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Everything posted by hjshorter

  1. I wonder, how does that compare to the costs of the average American school lunch program? No numbers at my fingertips but $8 seems high.
  2. Does anyone else think that the restaurant owner was out of line going through the books, then calling out of the blue? I found that I little strange. Yes, it's good to be proactive, but...
  3. The kids and I drove over to the Silver Spring farmer's market this morning. We were a little disappointed - very few vendors and only 4-5 that sell produce. It's great to have an alternative to the Sunday Takoma market, so that I don't have to neglect the kid's religious education in favor of peaches but I'll be sticking with Mt. Pleasant on Saturdays.
  4. I would point out that the average Joe is probably getting a more accurate impression of the restaurant on any given night. Many restaurant critics are frequently recognized and treated accordingly. But I am not charging the public money for my worst nights. At least, not usually.
  5. God, I hope so. ETA: this is the funniest eG thread in a couple of years. Thanks.
  6. At age 17, I spent two weeks at a marine biology camp St. Mary's College in St. Mary's City. My first taste of a raw oyster was fresh out of the water. Have loved them ever since.
  7. Congratulations to Ann Cashion for getting this space. The event was well attended by the usual K Street types and some normal people ( ), and it was very nice to meet Brooks. There were mini burgers, shrimp & grits, fried oysters, and chicken wings being passed, plus a table of cheese and the oysters. Everything I tried tasted good. I look forward to checking out the menu, and dining at the bar once they are ready to open.
  8. I attended a restaurant opening last night, and had to think about this very issue. What could I wear that would still look decent after having red wine sloshed on it (from being jostled) or after having finger food dribbled on it? I settled on a black t-shirt and linen shirt. I treat black t-shirts as disposable, for the reason judiu mentioned above. Jack, that's an excellent point about dinner jackets. (Maggie, I had to throw away the t-shirt I wore to lunch at Nuevo Leon back in February. I think I spilled my taste of menudo on it. It was worth it.)
  9. Already got mine. I am looking forward to checking out the new space.Three minutes? That's an eternity.
  10. Daniel, did you miss the little winky thing in my post indicating that perhaps I might not be totally serious? Dave, I think I understand what you're getting at, but most American cities are much less homogenous these days. Within a few miles of my house are Indian, Latino, Thai, and Ethiopian markets. And what was formerly exotic in the grocery is now commonplace. A little experimentation is to be expected. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  11. I'd just come back at you with an amazingly attractive shot of the keilbasa and lentil soup we had tonight.
  12. I dunno, this is sort of feeding into my dissatisfaction with the dinner thread. It used to be just what folks are having for dinner. Now it seems to be a little..."show-offy" with an x-treme closeup picture for everyone's admiration.
  13. Second vote for the Little Bitts shop. As Rochelle said, they have a room full of molds, and sheet gelatin in case the urge to make a bavarois strikes.
  14. Refried beans, and enchiladas.
  15. It is, however, useful in keeping food from spoiling. I believe that was one of the reasons Charles was searching for it.
  16. I don't think the policy is unreasonable, especially since the Dupont market is so crowded. I had stopped taking my kids to the market after someone's mutt snapped at them.
  17. We are new to Takoma Park so I fought the parking crowds and checked out our local market this morning. I hadn't been to the Takoma Market in years - it's crowded, but not quite the mob scene that Dupont is. Some of my favorite vendors are there too: Toigo, Wheatland, Atwater, etc., plus some unfamiliar. The only thing left to find is a good nearby place to get a cup of coffee. Today's purchases: Toigo corn and peaches, 2 pints sungold tomatoes, plump green beans, and a chicken empanada from Takoma Bakers.
  18. I visited the misty Mt. Pleasant market this morning and was mesmerised by all the lovely tomatoes and peaches. The Shorter house is currently awash in W. Virgina peaches thanks to a generous neighbor, so I tore my eyes away and concentrated on the tomatoes. Various beautiful Wheatland Farm heirlooms took up residence in my basket, along with a bunch of sharply aromatic basil for caprese salad this weekend. Also purchased: Granite melon, baby cantaloup, assorted mini eggplants and squashes, Cibola eggs, bacon, and pork sausage with tarragon. It's a nicely sized market, and the ability to stroll around without the jostling of Dupont is great...but a good herb vendor would have been most welcome. After we strolled across the street to Don Jaime's and stuffed ourselves on huevos rancheros, fried plantains with crema, and cafe con leche.
  19. I would second the recommendation for the St Mary's Oyster Festival. Good oysters and it's a lot of fun. I haven't been in a few years, but we might camp and make a weekend of it this year.
  20. Other than corn? I don't think the Delmarva area has much grain production, but I could be wrong.
  21. That was touching, Dave. I really enjoyed it. Best to you and Mom.
  22. The name is CiCi's. Never been, but I have heard it's mediocre. I would guess it's not worth the drive from NW.What about Mongolian BBQ? There's a place in Bethsada not too far away from you. I don't know the pricing, but it's an all you can eat, assemble your own meal sort of thing. If your interested I'd be happy to look up the name and contact info.
  23. Posted on dr.com 8/18: We had a lovely meal last night. Starters: Sausage Biscuits, "Devilishly Good eggs". "Sausage biscuits" brings to mind sodden, crisco laden lumps with white gravy. That image could not be farther from what is served: light as air, spicy andouille biscuits with a little sauce alongside to dip into. And I love the tartare presentation. Drink: Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Rose Premier Cru NV. Lovely, rosy sparkler that went surprisingly well with the spicy biscuits. Salads: Dandelion Greens, Waldorf salad. I had to order the Waldorf - so old school. Scott really enjoyed the dandelion, but it's too bitter for Ms. Supertaster. Good bread, and our favorite among the spreads was the duck fat/parsnip. Mains: Hanger steak with "BLT" salad for him, Veal Oscar for me. I got a small nibble of the hanger and it was tasty, but the perfectly medium veal is extraordinary - good enough that the crab and fava garnish is gilding the lily. Sides were the potato gratin and spinach souffle; they were very good but I was wishing we had ordered the spaetzle. Next time. Wine: shiraz for Scott (Hazard Hill?) and the Tamar Ridge Pinot Noir for me. The Pinot matched the veal nicely. Michael and our server (Peter? He was lovely) had a brief discussion as to whether we allowed to order dessert without finishing our meals. Moist coconut cake with fluffy white icing tasted as good as homemade. The strawberry shortcake was as described above, although we didn't think that the strawberry ice cream masked the flavor of the strawberries. And damn, Michael, who makes the biscuits? They are lighter than air. We'll be back many times once we move to Takoma Park. I like the Deco/supper club vibe - it's absolutely from another time - and the view of the AFI. (You can pretend to be a movie star dining out before the big opening of your new film.) The value is excellent, and the wine list looks worthy of further exploration. What a great addition to Silver Spring, a counterweight to all the chains sprouting up like mushrooms.
  24. And Balducci's moving into the Congressional WF space. I can't wait for that Whole Foods to close - it's about half the size it needs to be.
  25. The Museum of the American Indian is close to his hotel and has a great cafe. It's not exactly cheap eats, but is worth checking out. There's not much super close, but many good options are a short metro ride away. Teaism is across the mall, near the Archives/Navy Memorial metro station. Thread here. Ethiopian... the area around 9th and U has many and is accessible via the U St/Cardozo stop on the Green line. Busboy will have specific recs. That area is a tough one - I'll give it some thought this week.
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