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Everything posted by mmchef

  1. mmchef

    Flavored mayonnaise

    If it were me I would make a warm wasabi mayo. How to make this different and new. When you have made your base place it in a whipped cream gun and you will have to judge the consistancy by the amount of chargers you add to the gun and also how big the gun is. Then leave it in a warm temperature not to go over 80c. This will have a lighter flavor
  2. Rendered duck fat is not only subjected to this potato thing that so many people associate. It is a great flavor enhancer to many vegetable saute dishes as well as combinig it with butter for saute fish. It is also good when you make an infusion from the fat that it can be incorporated into a savory dressing or vinegrette, where chicken stock is used. If you have foie fat, you can make a port reduction add it to your foie fat in a bowl and whip it over ice to make a mayo like effect as another idea.
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