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Anonymous Modernist 6375

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Everything posted by Anonymous Modernist 6375

  1. how long do you leave it in the "bath"? Maybe let it sit a little longer so the hull gets more stable
  2. I also didnt have the egg powder so i put some Gellan (Texturas) into the mushroom mix. With Gellan you can reheat and it will still hold. I didnt find any with dark gills so it is not as dark. Iused a silicon frameoriginaly intended for makingpastrysponge. You guys can really hold that comb steady… i always get waves…:-)
  3. i also encountered the error…nice to see there is an errata. Slightly cumbersum though to navigate through all the books ' especially since i have the German version where most, but not everything is corrected. It would be nice to have a dynamic errata to choose the version of the Book to see all the errors still in that particular version. I noticed the dough to be too shiny and still very wet so i stuck in my oven needle to take the temp and cooked until the required core temperature was reached. It was ok, but a little to soggy and not as crisp on the outside as the picture. Though it was still great to soak up the Kentucky BBQ Sauce:-)
  4. i have the miniVAC from Vac-Star, its great- with a more or less small footprint.Its around 2000$ but great for fluids, you can adjust vacuum-pump duration and sealer duration (for example for thicker bags, i use PA-PE 20/70) http://www.vac-star.com/de/p1-miniVAC.html
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