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Andrew Fenton

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Posts posted by Andrew Fenton

  1. I loves me some parsnips! I tend to stick with the basics; they're great in a chicken soup, or I'll add one or two to mashed potatoes for a little sweetness.

  2. And if you mean classic, old-school Italian, I'll throw in a pitch for La Buca.  Very charming, below-street mainstay just off Washington Square.  It does feature fish, prepared tableside, but veal and beef dishes are also excellent.  And the orecchiette (usually with chard, I think) is outstanding.  And, they have an excellent cellar focusing on Super Tuscans.

    Yeah, what's up with La Buca anyway? They've been there for like forever-- but I never talk to anybody who eats there. And I live nearby-- but I never see anyone going in. I'm fully prepared to believe that it's a good restaurant, I just wonder who eats there...

  3. I have a friend who for years INSISTED to me that bacon didn't come from pigs. So I asked him "then where does it come from"? He says "some non-pork bacon animal" he doesn't know the name of.

    Suuuuure, pork and bacon and sausage come from the same animal. A wonderful, magical animal...

  4. Then there's Chef Jacques Blacke-Shellac at his Auberge de Inukituk with his moose mousse. This is usually served squeezed into tubular skins, set between the sides of a steamed long wheat bun and served with a paste made from mustard seeds and another made from pureed tomatoes.

    Equally scrumptious is his mouse mousse. Tastes much the same, only smaller.

    Veyrat has improved upon the recipe, however, by making the mousse from moose, mouse, and moss (eight varieties). (Note Blacke-Shellac trained with Veyrat before opening in Saskatchewan.)

    Rumor has it that Blacke-Shellac will soon start selling it by weight...

    "What's the mass of that moose/mouse/moss mousse, Miss?"

  5. Then there's Chef Jacques Blacke-Shellac at his Auberge de Inukituk with his moose mousse. This is usually served squeezed into tubular skins, set between the sides of a steamed long wheat bun and served with a paste made from mustard seeds and another made from pureed tomatoes.

    Equally scrumptious is his mouse mousse. Tastes much the same, only smaller.

  6. I'll second the recommendation for the Lady & Sons. Probably my favorite restaurant in Savannah, and I always look forward to eating there when I'm in town. Be sure to get there early (or be prepared to wait): they're almost always packed, and while they're planning to expand, as far as I know, it's not happening for a while.

    For barbecue, Wall's BBQ (515 E. York Lane) is good. Also good 'cue at Johnny Harris (1651 E. Victory Drive), which is a great old Savannah institution: it has a great big octagonal dining room with murals on the walls and ceiling. Neat place. I also like Carey Hilliard's (a local chain of eat-in restaurants) for barbecue; also good fried chicken.

    For low country shrimp boil, the Crab Shack (on the road out to Tybee Island) does a good job, and it's also a fun place to eat. (Though if you're there during crab season, you should probably have those. Or go with a friend and get both...)

  7. Agreed on cast iron for long/slow cooking. Actually, I probably use my skillet most for Sunday morning-type cooking: pancakes, French toast, etc. Also, it's vital for tarte Tatin.

    What's the best way to clean a skillet? I usually pour boiling water in mine, then scrub out any solids with a plastic scrubby brush. But I have no idea whether that's how I should be doing it...

  8. The geniuses who stopped steaming the buns probably oversaw the reformulation of the "shakes" from actual dairy products to chemical goo around the same time.

    McDonald's shakes are still dairy; for a debunking of the "chemical goo" urban legend, follow this link, at snopes.com.

    The shake ingredients are:

    Whole milk, sucrose, nonfat milk solids, corn syrup solids, cream, guar gum, sodium hexametaphosphate, carrageenan, imitation vanilla flavor, cellulose gum.

    Sodium hexametaphosphate is the only scary-looking one on the list, but I have no idea what it actually is. Interestingly, McD's shakes aren't made with ice cream: rather, they use a prepackaged "shake mix" that's blended with syrup and milk.

  9. I can't speak to the specifics of the Chinese market, but I've read that the reason why you rarely see goose in the US is because unlike chickens, turkeys or ducks, geese can't be raised in the intensive, factory-style methods of poultry production that are dominant today; accordingly, there are few commercial goose producers. (That's also evidently why roast goose, once a staple of Christmas dinner, has been replaced by turkey.)

  10. The only way the LCB will ever "modernize" is to cease to exist.

    Of course that'll never happen-- there are too many interests vested in keeping the system as it is-- but a good start would be to allow privately owned wine stores in PA, along with beer stores.

    I visited the Chestnut St. "superstore" for the first time on Saturday: we'd decided on the spur of the moment to have dinner at Effie's, and while waiting for a table, went to get a bottle of wine. Jas, I think I had a very similar experience to yours: like you, I noticed that it was HOT in there. I'll bet that's not so good for the $80 bottles of wine in the back.

    But the biggest problem from my perspective is the level of service, an issue that that article hardly addressed. The fact is that for somebody like me, who knows a little bit (but definitely not a lot) about wine, the expanded selection of middle to high-end wines is useless. I'm not going to spend $40 on a bottle of wine that I don't know anything about; and I have real doubts that a state store, however "super", will ever be able to get employees who are knowledgeable and articulate enough to talk about their wines.

    By contrast, Moore Brothers is not only cheaper, but more importantly, run by a bunch of wine nerds! That makes all the difference: the first time I went in there, and Greg Moore spent fifteen minutes telling me all about a ten dollar bottle of wine, I knew I'd hit someplace special. If I could have that experience without having to cross the bridge to Jersey, even if it cost a little more, I'd be delighted. But it's not gonna happen until there's some major structural change.

  11. Which makes me wonder if there's a line to be drawn between national chains and "local" chains such as Taco Cabana, which to my knowledge doesn't exist outside of Texas

    There was a Taco Cabana about four blocks from my apartment in Minneapolis. Fresh pico de gallo, the whole megillah. That ruled.

    A friend of mine who taught in San Antonio told me her kids all preferred Taco Bell to Taco Cabana. I have absolutely no idea why.

  12. And Bux: you know i thought you were taking the easy route with your etymology: but my dictionary says cloeslaw is American English for - yes!- cabbage salad. On the other hand, -cole means inhabiting, as in colony and agricole.Also akin to the Old Norse kal, whence kale.

    And don't forget Germany's former Chancellor, Helmut Cabbage.

    Anyway, I'm a big fan of jicama in slaw. Crunchy crunch crunch.

    I had a really good bahn mi the other day that was topped with a sort of slaw: raw vegetables mixed with vinegar. Anybody have a good recipe for Vietnamese slaw?

  13. I'll second (third, at this point) the vote for Yuengling.

    It goes into the category of good, cheap local beers. Pig's Eye, from St. Paul in MN, is another one of these. Damn good beer for the money...

  14. I decided to make a lemon tart, then changed that to a lemon meringue pie... For some reason, though, I only put a couple of spoonfuls of sugar into the meringue. (I think I was thinking of whipped cream, if I was thinking at all...) The crust was fine, the Meyer lemon custard part was wonderful, the meringue was... odd. I wondered why it wasn't browning in the over: guess the sugar really does help!

    So I stripped off the meringue and had a lemon tart after all! :laugh:

  15. The Boca sausages in my freezer are made from soy protein isolate. Don't know what that is exactly-- it sounds like soybeans that sit alone in a cabin, muttering about the Freemasons-- or if it's related to TVP. But the sausages taste pretty good.

  16. I'll bet you could make preserved lemons, too, that would allow you to keep the lemons longer and use them in a variety of savory dishes.

    Actually, I already have a jar of preserved Meyers in the fridge (thanks, Mom!) that I use now and then.

    Gremolata is a definite go: I can make sure I use every bit of the zest!

    Meyer lemonade seems... decadent, somehow. Which is probably a plus, now that I think about it...

  17. My cousin lives in California and has a Meyer lemon tree. Once a year or so, he sends me a big box of lemons and I go on a lemon cooking spree. The ideal, of course, is to use them recipes in which their flavor will really stand out.

    So far I've made a lemon sponge pudding (probably my favorite lemon dessert, but one that works just as well with regular lemons) and a sorbet (you can really taste the Meyer-ness in this one, but how much sorbet can I eat?)

    I still have about a dozen left: any suggestions?

  18. lunches are going to be harder, especially considering

    1)  i'll be on the go during the day (hopefull)

    2)  i don't want to get too full

    3)  lunchy places aren't as well document

    For lunch, in addition to Tony Luke's, also try Sarcone's Deli at 9th and Bainbridge for a hoagie (and if you've got the time, visit the cheese shops-- Di Bruno's and Claudio's-- in the Italian Market.)

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