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  1. Does anyone know of a place that sells a good variety of lump charcoal in Northern New Jersey or near New York City? We used to purchase our charcoal from Home Town Hearth & Grill in Whippany, but they closed shop last year. They had a fairly good selection, and would stock Dragon Breath, which is an exceptional, hot-burning, low-smoke, long-lasting brand http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lumpdatabase/lumpbag78.htm. Since Home Town closed, I've been searching high and low for a local place. I'm open to mail order as well, but would like to avoid high shipping charges, if possible. I'll be using the charcoal for both barbeque and grilling. I'd be most grateful for any suggestions. Thank you!
  2. A little butter and real maple syrup. B grade, not Fancy A. I prefer the dark, almost toasted, taste. In a pinch, strawberry preserves. I've found myself ordering or making pancakes just because I wanted maple syrup, not to mention bacon (belly or Canadian) in the syrup. Unfortunately I find restaurant pancakes too fluffy. I like them a little dense with crisp edges. Next time I might just get an order of bacon and ask for some maple syrup. And I have been known to smuggle in a little bottle of syrup if I know we're going to a place that only serves the fake stuff.
  3. I have a rice cooker. It's in my basement. For cooking rice, I almost always use a nonstick pan. You're right - no muss, no fuss!
  4. Same here. There were stacks and stacks just collecting dust. I simply had to get rid of them. I did leaf through many magazines, clip some recipes, and put the clips in a binder. Guess what that binder is doing? Collecting dust. Might be time to revisit it and see what I kept, and why!
  5. Thank you, robirdstx!
  6. Lawry's Seasoned Salt. A funny thing happened: We were in a diner and someone at our table said they had the "best home fries ever." I took a taste and said, "Tastes like Lawry's Seasoned Salt," which was used liberally in my home growing up. The waitress told me I had a great sense of taste (I guessed the secret ingredient!). I forgot how good that stuff can be when used appropriately. It has been given new life in my kitchen.
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