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Posts posted by mrdecoy1970

  1. 40 minutes ago, Alex said:


    Yes, please do some editing. I spotted a bunch of duplicate, or near-duplicate, photos. Good photos, though. What kind of phone?

    Welcome to my home, that is my collection plus about another 10 on order. 


    iPhone S6 I did some cleaning up, but almost deleted non-duplicates.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Shelby said:

    Fess up.  These pics were taken in some sort of cookbook history museum, right?  Right?  




    That is a fabulous collection.  I'm going to stare at the titles when I have more time....and I bet my shelves get a bit fuller lol.

    I do have a shelf dedicated to food history. Dry read though. 

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, FauxPas said:


    I'm sure I'm not alone in saying it would be lovely if you participated in the Dinner thread or similar and showed us some of your meals/cooking! Please consider it! 


    Kitchen is usually a disaster, would have to shoot photos carefully! thanks,

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, FauxPas said:


    wow, I could pass a lot of time just browsing your titles. You REALLY need to share with us more of your cooking exploits from this wonderful collection! Do you work through things in any particular order? Or randomly pick a book and try recipes? :)


    If we feel like Mexican, I grab a Bayless or Kennedy book, or French Pepin or Raymond Blanc although I find Pepin more consistent. I've honestly not cooked through 1% of these books.

    • Like 3
  5. So I ordered this yesterday and planning on taking inventory on the recipes and what percentage have doable recipes without expensive equipment, also Adria says  equipment will become more available in the future. Plus I have a feeling in a few years, after a few printings this set will be on the used market for 1200.00-? 

  6. Fuss wasnt the right word. Cost is, how much can be made without buying $3,000+ machinery? some funky ingredients I can swing. And how much wisdom does he pass along and is it El Bulli specific? or is it applicable to cooking in general? I will need to know before I spend money. 

  7. Thanks William, this is the new set that you are looking at? I think I will wait for a full review on how many recipes can be executed with minimal fuss and how many are just way too involved. No way am I buying nitrogen and rotary vaps. 

  8. Those of you who bought this, could you please tell me how much of the book requires super expensive equipment to execute dishes? I dont mind a sphere kit or a whip syphon, or small ingredients etc but the big industrial equipment no way. Thanks.

  9. Hey thanks for the help here. Lisa, what are your favorite professional texts? and your favorite confections and world cuisine books? I'm interested in learning more about Japanese and Chinese cooking since I notice Anthony Bourdain and his buddy David Chang hold those two in such high regard, but then I wonder are ingredients hard to find in the US? I imagine with the internet, you can find most anything needed??? thanks!!

  10. Hi,

    I would like to build up a nice collection (non-digital) but I have some questions, would appreciate some answers/opinions.

    1. I notice on Amazon, often the latest version of a book is considerably more expensive. So I then read the reviews and Google search the two editions and nothing conclusive comes up. So I'm naturally left wondering, should I spend eight more bucks on the 2002 version as compared to the price of the 1996 version. Are corrections often made in later editions?? I don't mean any one book in particular, just in general.

    2. There are a lot of restaurant cookbooks, what are your thoughts on those? do they REALLY give their real recipes? in their entirety? I can't help but wonder if places like Brennan's and Antoine's in New Orleans for example really give you their real recipes. Seems it would be very easy to leave out a few details to sell you a book and get you back in there.

    3. I've heard that sometimes even well known and renowned chefs don't give out the real deal on their recipes in their books, is this true? where can I find out so I can be sure avoid their books? anyone care to post? if not pm to me who they are that commit this fraud.


  11. I recently bought a product I really like, I'm in no way being paid to promote anything (I wish I was!) just thought I would share with you grilling guys my new toy. It's called Grill Grates I wasn't sure about spending 69.00 for some grates but after watching a bunch of guys on You tube talk them up, I decided to give it a go. Here is my review from Amazon: I always hated how I had to move burgers really fast away from flare ups and that they would shrink up so much. This thing does work really well. You do occasionally get a flare up but it's not near as bad as with this. Seemed our burgers cooked more evenly and shrunk less. It does make nice sear marks which is fine I guess but more importantly these grates make it easier to manage an entire grill full of food because you aren't rushing to move it around so fast. Yeah worth the money so far after 3 grillings.

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