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Everything posted by daveb

  1. A big part of the reason I think it should be a no brainer is my mini Bose bluetooth speaker. I search for available devices and two show up. I can choose either and control it or stream to it. I can't stream to both but I can stream to either as they are recognized as separate devices. If Anova could recognize multiple devices then it would be feasible to pair up with one, set control settings, then pair up with another...... Oh well, that's why I'm not in charge.
  2. I like the bluetooth but don't see a benefit from Wi-Fi in general. It's a solution to a problem that I don't have. Temp setting with the wheel is a PIA but doable. I seldom can get the timer setting to work manually despite reading, following and dog cussing the instructions.. For this I like the phone. I'm going to try multiple phones but I don't see that working either. I can use phone to set multiple timers and will probably do that.
  3. Damn. But thanks. I'm not a techie by any means but seems this should be a no=brainer.
  4. Definitely Dill. Most places use a condiment called M&M. About 1 part cheap yellow mustard to 4 parts mayo. My favorite cuban in town is at Cacciatore & Sons. Big +1 to El Segundo - but don't tell the tourists. The line is long enough already.
  5. I'm conducting a SV class next week and plan on running at least 5 Anovas for fish, steak, veg, poached eggs, creme brulee, yada yada. Does anyone know if I can load app 5 times, each associated with a different circulator? Seems like I tried to control 2 at once previously but gave up when it got to hard. Thanks.
  6. When I want chicken skin nice and crispy I'll leave it uncovered, on a rack, in a sheet pan overnight to dry as last step. Agree with Anna above that butter will prob burn at the temp you need for crisping and using wooden chopsticks (or handle from any wooden tool) as temp gauge.
  7. I've been known to use my smoker as an extra oven when needed but not sure what, if any, benefit would be had from using it. If you're doing a "cookout" type event, you can certainly put your product in a disposable aluminum pan, cover it and go. For normal dinner prep, you won't get the wonderful smell from braising throughout your house and you'll have to clean the outside of your vessle.
  8. Thanks for the comments re Breville and Cuisinart. When asked, even the Culinary store staff said they did not make toast well. As the primary use would be toasting, I think I'll keep the money in my pocket and look for a toaster.
  9. The BSO "Pro" and the Cuisinart "Chef's Convection Toaster Oven" are on sale this weekend at local culinary store. The price difference is negligible. Would be using it for toast, english muffins, etc. Some baking. Any thots?
  10. +1 to the Franks Hot Sauce.
  11. Mea culpa. It is a heck of a buy. I was off my meds...
  12. https://shun.kaiusaltd.com/knives/knife/classic-carving-knife 200mm carving knife? Yawn.
  13. daveb

    Meat cutting

    The vid btybrd posted nails it. A short push cut to establish the cut then a long draw. The push at the end to ensure a clean cut through. Knife looked to be a 300 Suji, it might have been longer. I like to make that cut with a Cimitar but a suji will do.
  14. Induction. Carbon steel is compatible. Some stainless, usually at higher end (All Clad, Viking, Volrath) are compatible. Anything under 100/pan probably is not. I cook on All Clad a lot at a culinary store, it's ok but nothing to get excited about and a PIA to restore luster to. At my house I use de Buyer, a better pan by any measure.
  15. I go into the long cook problem differently and use a thermometer that has a data logger function. If I lose power I can see what happened within the bath and when. For short cooks I don't bother. Would like to see a restart to preset function in the circulators. Seems like it would be easy. I think the home Poly Science has this but at 3X the price of the Anova it's hard to justify. To the topic I hope all of the Anova folks come out well from this. (Even Shermie, the customer service rep from hell.) I agree it's the reason small businesses start. But to me an Electrolux will always be a dachshund with a hose on one end and a cord on the other.
  16. Electro who? I read it on the internet so it must be true. https://www.cnet.com/news/electrolux-buys-sous-vide-machine-maker-anova-for-250-million/ One of the things I like a lot about Anova (in addition to the circulators) is their innovative marketing. Liked the direct link from manufacturer to consumer for both retail and customer service. Was ok with Amazon getting in the mix. Did not like going to BBB and other discount stores. Did not like the why-fi unit. Hope they can stay innovative but ....
  17. More than a like - that looks outstanding. You could do your searing outside and eliminate the smoke / fat inside by using the cast iron on the grill.
  18. Back to the egg bites - I wipe the inside of jar w sesame oil, good release and flavor. Have been known to serve the chawan mushi in the jar - something I still get grief from Japanese friends about.
  19. I get bags from Vac Sealers Unlimited for both of my sealers. Creasing happens to me when I don't have enough head room in bag .
  20. Those savory egg bites look a lot like Chawan Mushi, a Japanese custard. Yum.
  21. Wasserstrom and Webrestaurant are my two retailers of choice for this kind of stuff. They're price competitive but Wasserstrom usually ships to me cheaper than Webrestaurant will. YMMV. Like the current layout of Webrestaurant, with the Cambros, don't think I've seen that before.
  22. Wasserstrom. http://www.wasserstrom.com/restaurant-supplies-equipment/SearchDisplay?categoryId=&storeId=10051&catalogId=3074457345616677089&langId=-1&sType=SimpleSearch&resultCatEntryType=2&showResultsPage=true&searchSource=Q&pageView=&beginIndex=0&pageSize=20&searchTerm=6+qt+round+cambro#facet:&productBeginIndex:0&facetLimit:&orderBy:&pageView:grid&minPrice:&maxPrice:&pageSize:& I always buy the translucent containers and lids. They'll bag you for about 10 bucks shipping but you can put a lot in your cart before that goes up.
  23. To me a short cook is less than 5' 6". (sorry) I have lids, I use them.
  24. daveb

    Portioning Parmesan

    According to a Sicilian / Italian chef friend of mine it's actually called Italian Wedded Soup and refers to the "marriage" of veg, pasta, sausage in the soup. Americans have kind of bastardized the name. Parm rind or stock would be good. https://books.google.com/books?id=GkQA_gwlRhsC&pg=PA56&lpg=PA56&dq=Italian+Wedded+Soup&source=bl&ots=oV_gtYNsGC&sig=DY3dPvtQRDnhfF2271xFYXq0mdE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7oInYr8nRAhUCwiYKHS7MBskQ6AEIKzAB#v=onepage&q=Italian Wedded Soup&f=false
  25. Put a good book in the bathroom and buy flowers for your "date". I would eat it but not necessarily serve it.
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