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Anonymous Modernist 1801

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  1. Nathan/Chris/Max, I am not sure if this has been discussed before, but have you guys ever thought of creating a digital version of the modernist cuisine volume for the Apple iPad? You have all the digital photos (not all have to be in the digital version) and digital notes already at hand. The books I have is stunning, however if I need to check/discuss articles outside the home, I'd love to be able to carry this library of information with me. The books are big and quite heavy on their own. I'd be willing to shell out anything <USD200 (and less than 4GB) for the app and you have the option of adding/updating/correcting content along the way. Videos of interviews, techniques or simply discussion on particular food items would be awesome as well. This would probably solve some of the issues with volume printing too. What do you think?
  2. On Volume 5, p152, the Pate A Choux recipe calls for Methocel SGA150 in the dough recipe. I looked at a PDF reference of this chemical in the Dow website and MC Volume 4, page 60 - I could not find the reasoning behind the inclusion for the dough. On Volume 4, the table shows it is for "tender", "edible films/wrappers" - what does this chemical compound actually do to the finished, baked product? Does it give it a glazed effect?
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