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  1. MrsSheepish

    Dinner! 2012

    Oooh! I'm loving the canard dish, I'll have to get Sheepish to get some duck in. Last night, we had a chicken tagine and an adapted spring vegetable couscous from Claudia Roden's Arabesque. Normally, I would do a basic plain couscous but because it was a Sunday, I wanted to dress it up a little. Here it is!
  2. Wow! All these bakes and cakes look wonderful. I'm off to a "Bake & Banter" event at a local cafe this evening so I've made a traditional Welsh cake. Its called Teisen Lap and I also made one a couple of weeks ago for my husbands EG Blog, it was great hence tonight's reappearance! Actually, I made two because I felt the first mix (left) was a little too 'wet', so I quickly got another mix together with less milk. The second one (right) looks better and I've cut the first one to reveal I was right, all the dried fruit has sunk to the bottom! The recipe is here, I've made a couple of changes though, only 2 teaspoons of baking powder and 50 minutes instead of 35 as stated.
  3. MrsSheepish

    Dinner! 2012

    Thank you very much for your kind words! The filling is Boursin with herbs and garlic. I added some double (heavy cream) until I got a good consistency in a food processor.
  4. MrsSheepish

    Dinner! 2012

    It was our anniversary on Friday so I cooked last night as Sheepish cooked last Saturday evening. We had Parmesan crisps with cheese gougeres for amuse bouche. A simple bouillabaisse with a rouille and croutons. Salad Aveyronnaise. Poulet frites and a semi freddo with homemade turron for dessert. It was all very delicious according to Sheepish! Parmesan crisps and gougeres Bouillibaisse Salad Aveyronnaise Poulet frites Semifreddo turron
  5. Hello all! Mrs Sheepish here, Thank you very much for all your kind birthday wishes. Kerry, I'm glad your teisen lap was good, I was pleasantly surprised by how light it was. I'll definitely be making it again. I think Sheepish will be uploading some images soon! x
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