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Everything posted by gulfporter

  1. Not a wine connoisseur, but I've enjoyed Verdejos in Spain where we often vacation. Espied one at my local Ajijic liquor store and bought it last week. It's a nice one, at least IMO.
  2. gulfporter

    Lunch 2023

    Soon to be clean-out-fridge omelet. Leftover roasted potatoes, orange bell pepper, MX bacon, fried onions/poblanos. Mixed grated cheese.
  3. gulfporter

    Lunch 2023

    Lunch today at Peacock Garden; it's an amazing large open green space in the heart of downtown Ajijic. You don't really go for the food though today I had a good salmon baguette for only 120p (6.50 USD) with more salmon on it than is served at most eateries here at three times the price. But the real reason you go is for your dining companions. They are more active at dusk when we eat dinner there, but this guy was pretty friendly. fyi, peacock in Spanish is Pavo Real. Literally, the Royal Turkey.
  4. And for my Canadian friends.............
  5. gulfporter

    Lunch 2023

    Scored some Red Trumpet mushrooms at a frutería. Made into hash with some leftover roasted new potatoes.
  6. gulfporter

    Dinner 2023

    Grilled shrimp over angel hair with goat cheese and toasted panko.
  7. gulfporter

    Lunch 2023

    Quesadillas with grilled shrimp, goat cheese and my standard weekly mélange of fried onions, red bell pepper and poblanos.
  8. My go-to dipping sauce for lamb chops is Cherry Preserves (I use Bonne Mammon because I can find it in MX) with a squirt of chipotle molido (pure chipotle, not a prepared sauce with any spices in it). Then a small squeeze of lime. You can use chipotle in adobo if a pure molido is not available. I realize chipotle doesn't suit everyone's taste, but this sauce has been enjoyed by all our guests; we serve it with grilled salmon, pork and shrimp, too. I personally prefer sauce on the side when it comes to most proteins.
  9. gulfporter

    Dinner 2023

    Butternut squash ravioli (made in-house at a Tucson Italian deli). Simple sauce of browned butter, sage, roasted garlic. Sprinkle of parm.
  10. gulfporter

    Dinner 2023

    Fried eggplant slices with (jarred) sun-dried tomato pesto, topped with a creamy goat cheese, parm and fresh basil. I bought bags of in-house breaded and fried eggplant slices (no sauce or cheese) at a Tucson Italian deli. Takes a lot of the prep work out of making the meal. I re-fried the eggplant slices until super crispy. I used to love eggplant parm but at most eateries it's overly cheesed and sauced. I want to taste the eggplant!
  11. Wow.....making into French toast. You are a genius!
  12. The mini ones arrived last month to my local Walgreens Drug Store. They are $1.29 each. Perfect size to go with my morning coffee. How much do I love panettone??? We get $10 store coupons for every vaccine we get (for free, thank you Medicare). We've had a total of 4 vax between us. I have used used all the $40 store credits on panettone. My husband hates panettone.
  13. When my mother was alive we met in Florida every Christmas at my brother's house. Family tradition (Lithuanian) called for the Meal of Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve. We split the fish selections amongst myself, my sister-in-law and my mother. When my husband and I saw fresh ground alligator at the market we bought it and decided to make appetizer meatballs with a dipping sauce. My mother came into the kitchen and asked what we were making. Alligator. "Is that a fish?", she asked. I could tell she wasn't sure (in fairness to her, she had dropped out of school at age 13 to support her widowed mother and her 3 younger siblings). Figuring I was already going to hell for a host of previous sins, I looked her straight in the eye and lied to her on Christmas Eve, saying "Yes, it's considered seafood." Years later I happened upon a news story that the Archbishop of New Orleans decreed that Catholics in the Diocese could eat alligator on Fridays during Lent. So it wasn't a lie afte rall. But I'm probably still going to hell 😈
  14. Milton's. I can get them both in MX and in AZ. Taste is good and so is texture. Not to hard, not too soft.
  15. I thought I was the only person who did this. At some point American 1st class domestic switched to Stroopwafel...a very sticky bar that's a danger to dental work! When I asked for Biscoff's from coach I got strange looks, but they always brought me a handful.
  16. Like many of us, I was introduced to Biscoff cookies on an airline flight. Still love them and when I (rarely) see them in MX stores I always stock up. Yesterday I spotted some at the 99 Cent Store in Tucson and grabbed them as it's been at least a year since I last had them. When I tore into them at home, I was surprised to see a schmear of chocolate on top. At first I was dismayed that my beloved Biscoff had been besmirched, but a after a few bites.....mmmmm, good. New to me, but guessing they've been around awhile??
  17. gulfporter

    Dinner 2023

    Grilled St. Louis ribs.
  18. I watched the movie last night. Intense and likely more authentic than most foodie flicks. We watched it in anticipation of the 2023 recently released TV show of same name. Reviews of the TV show (began 1 October) suggested to watch the movie first to get the background.
  19. gulfporter

    Thanksgiving prep

    I first encountered Canadian Thanksgiving in 2008 when we bought our first home in Ajijic. Most expats and snowbirds are from Canada and local eateries offer Thanksgiving menus. Many menus include Waldorf Salad. I assumed that was de rigueur for Canadian Thanksgiving, but when I asked Canadians they all said, "no." Turns out that one of the oldest restaurants here, and the first to offer a Canadian Thanksgiving menu, included it in his menu and as other eateries began offering the meal, they copied his menu, including the Waldorf Salad.
  20. gulfporter

    Thanksgiving prep

    And they celebrate Christmas in November 😎
  21. gulfporter

    Lunch 2023

    Grilled pork tenderloin with store-bought stuffed mushrooms that were surprisingly good grilled with the pork. The raw mushrooms were stuffed with cheese and topped with pico de gallo. I am slowly learning what prepared foods here in Tucson suit us as a quick side. We are mostly eating lunch out at various wonderful eateries scattered around Tucson (it's one of those spread out cities) and having light dinners at home. We fly back to Ajijic in 2 weeks. So far every other month travel between the two venues is working for us. Mi esposa gets "Mexico Fatigue" and I get "USA Fatigue." 😎
  22. gulfporter

    Dinner 2023

    It's my kitchen counter in Tucson home. It's recycled glass. LEED certified, i.e. eco-friendly rating.
  23. My new fave everyday chocolate bar purveyor....the 99 Cent Store in Tucson! Every bit as good as the $3.99 bars of Ghirardelli or Lindt. The Belgium bars are $1.49 and the Alter Eco (free trade) ones are $1.29 to $1.99.
  24. gulfporter

    Dinner 2023

    This looks way too white! I only had basil in fridge and thought it would be too strong. It was a last-minute quick dinner without any pre-planning. Sauce over the angel hair is pancetta, oven-roasted garlic, reduced wine and cream. Topped with toasted pistachios and fresh grated parm. Toasted garlic bread with scattering of smoked sea salt. Been away from site for awhile....ups and downs medically, but feeling better now.
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