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Suvir Saran

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Everything posted by Suvir Saran

  1. Potatoes are used commonly in Goan Vindaloo recipes. They are used in the versions cooked even by the most celebrated hosts of Goa. And have made it into recipes in books written by several Indian food authorities. Certainly the misconception that the word aloo was a reference to the similar word in Hindi meaning potato must be one reason for this. But there is a more important reason in my book; potatoes are often added to many meat and chicken curries to simply add to the quantity of the dish. So that it stretches. Nothing more and nothing less. Potatoes added to curries such as these made it possible for those in a home that did not like meat too much, but had no restriction to it, to find an alternative without the chef having to prepare another dish. I am sure other members would have their own feedback about this; it would make for a great discussion.
  2. How interesting... I heard that the name vindaloo comes from the combination of vin (vinegar) and aloo from alho (portuguese for garlic).
  3. Suvir Saran


    The pastry for the samosa is really easy to make. You will become an expert after making it just once. Believe me. Maybe someday... I can show you how easy it is by doing a demo. I have not yet tested a recipe for the pastry, or else I would share it with you. I make it by feel.
  4. Suvir Saran


    Thanks Sandra! It sounds wonderful. I will make the Jam and let you know how it comes out. I can a lot. In fact I have sitting on the table 12 Pints of Apricot Jam, 6 Pints of Peach Jam, 6 Pints each of Blueberry-Lemon and Blackberry Jams and 6 Pints of Tomato Chutney, all of these I have made in the last week. I love canning. It is so much fun. And is a great way of sharing a simple gift with people. It is food that multiplies and makes people happy. Thanks again for this lovely recipe.
  5. Suvir Saran


    Thanks SA! So the restaurants you eat it at make it with coconut milk? That is interesting. Thanks for sharing the details. I love the samosa chaat the chefs make for me when I visit restaurants.. and like you said, it is only served to those in the know. I thought maybe you were making samosas at home. I was impressed just to know that you know about it.. and would have been even more so if you said you cooked them at home. I love samosa chaat with simple potato samosas. It is my favorite. And yes the cilantro and tamarind sauces are excellent with it. Will let you know how the banana chutney is. Thanks for the recipe.
  6. Suvir Saran


    That would be very nice. Thanks! Please do PM me.
  7. Suvir Saran


    A silly friend of mine gave them to me.... He owns a store... had these ripe bananas. I make many dozens of banana breads with his ripe banana in the fall to give away to friends.. and now.. in the middle of the summer.. he has sent this big package of ripe bananas.... Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't think it was banana harvest time in New York City. You can always just throw them in the freezer as is, then use the pulp later to make your banana breads. Or, make your banana breads now and throw THEM in the freezer. That'd get a lot of your autumn work out of the way ahead of time! All I want to throw anywhere at this time.. is my back.. something threw it totally out of shape.. and I am much pain. I wish I can throw it back in shape.
  8. Suvir Saran


    What is Samosa Chaat SA? How do you make it?
  9. Suvir Saran


    would you have a recipe for that banana cream pie y ou will make later? Would love to try it as well.
  10. Suvir Saran


    A silly friend of mine gave them to me.... He owns a store... had these ripe bananas. I make many dozens of banana breads with his ripe banana in the fall to give away to friends.. and now.. in the middle of the summer.. he has sent this big package of ripe bananas....
  11. Suvir Saran


    Thanks Cathy! I will try making these. Are these better with ripe or not so ripe bananas? Also are these what I may have seen in Ben & Jerrys? They have these chocolate covered banana shaped things in their glass encased freezer. Could these be the same thing? These sound very nice.
  12. Suvir Saran


    Thanks for the recipe. It seems wonderful. I will make some... and maybe even try canning it. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
  13. Suvir Saran


    Banana Jam.. never thought of it.... sounds nice. Maybe I can make some of SA's banana chutney and try making some jam. I have a recipe for banana jam at home and I will post it tonight. It is truly delicious and very unusual. It is very easy to make. Thanks Sandra! Do you think it can be made with ripe bananas? Look forward to the recipe and making the jam.
  14. Suvir Saran


    Banana Jam.. never thought of it.... sounds nice. Maybe I can make some of SA's banana chutney and try making some jam.
  15. Suvir Saran


    How do you make the frozen low fat snack? Do you puree them? mash them? add anything at all?
  16. Suvir Saran


    SA, The chutney actually sounds amazing. I must confess, I have never had a banana chutney. What is it like? Do you have a recipe? Can one make it with RIPE bananas? I would be game for trying it out. If you have a recipe that is. Thanks for suggesting it..
  17. Suvir Saran


    Yes I will not make t hose today.. But I love banana raita. It is a great raita for the summers. I am lazy about cooking too much today... If I make Banana raita, I will have to cook dinner.... I was thinking of taking friends out today.
  18. Suvir Saran


    That sounds very good. Cardamom... ehhhh... I love cardamom... I always grind my cardamom seeds into a powder fresh.. is that what you do? Does it matter? I think it does... but many friends tell me I am too fussy... Thanks for the recipe...
  19. Suvir Saran


    Mr. Suvir , thank you very much! I am sorry! I am just not much of a fan of bananas in smoothies.. lassis etc
  20. And what I found most curious was the large... amazingly huge amount of flour that Nathalies assistant placed onto the large "biscuit bowl". I was worried as to why they were making so many biscuits, but once done, I realized that it was only the base for the mountain, the hole in which gets the shortening and buttermilk. When done making the dough, the kind lady demonstrating this, put away into the flour container most of the flour. I would never think of doing something like that. Also she handled the wet flour very little, and used the excess flour to put her wet hands in so as to make them easier to use in folding the dough. It was actually a very sensuous way of making a dough. The lady teaching us was my grandmothers age, and had learned this recipe from her grandmother. She did it with no effort and with a big proud smile. As Nathali mentioned, these were biscuits made with "grace". I think that was to mean gracefully.
  21. They are free form. Well not really, for the lady who taught us these, keeps the biscuits very close together in the tray, and so as they bake they come together. And separate very easily once ready. The texture of the biscuits was amazing. The grits with parmesan that was also served that afternoon were the best grits recipe I have ever tasted... but I can imagine the biscuits being even better if they had butter. I prefer butter so much more. They were rustic biscuits and perfect served in that amazing home in Social Circle, Georgia.
  22. Suvir Saran


    Mitchell London makes the best Banana Cream Tart. I wish I had the recipe.. The crust could well have been made with Graham Crackers... he then has some custard in the base. A very think layer of chocolate and then whipped cream and bananas... some more chocolate and then whipped cream and a banana cream and some chocolate. But it has been a couple of years since I last had it... Anyone have a recipe for a tart like that?
  23. Suvir Saran


    No smoothis or lassis! But how do you make your lassi? With yogurt? Do you add anything else to it? Any sugar at all? DO you let the sweetness of the bananas simply sweeten the lassi?
  24. Suvir Saran


    The sound great... but even I (one who loves to and lives to deep fry), am lazy about doing so in this weather. But I love banana fritters.
  25. And how could I forget these were biscuits made with "grace". The recipe to make these in a wooden trough called "biscuit bowl", was handed down the generations by Nathalies assistants grandmother. And again, the biscuits we ate, several of us "Yankees" as we were being called in jest, were amazing. Light, delicate and just the right moistness to them.
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