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Everything posted by TheNoodleIncident

  1. What's even more odd is that both the UK and US versions have four little switches inside them. The first switch for the US version changes betwen C* and F*. The first swith in the UK version does nothing, literally - so the hardware is there, but the software is not installed.
  2. This is a great idea, and was JUST about to buy one until I realized that these models appear to only measure in C*. I only know F*, and don't want to deal with conversions each time. I put a call into the seller to confirm this. Really hoping they have models that do both. Well, just to confirm, any Thermapen directly from the UK (as is the case with the link above) will only messure in C*. The US models are the ones that have the ability to switch. Too bad, since they are a great price, but I don't want to bother with converting each time.
  3. This is a great idea, and was JUST about to buy one until I realized that these models appear to only measure in C*. I only know F*, and don't want to deal with conversions each time. I put a call into the seller to confirm this. Really hoping they have models that do both.
  4. Great tip, I'll try that. Any idea if they still offer a full warranty? EDIT: None! Oh well.
  5. So the next sale might be as long off as 6 months? I think I'd wait if we were talking a month or so, but I'm not going to wait an incredibly long time to save a few dollars. Also, the consensus is still that the Thermapen is the way to go? Have any competitors caught up?
  6. Been a while since I've stopped in.... So can anyone recommend where to buy a Thermapen? I've debated getting one for too long, and am finally doing it. Unfortunately, it looks like I just missed their "open box" sale. Can anyone tell me how often these occur? I'm not really in a rush, so maybe it's worth waiting. Much appreciated! EDIT: Spelling error in title. Oops.
  7. Rare turkey burgers?
  8. I seem to remember the directions mentioning that milling any sort seed or grain will likely cloud the canister. Doesn't affect anything besides appearance. Also, I think the main benefit to "cooking" soup in the blender itself is just convenience and not having another pot to clean. I don't think it will get hot enough to properly "cook" the soup, so depending on what you are using you may need to saute it ahead of time anyway. Instead, the blender makes it hot enough for service (which is perfectly fine in many cases). I like to use a corn base for soup and go from there. Liquid is either stock or milk/cream. Many differenet directions to go in - fresh herbs (basil, dill, cilantro, etc), garlic/onion/shallots, bacon or ham (not blended), smoke flavor, seafood, other veggies, certain oils and/or butter, some spic heat, whatever. Simple, quick, delicious.
  9. Your hope may be misplaced. http://adland.tv/com...ss-2003-030-usa Ha! That was great. Overall, the sauce wasn't bad. It won't replace real, traditional seasoning, but it was certainly better than the little packets of dry seasoning. For quick meals, I'll stick with the sauce for now. On a side note, this is the first time I used ground venison for tacos, and it's damn good. It just works really well - now my favorite taco meat.
  10. Anyone try any of these? http://www.fronteraf...-sauces/27.html I needed a quick dinner for tonight, so picked up a package of the ground beef seasoning to use with vension tacos. The ingredient list is relatively impressive. Seems to get decent reviews from what I see, and I would hope that Rick wouldn't put his name on crap. Either way, I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow.
  11. Also, if you want something quick and don't want to bake, Costco sells mini cream puffs and mini eclairs. They are very good. I think they are in the freezer section, so they just need a little time to defrost.
  12. What part of LI? We might be neighbors, so maybe I can make a suggestion.
  13. I think the beer gods might be upset with me if I cook with this beer - or at least most hop heads will be . Just recaping and drinking tomorrow is plan B, just hoping for something better.
  14. Just bought a 64oz growler. I'm unlikely to finish the entire thing by myself tonight, so does anyone have tips on how to best save the leftovers? How bad will it be if I just recap whats left? I don't really have any smaller glass containers that would work. If anyone is interested, the beer is Nugget Nectar.
  15. I had considered toasting, and am glad you mentioned it. I'm def going to do that now.
  16. Flavor wise I'm going to keep it simple. The coffee cake already has cinnamon and brown sugar, so I'd stick with that along with the addition of raisins and some vanilla extract. I thought about adding some Frangelico, but I'll save that for next time. I was actually afraid that the entire thing might breakdown and turn into a mushy pile.
  17. Just want some quick advice for a bread pudding-like dessert. I have some left over coffee cake (not a very large piece) which I plan to cube for the pudding. I bet I could use a standard bread pudding recipe, but since the texture/structure of the cake is different than the bread I would normally use, any input is appreciated. Anyone ever done this before?
  18. The Extra Crispy does not taste the same as the original recipe. They're completely different coatings which isn't very logical. Why not make the extra crispy taste like the original but just crispier? Go figure. I don't order the extra crispy because it doesn't taste like anything. It's just all crunchy texture and that's it. Good to know - and I totally agree that it was rather flavorless. I guess the bad news is that I'm now tempted to go back to get a regular piece to see if I still like it. Also, for the record, I love their biscuits if fresh, before they get hard.
  19. Since this topic has come up: I almost never eat KFC, mostly for health reasons. However, yesterday it was my only option, which was sort of nice because I DO like the flavor of KFC. I got a two piece meal, and got the "extra crispy" style because I might as well go all out if I'm going to eat it. I was really disappointed because it was not how I remembered - does the "extra crispy" actually taste different than the regular recipe (aside from the crunch, of course)? Maybe it's been too long and I had some nostalgic memory of it being better, but in the end I didn't even eat the skin/coating and just went for the meat and sides instead.
  20. I agree that a good clam sauce needs to be extra CLAM-Y! Last night's was one of my better ones, though it was still the fairly standard recipe. Like I said, I never really measure, and it seems that I would up with a higher proportion of puree to crushed tomatoes, so the resulting sauce was much thicker and richer of tomato flavor. The downside is that I didn't have as many clams as I originally thought, so it turned out to be a very good red sauce with clams in it, as opposed to a truly good red clam sauce (which a few guests loved, but I prefer the opposite).
  21. I had considered bacon (standard recipe improvement logic), but decided against it because I thought the smokey flavor would be too much, or just contrast with my idea of a good clam sauce. This might be a better idea.
  22. I make a pretty good, but fairly standard red clam sauce. No real measurements, but it usually includes onion, garlic, crushed tomatoes, wine, oregano, parsley, red pepper, and lots of clams w/ some of the juice. I'll add fresh basil when I have it and tomato puree to thicken it a bit. Sometimes a splash of balsamic. Any simple ways to kick this up a bit? I'm not looking to reinterpret the dish, but instead just wondering if I'm missing some fantastic addition or trick? Like I said, it's good, but could definitely be better.
  23. Got a good blender? Frozen banana, chocolate milk (JUST enough to get it blended) and some peanut butter if you want - comes out thick like barely melted soft serve, tastes great, take 3 minutes. Drink it like a milkshake. If your bananas aren't frozen, use a bunch of ice cubes instead. Could also use regular milk, cocoa powder and some sugar (or honey, whatever).
  24. How does this work?
  25. I already halve them when I roast. While trimming the stem end off, I tend to get a few leaves that fall off. If I trim a bit higher, I'll get more. Though I do agree that only the first few layers of leaves would be good for roasting individually.
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