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Everything posted by Duvel

  1. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    I know a certain someone here who will wholeheartedly agree with your choice 🤗
  2. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Ossobuco in bianco (e.g. the tomato-less variety, although I reduced the sauce quite some, so calling it bianco would be a stretch), served with the marrow bone and buttery mashed potatoes. Enjoyed al fresco …
  3. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    That does it. If you ever decide to write a vegetarian cookbook, consider me your first customer. Plus, I‘ll cook all of the recipes and stay vegetarian until I am done … so nice 🤗
  4. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    Perfect, @johnnyd, just perfect 🤗 !
  5. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    True that. I was very curious how he would react and truth to be told the base wasn‘t that bad. And the stuffed crust was … different. So all good. We watched Edward Scissorhands and called it a day. He enjoyed, which was most important to me …
  6. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Little one is a bit under the weather. He got stung by a wasp on Tuesday, but seemed fine for the next day. The night from Wednesday to Thursday the bite got infected and despite a course of antibiotics & antihistamines tonight he got worse. It‘ll take a few days for his arm to return to normal, until then he is a bit sensitive with pretty much everything. So I took him out tonight for a trip of things he likes: going to the carwash (and letting him stay in the front row seat), getting an icecream and finally letting him decide where to shop for dinner. He chose Lidl. He has never been to Lidl before. Literally never. Once we arrived there it started raining cats and dogs. After enjoying 15 min of kids radio, we went in. They had „American weeks“ and he found a sausage-stuffed crust pizza in the „weekly offer“ freezer. Well … Wiener-stuffed „hot dog“ pizza (I added roasted onions and a mustard mayo dip for the crust). And a cheese-stuffed salami pizza. „American weeks“ 🤪 These were his first two frozen pizzas in his life. His verdict was that we could have this pizza again, but only on Fridays (Sunday is our Pizza & Movie night) and only in „maybe 5 weeks or so again“. Faith in the little one restored ☺️ For dessert he picked Macarons from last weeks French week. According to him they were good, but nothing compared to the one he had in Paris. I just love this guy 🥰 Finally, tomorrow morning will feature pancakes from a tub with hopefully a recovered arm on the little one. Weekend !
  7. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    No worries, @rotuts. There was quite some backup 🤗
  8. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Trust me: you want this one.
  9. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    My butcher had his fantastic coarse Bratwurst on offer. Whipped together a potato salad, grilled the sausage and served with Maille‘s garlic & sweet onion mustard and the best of all ketchups …
  10. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    I repeat (as often as required): The best thing about home office is the canteen …
  11. Yeap. Two locations: Wan Chai and Central. I was going „usually“ to the latter (at ~20€+ per pie not that often, though …).
  12. Perfect translation ! Line below reads „Doesn’t help, but it’s tasty“
  13. Not to derail the thread, but I usually go for canned herring. Specifically this one, named after the German expression for a hangover breakfast. Of course being a German item it contains several disclaimer that it doesn’t cure hangovers. It’s nevertheless extra tasty: sour pickled herring in salty tomato sauce with pickled onions and gherkins. Perfect with a beer for breakfast !
  14. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    When laziness takes over … Seven grain toast, Gruyère and Jambon de Paris, fried in butter fat. A few lamb meatballs in the background …
  15. Got washed away by … Should have eaten more 🤗
  16. And there is excellent pizza to be had in Japan …
  17. I went to a "Italian" restaurant once in one of the larger hotel chains in Shenzhen (I think it was an InterContinental). We had negotiations there and decided to take the lunch buffet, much to the delight of our Chinese negotiation partners who went beserk on the offerings. It wasn't all bad - what I vividly remember was the overcooked pasta & 10.000 sauces bar (that was very popular), where actually some of the sauces were ok (basic tomato sauce for example), yet most suffered from a heavy hand of sugar and almost all had an incredible amount of black pepper added. They had a minestrone, that was very decent and also some grilled meats, that - while not specifically Italian - could stem from a Western buffet, too. Plenty of cold boiled seafood (like in any Chinese buffet restauran), but with balsamic vinegar and olive oil as the dipping sauce options. And a table with plastic cheeses. And - as probably the only restaurant in my time in China - they served drinks (including wine) cold without any prior request.
  18. Duvel

    Lunch 2022

    Improvised chicken rice (SV chicken breast, pressure cooked chicken stock, oily rice made from said stock).
  19. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    I am pretty sure they‘d accommodate you 🤗
  20. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Mixed salad & fries are standard, but at least the carb can be exchanged (maybe with a small surcharge) for Spätzle, Bratkartoffeln (home Fries) or Rösti …
  21. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Returning from visiting a friend who lives in what could best be described as the German pampa, we crossed Heidelberg. My wife mentioned that we seldomly go there anymore for dinner and that close to where we were driving the Alte Münz restaurant was located and how much she liked the Schnitzel there. Little one got excited upon hearing “Schnitzel” and since we all were a bit hungry we decided for dinner there … Garden was open with a nice view on the Neckar river … The Alte Münz is know as the house of 100 Schnitzels, because that’s exactly what they have on the menu … My wife chose the one with bacon, onions and fried eggs … Little one opted for caramelized apples, lingonberry jam and gratinated Brie … And I took the cheese-gratinated mushrooms & cream sauce one (because it is tasty, and as a backup, in case little one didn’t like his choice). Salads and family style fries came with it, as well as some Heidelberger beer … We shared, enjoyed and since each portion consisted of two Schnitzel, we took home a generous doggy bag for another day. Little one was very content 🤗 …
  22. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    At 37oC there isn’t much to do outside. Maybe going to the nearby lake (as DW and little one did) or maybe better staying inside and reading (cookbooks, as yours truly did). Regardless, we are having a sleepover guest tonight and that means Pizza & Movie night happens a day earlier than usual. 37oC is not really the environment you want to fire the Ooni up in, but hey … it’s for the kids 🙄 Pies happened quickly, were eaten quickly and everyone retracted inside for Diary of a wimpy kid … Salami (because the overnight guest doesn’t like mushrooms. Or any other topping.) (A truly great Italian) Salsiccia, heavy on fennel & garlic, and olives … Other pies or leftovers thereof …
  23. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    Not quite, too symmetrical. But colors certainly hint in that direction. I wouldn’t mind to have the same type of fabric (water repellent, easy to wipe, washing machine compatible, …) with a classic Marimekko theme …
  24. Duvel

    Dinner 2022

    It’s getting warm here at the Bergstraße … today we survived 32oC, tomorrow it will be 36oC. DW and the little one went for a refreshing afternoon at the nearby lake, while I was consulting colleagues on the finer art of EHS KPI reporting. I sometimes wonder who got the better life here 🤪 Surely, when they returned they were famished and in dire need of carbs, yet in an appropriate (and not too hot) form - Tsukemen to the rescue ! I modelled today’s dinner after the fantastic Shugetsu in HK: salty, full bodied dipping sauce with plenty of dried fish flavor & roasted pork belly, plus eggs marinated in a smoked soy sauce. Of course it didn’t reach the original, but there weren’t any complaints, either 🤗
  25. If your yoghurt is lacking acidity, it lacks lactic acid which hints at an insufficent (incomplete) fermentation process. Major issues could be: Type and amount of live lactobacillus cultures in your starter yoghurt Your whole milk has less lactose than the milk used for your "target" yoghurt, or You need to prolong the fermentation time. If you are straining the yoghurt after fermentation, have you tasted the resulting liquid ? Is it more sour than the yoghurt itself ?
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