at what is essentially pork tartare. Moreover, the rabbit hole recipes call for belly and shoulder, at least 25% fat. I can't get my arms around a raw, cold pork fatty spoonful. What am I missing?
  19. I used to buy Label Rouge sardines in France that indicated the date caught and name of boat. Just shelved them after getting home, They do get turned periodically. Maybe 10 years on them now. Will have to try one one of these days. I recently opened an ordinary brand can that was probably 15 years old. it was kind of mooshy at room temp, but once cooled down, the fish were firm and flavorful
  20. Lovely with yellow peaches, cracked black pepper. Classic Greek salad (tomato, red onion, cucumber, feta, EVOO, red wine vinegar. Mooshed into a vinaigrette.
  21. The sobering side story is how the less affluent are most at risk for preservative caused cancers. Bacon is not on our regular rotation, and I've switched to salt pork, pancetta and guanciale for cooking. However, these are costly alternatives and not readily available in many stores. A re-occuring story of many food categories as well as health education and services.
  22. Several ideas here. My usual go-to is soaking affected area in a strong Oxi-Clean/boiling water solution. Works for chocolate ganache and greasy tomato splotches.
  23. Even more confounding, all of the French home-cooks I've met line their tart pans with parchment paper, regardless of if they are plain or fluted. Certainly a puzzlement.
  24. Thanks for the memory jog. I used this method decades ago for making "tassies".
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