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Everything posted by sigma

  1. What purpose does the butterfly serve?
  2. Thanks. The knuckles look a little vulgar, but that is the price of having the feet on.
  3. So, I don't inject today's chicken with yesterday's, use ice packs or roast on a bed of vegetables. I think these are all ways to unnecessarily complicate the perfectly simple and to create worse results in doing so. I salt a day or two ahead if I have the forethought to do so, roast on a spit, let it rest, make a jus and eat. Oh, I truss, and my chicken has a message for those of you who do not.
  4. sigma

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 3)

    The combination of foie gras and bearnaise is slightly questionable, but the execution is really good. Sauce looks wonderfully made.
  5. Probably Dover sole cooked and bluefin tuna raw, if we are going to be honest about things.
  6. I think you have to take the tough center out. You then have two nice long hangar steaks. You can portion them or cook them whole, but they tend to be wiggly in the pan, they go from basically flat to pretty tall when they hit the heat, which is why people often butterfly and lightly pound them. I go either way, but I wouldn't leave the central nerve in.
  7. Sounds like those damn white people are at it again.
  8. Let's face it, 'regrettableness' is as least as much in the eye of the beholder is beauty. For example, I find many forms of Danish sausage quite unfortunate-looking, like this offering at a Danish Middle-ages Festival (something like a Ren. Fest., but with more focus on period authenticity, hence the cabbage leaf presentation): WP_000201 (2).jpg Despite the cabbage leaf, the sausage is a fairly standard type. I'm loathe to articulate what I find a bit disturbing about the appearance, but leaving aside the potential for hackneyed innuendo, this 'oddness' is only apparent to me, as an outsider; to Danes, who grew up with these, this just looks tasty (and this particular smaple was, in fact remarkably tasty). I'm sure the sausage is tasty, but what is the white rock for?
  9. sigma

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 2)

    Wow Keith, I've never even thought of making a white jus. Very creative. How did you come up with that?
  10. sigma

    Heritage Chicken Eggs

    Well, the human body drops its best quality eggs early on in life, but I have no idea if chickens do, and I don't know if reduced Asperger etc eggs actually taste better from eggs from older birds.
  11. That would be The Local Butcher as mentioned in my original post: http://thelocalbutchershop.com/ Check out the farmers that supply them. The Local Butcher is a wonderful shop.
  12. None of those is a tenderloin alternative. Loin and rib chops would be.
  13. Are people really suggesting you can have Neapolitan pizza without a good char? As somebody who has spent a lot of time in Naples, I can tell you that the char is definitional.
  14. sigma

    Dinner! 2013 (Part 2)

    Actually Keith, that is height.
  15. Could you elaborate on this? I've never used one, but I always have had the impression it allows you to make ice-cream/sorbet/etc to order from the frozen canister so that you don't have to re-churn and/or temper each time you want to get a nice texture. Yes, that is exactly what it does, but how much ice cream and sorbet can you eat at home before becoming Sergeant Fatbody? Great results, though. Also great for farce mousseline.
  16. I have a pacojet at home. It is next to worthless.
  17. Was the branding iron the last great kitchen tool?
  18. I am the opposite of most of you. I salt a day or two before, truss with a needle, stuff with a couple cloves of garlic and some thyme, cover in soft butter and cook at high temp in a traditional gas rotisserie until it is 62 in the leg, about 40 minutes or so for a 3.5 lb chicken. It comes out very well.
  19. sigma

    Greek-American Gyro

    Each picture made me cringe just a little bit more than the one before it, but the last four look awesome, and that's all that really matters.
  20. Cassoulet doesn't need duck confit. Pork confit is fine. It does need preserved meat, though, or it is just beans.
  21. Edward, why is it that you strive to remain so belligerently ignorant of any explanations other than your own. Good, bad, black, white, ignorance.
  22. So your contention is that the way to improve an industry is to make the employment situation more ossified? Interesting.
  23. And my point was that in order to add to our knowledge, concepts have to be generalizable. The generalizable concept is non salary/hourly wage income and whether it is a part of regular compensation. It is kind of the defining question of the whole tipping controversy. Listing other forms of these sorts of compensation only serves to highlight the question at hand, and whether they apply to all professions receiving non wage income is not important. So you weren't obscure, you were unnuanced, it is different.
  24. All this moaning aside, does anybody dispute that servers make roughly 17% on average?
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