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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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    was Philadelphia (Requiescat in Pace)

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  1. Thank you everyone. We here in Philadelphia are devastated by the loss of Karen, a sweet and gentle soul who took joy in all things and spread that joy wherever she went. Many of us were able to visit with her in hospice care in the last few weeks, and even then Karen was making jokes and being the kind considerate person we all loved her for being. We brought her duck soup in the hopes that it would cheer her up and bring her strength. I understand she had a little bit of it, even though her appetite had already failed her. We can only hope it did what we wished it would. RIP Karen. I hope there's a big pot of duck soup and duck every way you want it waiting for you.
  2. KatieLoeb

    Steven Shaw

    Still saddened and brought to tears reading and thinking about this. It's been several weeks and I've had time to collect my thoughts. I'm still stunned. The more I think about it, the more I realize my life would surely not be the same had I not made the acquaintance of Mr. Steven Shaw. He was a "pebble makes ripples in the pond" sort of fellow. One idea at the hub, the reverberations of which spread outward. Connecting people was the glorious side effect. Connect the dots and you have the ferris wheel we've all been lucky enough to ride together. eGullet is an awe inspiring community, and should stand as a model for others trying to do the same. I'm certain Steven and Jason had no idea of the lasting effect or number of friendships, both virtual and in person that they would have a hand in when this idea was just germinating. Thanks to both of them for enriching my life in more ways than I can count.
  3. My post shift drink last night. Bright Light 1.5 oz Old Forester bourbon 1 oz. Beverage Artistry El Corazon mix (blood orange, passionfruit, pomegranate) .75 oz. fresh lemon juice .25 oz. housemade grenadine Shaken and strained over fresh ice. Garnished with an orange wedge. Sweet, tart, and complex. A lot like our friend. Slainte Steven. See you on the other side.
  4. KatieLoeb

    Steven Shaw

    I can't begin to try and explain the myriad ways my life would be different had I not made Steven's acquaintance. His friendship and guidance changed my life and career for the better. I shall pay my respects, but it will never measure up to the true level of respect I have for him, his work, his work ethic and his unbridled joy and passion for all things food and drink related. I'll hug our mutual friends. People I'd never have known had he not enriched my life so much. I hope he knows I'm amongst the many that owe him a debt that can neither be quantified nor repaid.
  5. KatieLoeb

    Steven Shaw

    I just can't even process it. Gone far too soon. His smile, his wit and his kindness and leadership will not be here. But the memories of them will be forever precious. Godspeed FatGuy. We're all better for having known you.
  6. Most 'cellos are about extracting the oils from the peels. The juice isn't really part of the recipe. You could always infuse more peels in vodka and just add that to boost the flavor in your not-lemony-enough 'cello. As for the juice, make lemonade!! Or lemon curd. Or freeze in an ice cube tray for when you need just a little bit of fresh juice and don't have fresh lemons in the house.
  7. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Those who knew him personally are fortunate indeed. His wit and enthusiasm will be missed here in our little virtual corner. I know we shall feel his loss as well. Know how loved and respected he was, even by those who'd never had the pleasure of meeting him. That speaks volumes about the passion he could share with his words. I am sorry to never have had the pleasure to raise a glass in person. I shall raise one in his honor instead. Cheers to to you, good Sir. And Godspeed Mr. Hatfield.
  8. White Whiskey often acts like tequila in the glass. Try a margarita with that Jacob's Ghost and tell me if it was any good. I've used this formula before and it worked pretty well, though I haven't tried it with that particular product. If you have something to flavor it with, like a splash of fruit nectar or juice that should be grand.
  9. It is... um... squirrelier. Rougher edges, more tops and tails, I'd imagine. Better for mixing in nearly everything save things like a Vieux Carré, where you want the uber-smooth cognac. But in a Brandy Cocktail, or a Mississippi Punch, or nearly everything I usually make, it's the beans. Whenever I see a bottle of Fundador I grab it.Cocktails with squirrels? Who remembers the Monty Python cocktail sketch? A squeeze of lemming, anyone? Chris, I can't claim huge experience with cognac but we find (some) Spanish brandies are smoother, or at least more approachable. Esplendido, our current favourite, is very drinkable on its own; it's possibly even a bit understated for mixing. But I do anyway, such as in the Man Comes Around (post 516, above). But with names like Esplendido and Fabuloso, it's almost worth seeking these things out for the names alone! There's another Spanish brandy you should seek out if you're a fan. Merito Brandy de Jerez comes in a liter bottle and is priced in the low $20's range. Really good stuff. I used it for Spanish Brandy Old Fashioneds (Old Fascists, as I call them) at an event a couple of months ago and it was delicious and a bargain for the flavor and quality. Tonight I'm sipping on a Twelve Mile Limit, which might be my new favorite tipple: 1 oz. Appleton V/X rum .5 oz. Rittenhouse Rye .5 oz. St. Remy brandy .5 oz. fresh lemon juice .5 oz. homemade grenadine Shaken and served up with a lemon twist. Deadly but delicious. Almost a tiki drink, but not quite. More of the bastard child of a tiki drink and a boozy old Pre-prohibition style cocktail. The drink calls for white rum but I didn't have any in the house. If I'd had some El Dorado 3 year old around it would have been perfect, but that's a Special Order 'round these parts so I made do with what I had. The homemade grenadine is crucial, but I didn't need to tell you that. This is a really tasty cocktail that goes down way too easily. Definitely one for the sprint and not for the marathon.
  10. Got some store bought juice blends today just because. Tonight's experiment: 2 oz. Brokers gin 3 oz Welchs Dragonfruit-Mango juice splash fresh lime dash Fee Bros. Whiskey barrel aged bitters 2 oz Barritts ginger beer Build over ice in Collins glass. Stir.
  11. Although it's abominably sweet to my taste, I made up a drink on the fly for someone that wanted a sweet/fruity/girly drink last week. .5 oz. simple syrup (in truth I'd rather use a packet of Sugar in the Raw for its abrasive qualities, but don't have any at the bar) approx. 8 mint leaves 1 wedge lime Muddle together until mint is well bruised and giving up the flavor. Add: 2 oz. vanilla vodka 1.5 oz. pineapple juice splash fresh lime juice Shake vigorously and dump into a collins glass, keeping the mint and lime wedge in the drink/ Top with a splash of soda. Stir. Garnish with a spanked sprig of mint and a lime wheel. Not my cup of tea, but the folks I've made it for have loved it. <shrug>
  12. Another idea is to make "Shot-tails", a deconstructed cocktail in the form of two or more shots done in succession. I've done one I call an Irish Exit. A shot of Jameson with a couple of dashes of Angostura followed by a shot with Apricot brandy, lime juice and ginger beer. I have the proportions somewhere.
  13. I recieved a reply from their US importers sales office today, While I can't get the Boudier products in PA (yet), they have distribution of another brand of Gluten free potato vodka in the same catalog currently placed in PA, so there's hope. Glad to hear others have tried the line and liked it. Would love to taste my way through the Mixologist series. Some of those flavors sound real decent. The Marasquin maraschino was brilliant. Very floral but with less overwhelming "funk" than the Luxardo. Made a damned fine Hemingway.
  14. Have no idea how readily available these might be in the States, but I recently tried some of the Gabriel Boudier products while on a trip to Ireland. I was very impressed with the quality and flavor. If you click on the Eau-de-Vie in the link above you can see they have a full line of the usual suspects, including regular plum (slivovitz), Mirabelle, Kirsch, etc. There's also a full lineup of "Bartender Liqueurs" that has Blue Curacao, Marasquin (maraschino), Cherry Brandy, Dry Curacao as well as many others that I found intriguing. Hoping to find a source for these here for recreational use, even though I can't get them in PA for professional use.
  15. KatieLoeb


    I have a semi-regular guest that comes in and asks for a Negroni with Cynar rather than Campari. Slightly tweaked proportions, 1.5 gin:1 Cynar:1 M&R sweet vermouth. While the drink is not to my taste, others that have tried it think it's grand.
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