Ok, so far I have made four meals with the SideKIC, along with a couple food-less tests to get a feel for how it can handle pushing up the heat etc. Here are my notes so far: What I like Price point rocks Water circulation is aggressive - it means you have to occasionally monitor your food bags or secure them to prevent them from blocking the intake, but my temp measurements with my Thermapen in four different positions in the bath all read within 1/10th of a degree C for an hour straight. Impressive! Software is intuitive and easy to run. Once at temperature, has no problem holding temp within 1/2 degree C, even with 4 lbs of (dry aged :-) ) steaks in only 9 L of water. This was in a simple rubber maid tub with no insulation and no lid. In a 15 L cooler, also held temp no problem with 2 lbs of sliced potatoes. What I'd like to see considered Top Temp of 85 degree C - many starchy veggies need at least 89 C, so if the current 85 C limit is arbitrary, It would be great to see that pushed to maybe 95 C or so. (Can this be done with a software update??) The corrugated sleeve between the immersion unit and the controller is not very flexible - and is brittle enough to push the controller around. Would be nice if this was a bit more flexible and allowed you to place the controller where I wanted without the corrugated tube trumping my designs. The heater is not powerful enough to meaningfully HEAT water, though it is very capable of MAINTAINING temp. My tests at 10 qts show that it requires 10 min to gain 6 degrees C at 40 degrees C, but only increases the temp 2.2 degrees C in 10 min at 55 degrees C. You will definitely need to use an alternative source to heat the water bath to close to target temp - I quickly resigned to heating my water on the stove. However, this is not a major issue, I would rather heat the water separately than require a unit that cost twice as much simply because it included a more powerful heater. On a less important note, the length of the immersion limits the pots you can use. If there was a bit more depth, it would increase the options on the pot. Beeper when the bath hits the desired temp would be nice. Overall, my initial impression is extremely favorable, especially for the hobby cook. I will certainly be getting a lot of use of my SideKIC, and have already recommended it to a few friends.