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Suvir Saran

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Everything posted by Suvir Saran

  1. Yes I would think it is very similar.. Or at least Indians would use injira the same was as we use Indian breads.
  2. Suvir Saran

    Chicken Soups

    But Country Captain is not soup. Nathalie Dupree has a nice recipe for Country Captain in a few of her books. Later tonight I will take time and get you the names of the exact ones... Or first thing tomorrow. As for Chicken soup from India.... Well I will see what recipe I can share... I am headed to the NY Public Library.. and have little time now... But will certainly add what I can. Thanks Jaymes for paging me and thinking of me.
  3. Looking forward to reading more about that.
  4. Dum Gobhi or Gobhi Masallam... nice. I have the recipe in my cookbook. I prepare this dish a lot. People seem to be dazzled by its taste and looks.
  5. I often serve: 1. Mango Cheesecake 2. Granny Smith Apple Kheer 3. A lovely and velvety KHubani meeta or Apricots and cream Yum! How do you make your mango cheesecake? Is the recipe in the book?
  6. I use some yogurt when I process the beans and rice. It makes the vadas a little sour... and I like that. But other than that... I had no idea what it would do... How does it taste different for you? Have you tried this?
  7. And I thought you were being metaphorical.. But I wanted you to come out and say it as such... Was troubling you.. So when is India happening?
  8. Thanks Patrice! How can we read more from you? This was a great little class... I learned so much. And actually agree with you entirely.. So much fuss has been made about the pastry chef and JG.. and I was less then inspired to come back. What a shame. For the food is really nice and fun.
  9. What part of India are you headed to? How long for?
  10. Thanks for the detailed post. Also thanks for your Demo at the show. It was great to see you cooking and sharing with us all you were doing. I for one would have been fooled that you did not speak English. You spoke for a LONG time and very well. At one point Bux noticed you were all alone.. and we were both concerned...... You seemed not worried by this.. and came out fine in the end. All signs of a seasoned chef and calm person. It was fun being there and seeing all of you cook great stuff with vegetables. Thanks! Now back to your meal... What was it about the desserts that you did not care for? What made them only worthy of a C grade? Curious! And I ask this not to trouble you, but I feel we will learn a lot from your critique.. and it would teach us what to look for when we enjoy desserts.... So, if it is not too much to ask... and if you can find time... please do share your thoughts.
  11. Suvir Saran

    Too Much Ginger

    I put some ginger in a pot with dirt. Keep it moist... Leaves come out... the ginger begins to grow.. and everytime I need fresh ginger, I cut some of the tuber... and leave the rest growing....
  12. Malawry, What would you do if you had a Kitchen Aid mixer. And now had the option of getting the Imperia machine or the attachment. Which would you buy? And I called our host from last night, and it is confirmed that the pasta machine was an Imperia. I enjoyed using it thoroughly and the pasta was superb. Better than what I have eaten in the best of restaurants. Really.
  13. Aaron T, It would be great to have you join us. Looking forward to meeting you.
  14. I think Suzanne who was attendee tracker is away till tomorrow, but SuzanneF passed on to me (on Friday) the list of participants. Tracking the couple of cancellations and additions, the number remains at 45. Suvir, room for one more? Thanks Yvonne for giving us the count. Lets add Aaron T to the list. Thanks for being on top of this.
  15. That was not the intent. Thanks for your great post... I will sleep over this decision.. Will let you all know which way I go. I made the pasta using the hand cranked one and was cranking with my left hand and holding the sheet from my right... It was not too difficult... But your posts about the Kicthen Aid attachment make me think twice.
  16. And I think that is the one I worked with last night... I knew it was not calld Atlas.. and the name did start with "I"... so maybe this is it.... But I await the reply from Mixmaster... And I shall decide if I should get a Kitchen Aid attachment instead.
  17. I already have a Kitchen Aid mixer.. Do you really reccommend a pasta attachment? Is it difficult to get a grasp of? I enjoyed the Atlas hand cranked one last night... I am not worried of the expense... Just do not want something sitting around that I will not use. Have you ever made sheets of pasta with good success with this attachment? I enjoyed the idea of being able to make raviolis with the hand held.. if you have been able to do the same with the Kitchen Aid one.. I am happy to contribute a small token to the egullet/amazon link. Looking forward to your input. Thanks everyone.
  18. Thanks Foodman... and everyone else. I shall got buy one today or first thing tomorrow. I am sold.
  19. Thanks all. The machine I used last night was a hand cranked one. It was amazing ... and the ravioli were excellent. It made the pasta into sheets...and it took 7 entries through the press to get it to the desired thickness. It was a great thing to use for a communal effort... But also makes the idea of making pasta seem so much easier to a stupid man like me. I can roll 200 samosas with no effort, but making pasta always seems a challenge. DO I need to go to an Italian specialty store or could I buy these at a Broadway Panhandler... Bridge etc?
  20. I made raviolis by my own hands for the first time in a home. Friends had invited me for dinner and I helped prepare and then stuff the raviolis. It was easy to make, stuff and cook. I want to go buy a Pasta Maker... What is the best kind? My friends had a steel one that clasps on a surface... It seemed to do the tick... But I am sure if you all think it is worth wasting space on... Any advice?
  21. NYFirepatrolchef, if you are free that night, please do join. YOu can take Ajays place. Let us know. SO we can plan accordingly. PS: Ajay, we will miss seeing you.
  22. Suvir Saran

    Too Much Ginger

    Is it safe to assume bought fresh ginger root?
  23. Exactly what I do.... very little meat if at all. And lots of chickpeas. Also the way I was served some of the best Harira I had in Morocco. Funny that coming back home in a cab not too long ago, I was craving some Harira... But I am off to dinner.. and will eat whatever our friend serves... Lucky you and yours.....
  24. Yes, it would be a treat to have you join us. I will call the restaurant and make the addition... SuzanneF, could you please update your list as well. Thanks in advance. Helena, Nina has been working hard on the booze list.. you may want to ask her what we have already.. and plan accordingly... It may be too late to get a batch for you... But I am sure if Yvonne reads this and it is not too late, she will oblige. Nina, SuzanneF and Yvonne, many thanks to each of you for helping.
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